There are four snakes in this enclosure. I think it was two tree boa constrictors and two ground boa constrictors.

They share the enclosure with a single gecko.
Who appears to spend most of his time at the tippy top of the tree trunk.

That's as far away as he can get.
There were a few shared enclosures I thought were pretty funny. Like they keep bats together with alligators. This keeps the bats flying which is what the people want to see.
This is the enclosure for the Golden Lion Headed Tamarin.

It's a little tricky to spot, but one of these branches is not real. Look closely.

I love these turkeys.

It looks like they were hit in the head with a cartoon hammer.

We had to push the kids aside to get this picture.

We tried to wait for our turn, but the other kids weren't playing by that rule. I blame their parents.
I love the last picture - priceless!
Oh Jorge, you are hilarious!
We used to have guineas on our farm growing up. They're better than any watchdog.
you are truelly awesome...
Those aren't turkeys--they are Guinea Hens. And they are pure evil. EVIL!!! (
(They stalked me to the carousel last time I took my kids to the zoo. They also run from my parents' neighbor's farm every time I go visit. I hate those things.)
Your life is awesome!!!!! (love the last pic by the way)
LOL! Zoos are more fun for 'grown ups' than they are for kids. Official stance of mine. Thanks for sharing.:)
OMG I love that last picture! You're a kid at heart, aren't you Jorge? Oh, you always make me laugh! Thanks!
I sat at the rabbit on the left. Look at my profile picture :D
Way cool, Jorge, but I never did figure out which branch wasn't real!
Ah, I love the Central Park zoo. Hilarious photo there at the end.
I still have not had a chance to go to the zoo on any of my trips. Looks like fun.. Next time I guess!
Lack of common decency makes me crazy. Why can't people TEACH THEIR CHILDREN that they are NOT the center of the universe? Why can't parents set an example that we should all be wary of how our actions affect others? Why is that so hard?
Sorry, rant over. It is harder to be good parents when there are SO MANY bad ones out there!
: ) P
Um. I'm concerned that I can't see the difference in the sticks. Where's the creature?
Love the bunnies! Yes, blame the parents. I'm a mum of three and they try to be polite, but it's a push and shove generation dammit!
Snap, we had to take that picture too -
Hmmm. From polar bears to rabbits. Why does that make me think of a tv show you're on? Hmmmm.
Well, apart from the zoo visit I just want to say You are my most favorite actor on Lost. I am a pakistani in Pakistan so you should know that you have fans all around the world :)
I had to take a picture in the Children's Zoo too!
Geniales fotos, me encantan!!
A propósito, la semana que viene Matthew Fox en el Hormiguero en España, eso no a tener precio!! xD jajajajaajajaa
We have guineas all over the place here in Arkansas. You can often find them blocking the middle of the street on any given day during the summer. We had some growing up and I couldn't stand them! They make a terrible noise over and over until they drive you up the wall! But they do eat ticks, so that's the good thing about having them.
Wow, does this comment make me sound like as much of a hick as I feel like it does?
Polar bears, withe rabbits... Are you sure it´s only coincidence? haha! just kidding!
your turkeys are guineas! i grew up outside of town w/plenty of land and my parents have had them running around the yard ever since i can remember! they come in pearl (like you saw), solid white, and gray. they all have the bump on their head though!
Those turkeys look like headed stones. My local zoo (Belfast) has great attractions like the pig ridin' pony
Lol! Yes the kid in us is never far away X:-)
Hey c´mon dude, what the heck are you waiting to start working again? don´t you see we are thousands waiting for season 6? Stop lazying around and back to work¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡
Greetings from South Spain, colega¡¡¡¡ :)
I am so glad you all had fun in NYC. I have not been to that zoo in a very long time.
Of course, I love the bunny photo. You guys look like kids playing pretend. lol
I see a lot of "the lack of courtesy" from kids. It saddens me.(And yes, blame the parents)
Let me know if you guys make your way to Disney World. I think you'd enjoy the search for all the "hidden Mickey's" around the parks.
We make a game out of it. Have you done this before?
Those weird rabbit animals scare me.
Turkey's? They look more like pea hens to me. Of course I'm blind as a bat, they may be Hurley birds for all I know!
PPs correct, that's a guinea (a.k.a. guinea fowl). I grew up on 120 acre farm and we always had guineas around. I'm not sure what good they are, other than being great "watchdogs" (they make a racket when cars approach or when animals chase them), plus I think they eat fleas.
They roosted in our pine trees in our front yard. I have fond memories of them hollering "pot-rack!".
Ha! I have that same bunny picture from the Central Park Zoo! I would post it if I knew how to do that sort of thing! Stay cool!
Love your blog-you are awesome!
I once went to the Bronx Zoo and when I was in the reptile space there were these two older straight out of Jersey women. Suddenly one of them hollers out "Oh my god...there's a frog in there with that snake...what if he eats him" in the strongest Jersey/New Yorker accent I have ever heard in my life. It was HILARIOUS!
hey man, is not a turkey.. in brazil we call "galinha de angola" or "angola chicken"
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