July 24th 2008.
I lost a whole outfit.
It all didn't happen at the same time either.
Okay. I was in the car waiting for a meeting I was going to have with a director. And while I was waiting I thought I'd fix my bluetooth.
A piece broke off inside it and now when I snap it together it doesn't stay together in my pocket. So I figured if I can Krazy Glue it together and it still works then I won't have to replace it just yet. The Krazy Glue I opted to buy was the one that has a brush in the lid for precision gluing in hard to reach places. Now the trick to this type of gluing is that it requires two hands (one to hold the bottle the other to hold the lid with the brush attached).
However I also needed two hands to snap the two parts together. Okay so that's four hands. Of which I only have two so my hands are doing double duty. So I have my bluetooth and the bottle in my left and brush-lid in my right and trying to get around to the other side as I was applying the glue I poured the bottle of glue onto my stomach.
The first reaction is "Damn!"
The second reaction is "Oh my God! That burns!"
I pulled my shirt away from my body and tried to wipe anything on me with the bottom of the shirt. In an instant they were both dry. And crusty. I tried to separate the two shirts which were now glued to each other.

Well, neither of them made it. Luckily I was traveling last night so I had luggage and clothes in the trunk. And since I was parked by a dumpster I could dispose of the shirts.

A quick change and I had my meeting.
Then it was off to the airport. And just my luck, as I bent down to remove my shoes in the security line I felt my pants split. Now at this point I don't have access to my clothes. The luggage was already checked. So I had to take my flight with split pants. Luckily my t-shirt was pretty long. Do you think anyone noticed?