So as reported in previous posts you don't even have to leave your hotel in Costa Rica to see exotic wildlife. Well just taking a short drive around the vicinity you can come across any number of wild animal that you would only see in a zoo.
A good tip off is if you see people pulled over taking pictures of something, chances are they spotted something cool. Remember look both ways if you're crossing the street.
The first thing we saw on our drive was a three-toed sloth.

Can you see it? Probably not. But if you look in the middle of the picture. That blob where the branch meets the tree? Three toed sloth.
Here's a picture that I lightened up a bit on my computer.

Now I'm going to zoom and crop to get a close as I can.

Okay. I admit it's not much of a picture. My little point and shoot camera makes a better record that I was there than a picture of what I saw. But still it was a pretty cool thing to see.
Basically what you're looking at is this.

This picture comes from my fold out guide to costa rican wildlife I picked up at my hotel.

I'll be using this thing a lot because my pictures are all pretty much like this.
By the way here is the official pic of the coati.