The star of this place is Gus a GINORMOUS polar bear.

He shares the enclosure with Ida who slept most of the time.

By the way if you find yourself sleeping on a bar mat, you'll get more cushion if you fold it and double it up.
I have no real proof, but I believe this is their toilet.

How can be polar bears so sweet? :P
I went to a zoo recently, but the polar bear was hidden.
Your pictures are beautiful... did you use telephoto or something like that?
I ask 'cause if you want to see the animals in the pictures I took you need a magnifying glass...
Hey, it's just like that one thing that you are involved with!!
Hey, i think your silver dust from the previous post came from your shower curtain. my shower curtain at home does the same thing to me. the metal from the hooks rubs the metal curtain rod and leaves that dust on my hands.
Dude, check our game, please=)
Those are some huge polar bears.
Good one, Ralph.
Jorge, your delivery is so great.
Son preciosos!!!!Da gusto verles dormir
this is not the place where they should be.
but they're cute and your pics are great !
but i cannot stop myself feeling sorry watching them in an environment that push them away from their very nature.
Requisite Dharma reference.
Those bears are HUGE! Polar bears are my favorite animal, but I wouldn't want to be too close to one of them.
I'm guessing a lot of people tried to get you in their pictures of the bear, huh? Pfft...Lost-freaks...
...by the way, Lost is awesome. :)
Adorable photos (well, not the toilet one)! And thanks for the advice about the bar mat!
so sweet!
did you happen to notice if they were wearing Dharma collars?
Perfect day to be in NYC it was beautiful, unless your a polar bear just wishing for a blizzard.
Holy Freak! Those paws are bigger than my head!!!
I kinda miss the giant polar bear on the island, seeing those pics of the ones in the zoo. Of course, having the one on the show running toward me with fangs bared is a lot scarier.
Those photos are great! I sleep on a bar mat at home, and it's fabulous. ;)
Good thing Josh Holloway isnt around I heard hes into shooting those things ha enjoy NY I heard they shut down times sq and made it into a walkway for pedestrians i havent been there since i moved away from there a few months ago ENJOY
I love the comment about the bar mat! What nice-looking polar bears! Hope you brought some fish biscuits with you!!!
While visiting these same polar bears three years ago, one pooped in the stream that lead to the swimming area where the other one was swimming. A bunch of watchers got to witness poo in the face first hand, and floating poops everywhere in the water. We just sat there laughing as parents and kids were disgusted!
I had no idea bears started using toilets!
So much for that old axiom about what bears do in the woods.
I wonder if the polar bears might like an iPod TP holder?
Seems to be the "it" gift this season...
Awww...happy polar bears.
OMGWTF POLAR BEAR!!!??? Really, I saw no one else had said that and it just had to be said.
Kate: Where did that come from?
Sawyer: Probably Bear Village... How should I know?!
Kate: I meant the gun.
I was at that zoo a couple of weeks ago when I visited America.
I really want to ride a polar bear. Not in the way you're thinking. I'd just pop on a cowboy hat and some leather boots and ride it. Not in the way you're thinking.
They seem to be a little boring, perhaps not very well cares? or is it that it may be too hot for them in Manhattan?
Let me introduce you aa amazing Zoo we have here in Costa del Sol, is a must seen place http://www.zoofuengirola.com/eng/index.php
Mmmmm... polar bears? Maybe the Island ones? That´s really funny ^_^
Awwwww, and Ida is sooooo cute!!!!
In Hawaii was polar bear!?
What great shots. I adore polar bears! Isn't Central Park great? So much to do and see in one place.
Enjoy your stay in New York.. Maybe get some tasty soul food BBQ at Brother Jimmy's or Sylvia's - yummmm.
You should visit northern Manitoba (Canada) where they have dozens of polar bears. Unfortunately unlikely Gus and Ida, the Manitoba Polar Bears are grouchy moochers.
Hi Jorge, it's my first post on your blog. I'm french.
Your pics of this bear are really good :) like yourself :D you are cute bear too hehe
take are.
Aww, I just want to cuddle Gus. Probably not a recommended idea, though. :)
Lol! Love tha bear Loo! X;-)
Sweetie - one favour - please!
If you are going to post snake pictures - could you give a snake warning? Please? Pretty please?
My heart is still pounding.....
Que fofo o ursinho! Adoro fazer também visita ao Zoo... A gente aprende um monte de informações sobre os animais. Amei as fotos, uma mais linda que a outra!
Beijãoooo =)
Gus is gorgeous!! I'm sorry but I find it funny you focusing on the polar bear...hey what happened with those comic books anyway? That better be answered!LOL!
No Dharma logo huh? Were there real polar bears on the Lost set?
Here is a good song about Gus...
I demand photo credit Jorge!! I'm kidding, but Gus is pretty awesome and I loved Ida's self-made pillow. Thanks for suffering through that Zoo with us, it was fun!
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