Man I'm still blogging about my New York trip in May.
So the purpose of the trip was to do Late Night with Jimmy Fallon,

where I also got to meet the Lonely Island guys who were on the same show as me.

Also to my surprise his stage manager used to be my neighbor when we were little.
But this is about my dressing room.
When I got in I noticed this knob.

This is what I do. When I go into a new room or house I want to know what all of the switches on the wall do.
I couldn't figure out what it was for so I followed it up the wall

where I found this other knob.

Now this knob is in a speaker in the ceiling. So if it's to control anything, only the tall or exceptionally long armed (law men and gorillas) can adjust it.
It turned out that both of them don't do anything anymore.
They may have been to control the volume on what's going on onstage. But that is merely a best guess.
Hmmmmmm, VEDDY interesting.....
Or maybe it was a bug listening in on your conversation.
Wait, Jimmy Fallon's studio is in Dharmaville?
It looks like the system they had in my church growing up - it was only in a few rooms, but it allowed parents with noisy kids to listen the the service from a classroom or the mother's room (while feeding a baby) so they wouldn't bother anyone else.
I don't know what the knob on the ceiling does, but the black knob turned the speaker on & off and adjusted the volume. So my guess is that guests used to be able to listen to what was going on on stage while they were in that room, via the speaker on the ceiling.
At the theatre I used to work at we had those so we can hear what was on stage. But it looks like there was a nice flat screen tv right next to it to see the stage.
I was going to say pretty much exactly what Amy said.
So...good guessing, Mr. Garcia!
I agree with amy we have them at our church too in the cheche etc.
We have buttons like that in out church, so you can hear the talks from the chapel when you are in different rooms.
That was such a great show. Jimmy is so awkward and funny.
The two of you should have had a battle of wits. Or a dance off. Can you do the Roger Rabbit like he can?
Continue being a great entertainer.
You met a former neighbor? Small world, small world.
omg I hope you offered to be in The Lonely Island's next video! :)
I hope Fallon won't be suing you over your accusation that he allegedly has "weird knobs." :)
I'm on a blog. I'm on a blog. I'm on a motherfucking blog!
Maybe the button on the speaker itself was the original volume control, but then they realized that the majority of the population is not freakishly tall and added the wall control.
Did you turn the knobs and wait to see if something blew up?
We've got the same knob and speaker where I work, (Havertys Furniture). The knob is used to control the volume of speakers for our intercom system. Like if I'm in the break room and want to ignore pages, I turn the volume down!
Me rikey velly much! And yes, I hope you get to be in the Lonely Island's next videoclip, J-Man! And Jimmy Fallon! What's next? Oprah? Unless you've been on Oprah...
Every time you turn the knob sommewhere in New York someones lights go on and off...
The long Island bros are hilarious... Did you get to do any skits with them?
ei!!! jimmy fallon!!!! that's great!!!
jorge, i find a picture os hurley, in a comic:
hurley comic
read the comic here:
Those knobs look like part of a Dharma station.
Curiouser and curiouser.
And I'm super-jealous that you hung out with the Lonely Island guys!!
Helo Jorge!
I wold like that you see that version
of you made by a brasilian designer Ricardo Braga. His blog is It is very cool!!!
I post in my blog . The blog is about Lost, of course!!
We, brasilian people, love you!
Sorry for the bad english....
law men... long arm... tehehe
Weird and mysterious...
Hahaha! I love this blog! So cool!
Sorry to post again under this, but you may like this link. Dr. Oz on Facebook, letting us all know what our poop should look like. lol I love Dr. Oz.
they just put the knob there to drive you crazy.
I'm insanely jealous. I've been dreaming of getting my hands on Jimmy's knobs for years. I hope you enjoyed it.
Have you asked Jimmy about this? Maybe the room is being bugged and he doesn't know it...or maybe he does! Thanks for always giving me something to laugh about, Jorge! Love you!
Are you implying that your're a knob? :-P Hee Hee
...and you jizzed in your pants :D
Dude, those knobs remind me of something from LOST! Too funny!
i have two words for you...
Jimmy Fallon *is* a weird knob.
Juvenile, I know, but it cannot be left unsaid
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