For those of you in the LA area who want to see a great play. Check out

at the Lankershim Arts Center. I saw it last night. Sam is so good in this role. He's like a the love child of Norman Bates and Snagglepuss. It's quite awesome. And nothing like the Bernard you know. It's a great night of laughs and darkness. He's extended until May 16.
I'm nowhere near L.A. but thanx for the heads up anyways. I really enjoy when Sam plays evil. He was great as the head of Wolfram & Hart on Angel.
hi! did u saw my last comment? he i know you probably are too busy in the hole day hehe i want to know what kind of games do you play on your ds!! it would be amazing just to know that you are reading the comments n__n well hope you can play harvest moon!! its a great game! greetings from monterrey mexico!
Cool! I remember seeing him in a guest spot on the Golden Girls -- he was playing a pyromaniac (or was it a pathological liar?) at the mental health clinic where Rose worked. He was SO young and skinny!
@Kevin: OMG, I had totally forgotten about him on Angel!!!
I always thought Bernard had a creepy side. It's something about those eyes. Hope Munich is treating you well, do you ever get a break or are you constantly having to do interviews ans such?
I don't know if you watch SNL, but if you do, take a look at my latest post, it may give you a chuckle or two. :)
Wow hi Jorge
its me :)
i was on the event in munich and i take a picture with you pls klick on my profil and you will see the picture.
this women is a speaker of the german Priemere
nice day jorge and i hope you answer me :)
bye bye
He will never be as scary as he was on "Growing Pains."
...scared the hell out of me...
So thats where bernard has been! =D
I saw him in Milton Keynes in the UK in 2006...
I liked him best in Forest Gump:
"Boy your momma sure does care about your schoolin'"
sounds pretty nice, just a pity I so so so far from LA :(
Jorge, have fun if you go!!!!
That's some creepy looking shit man.
When are you making your stage debut, Jorge? You'd be a good Macbeth.
Film yourself doing a "is this a dagger I see before me?" and put it on here. It would please me.
Norman Bates and Snagglepuss? Now there's two words I never thought I'd hear in the same sentence. Looks like a great play... ah the theatre! I miss it!
Ohhhh, I wish I lived in the area so I could see this. The poster makes me think of Poltergeist when Carol Anne buried her dead bird in a box - it was a sign of bad things to come...
Foodles. That sounds cool.
I miss Rose and Bernard!
It's a shame I'm not in LA. I would have loved to see him in this play. Any chance the theatre company/play will tour near Vancouver, BC?
By the way, is this why we haven't seen Rose and Bernard?
oooo that does look good! Too bad I don't live anywhere close to LA! Thanks for letting us know!
This play was wonderful! I saw it back in April with some friends. :)
Thanks for the heads-up, Jorge! I'll try to catch him.
Great! But I can't watch it. lol
Hugs Jorgeman!
He'll always be Mr. Gorpley to me.
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Dentist's are creepy...
Maybe he'll tour soon I'm on the East Coast.
I didn't even know this place existed yet it's so close to where I live. I should try to go see it!
You didn't happen to eat at the Eclectic Cafe (Wine Bar and Grille), did you?
I wondered what happened to Bernard...where's Rose??!
Wish I was in LA to see it, Bernard (and of course Rose) are among my favorite characters.. they're just so perfect together. If you see Sam, please send him best wishes from my daughter, Annie and myself.
wowwww ¡¡¡ i would like to see it, but i live so so far.
Jorge, Can you pay me a fly to LA?, jeje.
ok, it's a joke.
Regards from MAdrid
awesome! now we know what bernard is up to.
ooo fabulous! I will send this recomendation to friends I have over there!
I went to see this with friends the weekend before Easter. You're right, it's great, and Sam is so good in it.
'The love child of Norman Bates and Snagglepuss' - LOL! So true.
I miss Rose and Bernard. I wonder if we will find out what happened to them or if we will be left in limbo...never knowing...
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