It was cool. Samuel L. Jackson sat behind me.
I wanted to offer him my seat because I wasn't sure if I could relax knowing that
But the highlight of the night was without a doubt, the movie.
It is so good. It is so beautiful. And it sets up the franchise so well. I don't want to give anything away, so that's all I'm going to say about it.
At the party there was a photo booth to take pictures with Star Trek gear. Here are mine.
Spock wig and communicator (I think)

I made sure the next guy got it right.

I love that last picture. It's a keeper!
I love that last picture. It's a keeper!
So did you introduce yourself to Samuel L. Jackson, or talk with him at all? And would someone like myself who has never been into Star Trek like the movie, or do you sort of have to be in the know to fully appreciate it?
I'm excited to see it and those pics are so great!
Two words: Star Trek/IMAX
(The forward slash doesn't count as a word.)
So super cool!
I'm mega geeked out to see this film.
The characters are like old friends, and seeing them as youngins' makes me all sorts of emotional. (I got kinda teary just from the previews! Shhh, don't tell!)
I hope that phaser was just set to stun...
Can't wait for it!
Sitting behind Samuel L. Jackson would be like peeing next to Tom Cruise....once he goes, you go a little....if Jackson laughs, you're laughing right along with him. I'm so excited to see it. I'm jealous of your vulcan ears.
haha love the pics! I'm so excited for Star Trek!
You look so coy in the last picture!!
Sounds like a great night. JJ was hilarious on Jimmy Kimmel.
: ) P
The movie looks really good. I was surprised because my husband really wants to see it and he is a hardcore Star Wars guy.
Aww! I think it's so cool to hear that famous folks are fans of other famous folks...keeps it all in perspective. I'm glad you got to go to the premiere - that sounds wicked awesome!!
Megan @
i'm interested to see how many people will think that justin is damon.
I totally agree with your thoughts on the movie. I got to see it in Austin and it blew me away. JJ definitely got it right! Glad you liked it!
Oh, I can't wait! I am so jealous! I have been a fan since the original series.
My husband and I are Star Trek TNG nerds. We're excited to see it - Love J.J. Abrams stuff too! (Have you seen Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog????)
Anyway.. love the pics too!
OMG yes! I saw Star Trek two weeks ago and loved it. JJ did a great job with that one, but hey, i totally knew he would. I just want it to premiere here so I can go watch it again!
That is sooo flippin sweet! :)
That's nothing. Samuel L. Jackson once bought a bin from my nephew's shop in Liverpool.
I'm glad to hear it. I'm looking forward to seeing this.
@Tina- I'm a Star Trek TNG nerd too.
Frankly I would say - you are very fit this wig.!
In a wig you are like the Beatles((((:-)
I can't wait to see this film. That's awesome Samuel L. sat behind you. Did you get to talk to him?
I think that justin is damon.
You're looking mighty Crafty (ala beastie boys) in those spock ears. Way to work it! I can't wait to see this film!
Great photos and I'm very envious as I'm dead keen to see that movie - I wouldn't be able to cope with Sam behind me though
lol, LOVE the Spock wig! :)
I love that last picture. It's a keeper!
I won local preview tickets so I got to see it Sat, and all I can say is Wow! That was an awesome movie!!!! There was a lot of audience applause throughout.
You should of posted this today ... it is Star Wars Day ... May the Fourth (be with you!!)
yay for you! thanks for sharing your pics. i definitely like the ears one the best.
The proctologist pose with the glove is the one that makes me laugh. Great photos!
You lucky bastage!
I am proud to say that I did figure out it was Beth's brother. Though, I did wonder if it was Damon at first. Very funny.
I'm not a Trekkie but I'm looking forward to seeing this movie. Mostly for Simon Pegg.
I was buying tickets for a broadway show years ago and Samuel L. Jackson walked up to the Will Call window, with his little cap on and said "Tickets for Jackson, Samuel L." I got the biggest kick out of him using his full stage name :-)
Those pictures are hilarious! If I'd had Samuel L. Jackson sitting behind me, I might have been inclinded to say, "Did you hear? There are snakes in this movie theater!"
-sqee!- Sammy J! I think I would have done the same thing... "zomg it is sammy j and he is totally sitting behind me... zomggg."
haha, =D
Oh good! I can't wait to see it!!!!
My hub is counting down to Star Trek. But I had to check if you have seen this:
It's hilarious, though I am so sorry about your character, Jorge!
haha that is so awesome
i hope u got to talk to him!
nice vulcan ears! i cant wait to see this movie but i have to wait till my finals are over :/
I love the pictures!!!
My whole family is taking the day off on Friday to go. I had such a crush on Spock when I was a kid!! I am soooooooooooo excited to see the movie!
Samuel L. I would have been excited and scared at the same time to have him behind me.
Awesome pics :)
I can`t wait to see Star Trek!! I`m going to see it next weekend I`m looking forward to Zachary Quinto as Spock.
Great pictures! So cool that you sat in front of Samuel L. Jackson!!! I can't wait to see the movie...I can tell it's gonna be good!
Last pic = total vulcan bad ass. "Live long and prosper...or die!"
:D Eeeeeee I'm so looking forward to seeing the movie!!! And I'm glad you had fun.
Saw the previews of this week's Lost on Doc Artz's Lost site, and without giving any spoilers - I love your scene there. Looking foward to the season finale and, of course, the final season!
Thanks so much for the review! I usually never listen to others opinions on movies becasue they never have the same taste as me. The fact that you know the differences b/w "Star Trek" from "Star Wars", I feel I can make an exception. Since I'm here, having never been her before ( think too much Star Trek in my head right now), I would like to add how much I appreciate the work you do on Lost. To me, you are the heart of the show. Hurley does offer many momments resulting in laughter, but the way you are able to put through his sensitive side, and sometimes the grounded voice of truth. I really hope we get to see more of Hurley and learn more about him before the show signoff next year. What a bummer for us fans, but I bet you have bigger and better things to do - like finally get to relax. Thanks for keeping entertained!
Amazing. That story makes me smile from start to finish. The pictures definitely add to the adventure.
u r too funny! i wish we were friends in highschool lol
last pic is totally a keeper!
Am defnitely looking forward to the new Trek film.. glad to hear you liked it.. I get the impression you have good taste. =)
You seem like a down to earth, laid back dude. Stay that way. So many actors of your success seem so unfriendly and "greater than thou". You would be a fun and good friend to have. Many blessings to you!
Everything about this new Star Trek was great as far as i'm concerned, except at the theater the reel kept jumping and the sound went out a couple of times... why are movie theaters still using film i wonder?
I always wonder what happens when two well-know actors meet for the first time. Is it as awkwark as it is for the rest of us mortals? The secret I guess is to be "normal" and don't assume that the other guy knows you from your work. This is all irrelevant to me, because 1)I'm not a famous anything. 2)I go a bit star-struck when I meet famous people, so probably wouldn't have the courage to say hi anyway. Except Patrick Stewart, he was a really nice guy. Looking foward to Star Trek, big time!
your samuel jackson comment made me LOL for reals
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