This was my favorite sign. We giggled every time we saw it. And we saw it a lot. It basically means "off ramp" so you can imagine...

Will you stop shoving that frog down my shirt and pull my finger already!

From the plane we had a great view of the Alps.

Hey Jorge, just discovered this blog of yours and thought I should say something... um... yeah you know, lost is the best blah blah you're awesome etc. We are like freaking 7 episodes behind here in Mexico, 100% uncool... anyways, looks like a fun blog, thanks for sharing what part of your life is like, I'll see you around...
That sign is too much! You should submit it to Funny Engrish!!
Thank you for sharing photos of your adventures. I don't get out much and the most "off ramp" action I see - heard coming from the husband.
hahah great sign and gorgeous view! Already gearing up for tonites finale!
i don´t understand what´s funny about that sing. maybe cause i´m german. could you help me with that ?!?
That sign means 'exit'. And I know it I am a German. I don't get the funny part, sorry. But I like your blog.
Hilarious (the sign). Just hilarious!
Oh how I love foreign words.... were on The View today!!!
You were tremedous on The View today and Fallon last night, Jorge! I also watched your appearance a few weeks ago on The Bonnie Hunt Show. Everytime I see ya, I loves ya more!
Thanks for these great photos from your Munich trip! The Alps are gorgeous and the Ausfahrt sign cracks me up too! To those of Germany, fahrt sounds like a word in English that is a rude sound made by folks..... I will say no more LOL! Thanks again for your great blog and photos, Jorge!
I took pictures of those Ausfahrt signs when I was over there, too- Oh the things that make us Americans laugh!
I also got a kick out a sign that said "Tageshits", which is basically a "Specials of the Day" kind of thing, and another in the Alps for a mountain called "Blindsee" (how's that for an oxymoron?).
Cannot WAIT to see the finale tonight!!!!! 8D
We ausFhart
: ) P
Those mountains are gorgeous!
Wow that view is incredible!!!
Haha....yeah, those signs always made me laugh too. The Germans just don't know how funny they are. ;) ;)
That sign just made my day. Soooooo funny!!!
What do you mean? You were happy to leave? Happy to go back home?
Reese Witherspoon said the same thing about the Ausfahrt signs.
Those mountains look so cool.
Also, I am about to die of anticipation for the finale! :D
bwhahaha! Oh my, I would have laughed too every time I saw that.
ha ha, I love those signs! When I was driving through Germany we were with a 70 year old woman who at one point asked, "What is this place called Ausfahrt?"
I'd love to get those signs on our Interstates. :D
Lol that sign is awesome.
The sign is great. It reminds me of when I was in japan when I would have a nice asse chocolate bar and wash it down with a cold can of pocari sweat. Yum!!
"Some Americans will go their entire stay in Germany thinking all roads lead to the town of Ausfahrt."
-Rick Steves on his Europe DVD series
It's sort of like some visitors here in Hawaii thinking 'Mahalo' means trash (that is, if they spend their entire stay eating at McDonald's).
I hope you didn't get confused with the signage for the bathrooms. Herren and Damen get some people confused.
A funny british comedy called "are you being served" had a very funny episode called German Week.
When I went to Germany with high school, we ALWAYS giggled at that sign! I always love the comments you put on your pictures...always makin' me laugh! Thanks Jorge!!!
LOVE your sign picture!!! You should do a coffee table book of the road signs from your travels!!!
Loved "Wheel of Dude" on J.F. last night!
OH BOY - it's finale night - time to kick the phone off the hook & get ready for a crazy ride!!! (Because the finale is always a crazy ride!)
:o) K
comedy GOLD:
Hey Hugo, seems like you had a lot of fun in Germany :D
watching the season finale right now and it's awesome.
greetings from Berlin.
Off Topic but i09 posted their favorite Hurley clips from this season.
Stay cool!
Sorry that this is off topic from your great photo, but I just watched The Incident. I wanted to tell you that I love what you have done with the character of Hurley. He is by far my favorite. And, I am so very happy that nothing happened to Hurley. I was afraid we would have a final season without his character and that you would have to leave your house in Hawaii. Thank you for the great work!
fun to read that you have to giggle all the time you see a sign i pass every morning on my way to work. Why is "Ausfahrt" so funny? ^^ ;)
Totally not related but I just watched the finale episode and it pretty much blew my mind!!!! So So fantastic!!! Not enough Hurley though!!
haaaahahaha! I remember the first time I was in Germany (we actually rented a car and drove to Germany just to go to Wal-Mart - Yeah, that's what living in Europe does to you!) Anyway, I kept seeing those signs and said to my husband and his brother "Wow, that ASSFART place must be HUGE!" Totally not getting that it meant off ramp, rather thinking it was signs to a city. I'm a moron.
I did do one even better the last time I was in Germany though. Check it out:
Gotta love hilarious foreign signs! The ones in China are the best, especially menus translated into English. Fish (carp) served with vegetables is translated as 'Carp in the grass' and 'carp' is frequently misspelt - resulting in a dish you certainly wouldn't want to eat!
I have tried VERY hard to understand what is so funny about the sign... but I just dont get it !! But great pics and thanks for sharing your adventures with us. Will you ever go to Denmark ???
Funny story about a road sign, but it is a strange sense of humor man from America.
I just can't understand what there is so funny about the Ausfahrt sign neighter.
I think i have to google it.
Can't stand to be left in the dark...
Jorge! My name is Cristina and I'm from Spain (I really enjoyed your adventures with the ants on El Hormiguero!).
I write to you asking you for something maybe impossible... I'm a postcard collector, I like to receive postcards from all over the world... would you like to contribute to my cause sending me one from your place? :) It would make me really happy... and I'll send you one from Spain if you like to! :)
Thank u, thank u, thank u :)
OMG LOST FINALE! You guys rock. You were great in it! This show gives me grey hairs, but in the best way. I know you answer questions like this a lot, but- do you know who the guy is who is pretending to be Locke?? NOT because I want to know, because I am curious about how much they tell you!
To explain why "Ausfahrt" is funny to English-speakers:
Ausfahrt sounds like two English words. Ass (butt, derrière)and fart (to pass gas). It sounds like "Ass-fart."
It's funny in a Benny Hill or Monty Python sort of way.
Jorge, gotta give props to you and the whole cast. I had brain matter leaking out my ears by the time the finale was over!
Jorge - long time reader, but had to comment on your awesome job this season. I went into the incident that as long as Hurley made it ok, then I could live with whatever else they do.
Your interaction with Miles is awesome. I really hope to see more of that next season and am very glad you didn't lose another close friend.
You are a great actor and an awesome down to earth person. I wish you all the happiness in the world. :)
HOLY CRAP the finale was amazing!!!! It must feel great knowing that you're part of the best show ever created. wow wow wow wow. :) just thought i'd let ya know. :)
Jorge! the finale was awsome!!!!! i love you as hugo, it must be great to know what will come next.
greetings from spain!
un beso!
Enjoy your break man, you deserve it.
From one heterosexual man to another, the blazer you wore the other night on Fallon, with the skull on it, about as rock 'n roll as it gets. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
HI jorge so you are now out from munich xD
why you dont stay LONGERRRR
maybe we meet us xD at STACHUS
bye kezwan
@Gary S
The German word "aus" (out) doesn't sound anything like ass:
And "Fahrt" is a very common word with a lot of different meanings ( )
It is also used in many German compound words (*fahrt* )
Being a native speaker I also don't find the word "Ausfahrt" particularly funny, but I bet the French won't get it why Germans always laugh about their "sauf bus"-signs too... ;)
LOVED the last episode! So great! But sometimes I wish the characters would state the obvious. Like when Sawyer tells Jack that he just wants to talk for 5 min, Jack should have at LEAST said, "Sure, no prob. Oh FYI - Sayid is bleeding to death in the back seat."
When I was in Munich with my family recently I kept seeing the Ausfahrt signs everywhere and I was thinking that the city, Ausfahrt, was HUGE. My mom got a good laugh out of it before telling me it was the off ramp. I made sure to get a FAHRT picture every single day for my blog readers.
@ Andi
I know that German "Aus" and English "Ass" don't sound alike, but coupled with fahrt/fart it's close enough to create juvenile giggles. Please don't shoot the messenger, I'm just trying to explain the almost-homophone.
What´s so funny about "Ausfahrt"? Sorry I live in germany so I don´t get it :P
Thank you Jorge for posting all those pictures from Munich.
I am from Germany, Bavaria and I've never came to the idea that "Fahrt" could mean something special in english haha. I hope you enjoyed your stay so we germans will see you over here soon again! =)
Can I ask, how is it you flew over the Alps, snaped that shot and did not think about the movie "Alive". I would have been rocking back and forth until the plane landed. Pretty ironic, too, since you star on a show that is based on a plane crash. A little too ironic...yeah I really do think...
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