We hit the ground running in Madrid. Starting with the "ant show."
The next day was full of interviews followed by the premiere event for the fans.
But before I had to leave for that, we took a moment to grab some tapas.

It was nice. We tried a bunch of stuff but nothing beat the Jamón Ibérico and Manchego.

Which they carve right from this leg held in place with a "jamonera."

Don't worry I'm sure the tin foil keeps it sanitary.
Better have me a a strong "café con leche" because I still have a long night ahead of me.

This brings me back to the Cuban coffee I used to have at Abuela and Bente's.

I agree, nothing beats the Jamón Ibérico!
Queso manchego and jamon, delicious! I love your posts about your travels.
p.s. the finale ROCKED last night. awesome stuff.
That looks so delicious!
I love tappas, they're cheap, you can eat alot of them and they're cheap!
i'm sorry - i can't help myself... how freaking darling are you!
I am so jealous! I used to live in Madrid and love it. It's great to go out and "tapaear" (have tapas)...
Ooow "café con leche"! I like it! Our traditional "café com leite" in Brazil! Hehe
Sucess Jorgeman! \o/
and nothing beats a cafe con leche
We go to Spain at least once a year and we always go tapa hopping (you get one tapa and 'drink' at each bar). So much fun!
Jamón rules!!!
Lol...just don't feed any of that to the wild boars in Hawaii...LOVED your interview the other night...WELCOME TO NYC!!!
That looks GOOD!
Jamón it's just jamón ^.^ and with Manchego, better.
excellent season finale!
I watched the clip from the Jimmy Fallon show and LOVED the Wheel of Dudes. I was sitting here at home, by myself, laughing my butt off.
Is that a human leg....
Salivating... looks yum!
Oh, I love Madrid. It was the first alone w/o the kids trip I had taken with my husband. Food was excellent as well. Soo, at the end of the finale, I shrieked like a little girl when I realized how long I have to wait the year TWENTY-TEN! It was the same feeling I had when I wathed Sydney wake up and find that Vaughn was married. --I wonder how many times I'm going to have to watch the Lost special of Ace of Cakes in order to get through.
LOVED The finale, when it was over I just wanted to do a little time traveling myself so I could get to next seasons first show.
Man... all of Lost fandom is typing away about WHH, DisD, Jacob, Esau etc and you're talking about Spanish ham?! Not cool!
PS: just joking, love u dude.
Lovely, Spain is great!
Looks Delish!!! Sounds like you had a great trip.
The finale was, as usual, awesome and as usual confusing. Leaving more questions to be answered. But it still rocked! Great job. I am almost in tears thinking that its the last season next year. :(
Nos encantó verte en España. Cuando vuelvas te invito a mi casa a comer jamón. Tengo uno bueno bueno.
We loved to see in Spain. Once again I invite you to my house to eat ham. I have a good good.
I live in Madrid (I'm Spanish) and I really like watching people like you enjoying our city, about "El Hormigero" its a really shitty program where a group of crazy people say lot of things meaningless, I hope you dont think that everyone here is like them.
Love your blog Jorge! You were great on Jimmy. So what did you think of the finale?? Did you know about Locke?
No man, I just saw the final chapter of the season, you can't leave us like this, 6 months!!
I like your Blog very much, is so....normal :)
If you come back to Spain I'll invite you to eat Paella.
That is smallest dang coffee cup ever! How many did you have?!
I cant decide if that looks good or not.
Ohhhh that ham and cheese looks SOOOO good! I'm jealous; I've never been to Spain. It looks like you had fun! Keep on blogging - it's great!
Megan @ adventuresofacarnivore.com
I just have to tell you that I think you are awesome! I love how down to earth you are. Just saw you on Ace of Cakes! One cool dude!!!
It's nice to hear that the "cafe con leche" brought back fond memories of your grandparents.
BTW, how on EARTH are we supposed to survive til *2010* for the next season of LOST???? Need. More. LOST.
God, how I miss the jamón since I've been in Australia.Snif,snif.
Thank you for showing it.
Jambon est bueno!!
Looks good. Love coffee, tapas.. Spain!
you must taste catalan food! like ESTOFAT or CREMA CATALANA... ñam!
Jamón Ibérico is good but Jamón Ibérico de Bellota is superb! (pigs that have been fed exclusively with acorns and herbs.)
Oh that must be sooo wonderful to travel around the world all the time. I'm so jealous! The season finale was so awesome!! For my opinion the show should never end.
Hey you, I hope you read this. Have to say thanks again, though I've said it before.
You know I have been a fan of yours since the first season.
I have seen every single episode of this show and I have never said that about any other show. Never. But Lost? Never missed even one.
And there is something about Lost that somehow keeps me so rapt that I lose track of time.
I swear, it keeps my attention so fully that it will seem that 30 minutes or so has gone by~~~and then I can't believe that it's over and that I have to wait for the next episode or the next season.
I had no idea how long the final episode had been the other day before it was over. Lost is the new definition of the cliff hanger and suspense.
That has never happened in my life with any other show. It takes something really large to be able to do that with me, for me to lose track of time. So I wanted to say thank you for your part in that.
And by the way, I'm glad Jacob told Hugo that he isn't crazy~~he needed to hear that. :-) And I LOVED the look Hugo gave the jailer guy when he was being released, that was just too funny. Poor guy.
Hope you two are having a great time and as always, besos~~~
Hey Jorge, just watched the finale, loved it, your scene with mark was amazin', love u man
Jorge, you are handsome!
Adoooooooooooooooooro LOST !! =]
The first time I heard this word - David Sedaris said something along the lines of "Santa Claus...certainly doesn't eat tapas". I hadn't a clue what he meant! (Hysterical bit - listen to or read THE SANTALAND DIARIES.)
Then your post made me go look up the word.
Big thanks to you & David S. for teaching me something new!
Enjoy your break!
My man! If you ever come to Seattle I will hook you up with the Tapas.
What you need to do is hit the Travel Channel or the Food Network and get a "dining with Hugo" show- you've made me hungry nearly EVERY blog.
I'm spanish and I haven't gone to eat tapas with some drink since... since... lots of years ago xD
Too bad. When I've got money! xD
PD: This season finale is one of the best episodes of Lost. Do we have to wait so long?? I hate you xD
I hope you also ate chorizo ibérico and lomo ibérico, they´re an absoluty delicacy!!!!
anyway,you´re invited to Madrid all times you wanna come :)
P.S The "café solo con hielo" is amazing too :)
Dude, come back home. Come to the south, Blue Ridge Mountains. You know where Josh grew up. We'll pour you a cup of coffee. If it doesn't wake you up, nothing will.
Yeehaw! :)
Menuda castaña de jamón le pusieron...
I was in Madrid and San Sebastian a couple of years ago...and LOVED the tapas bars! Everything looks amazing...no matter WHAT it might be!
Love LOST!!xo
tienes que venir a leon, con cada consumicion en cualquier bar te dan tapa y bastante grande
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i LOVE cuban bread toasted with tons of butter to dunk in my cafe con leche!! so good!!
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