I still can't shave for about a week just in case.
Earlier this year I shot my DVD interview for the season as well.

It's cool because it's the first time you can actually talk about stuff that hasn't aired yet, even though you don't know how the season will end.

In fact I still don't. There are still some holes in the story that I haven't been filled in on.
I can't wait for THE INCIDENT!
i just want to say: i LOVED your convo with miles in last night's episode. i love how you play your character...i think that hurley is really the only character that's asking "what the F*CK!?" like most normal people would be doing.
Ahh! So exciting. I too thought you were especially cute in last night's episode. My bf and I kept making jokes about Back to the Future so it was totally hilarious and perfect when Hurley kept staring at his hands.
I think EVERYONE wants to know where things are going to finish. Can't wait to watch all the episodes again. Especially with the voice-over commentary. Hopefully we'll get 1 or 2 featuring you!
It's nice to know that you haven't even been filled in on the holes. Makes me feel like less of a dummy for following so closely, and being increasingly annoyed at the stuff that's being kept in the dark. I need answers, dammit!! I'm sick of reading the message boards and considering all the crazy possibilities!!! Ack!
Heart you!
Like FETTS, I too can't wait for The Incident! I really like the way that this season is shaping out... am I converted Juwyer fan (and I live with a Skater, so LOSTday can get pretty heated)... and loved how the two guys who see dead people were debating the time-space continuum.
Oh, and I officially changed the name of "Wednesday" to "LOSTday." Just so you know.
Oh! How fun that you don't know all the details yet! It's like getting a surprise for someone and not knowing what it is yourself. :) I don't have TV, so I will have to wait and see the streaming video, so no spoilers, please!
You think YOU have holes in the story!?!? "Dude," I'm barely keeping my nose above water, plot-wise (but lovin' it)!
You are so good at what you do! I agree with what others have said about the conversation with Miles about the whole time issue. It made us feel better to know the characters couldn't even figure it out. LOL. Great move by the writers on that one! As usual we loved last night's episode and are on the edge of our seats waiting for next Wednesday!
The "Back To The Future" conversation with Miles was awesome. Dude, thanks for continuing to make the best show on Television.
I hope they show The Incident, too. I loved Hurley last night! Even though I felt that everything that Miles said was totally obvious, I loved Hurley for questioning stuff. I totally knew Hurley was gonna bust out with a Back to the Future reference.
I think this is the best season of Lost yet... but maybe I'm only saying that because things are starting to (maybe?) make a little sense. I kept asking my finace WHAT HAPPENED TO AARON!!! And last night we found out! YAY!
Anywhoodle! You're an amazing actor... Hurley is BY FAR my favorite character! GO YOU!!!!
I gotta say, the dialogue about time travel (Back to the Future references included) with Miles last night was priceless. The LOST folk are as confused as we are. :) Congrats on finishing the season! - Liz - http://lizvang.com
I will be sad when the season is over! It sounds like you'll be glad to shave though. ha!
I also loved the conversation last night that your character had with Miles and how you kept watching your hands. heh. Cracked. me. up.
I can't imagine how hard it must be to keep quiet about stuff that hasn't been aired yet - the temptation must be huge. I know it would be for me! Can't wait to see where this season goes, it's absolute genius. Keep up the great work!!
It makes me sad to hear that filming has finished... I just want it to continue forever...
Great work on last night's episode though!
Great job last night, Jorge, with being the voice of us crazy fans! Hurley asked THE question about Old Ben not remembering it was Sayid that shot Little Ben. (Although Richard tried to explain that one.) The scenes with Hurley/Miles discussing the complexities of time-travel were awesome.
Congratulations on finishing filming of another great season. And I love that you still need some of the holes filled in just like us.
Last night's episode rocked! The conversation between you and Miles was awesome.
It's embarrassing how excited I am on Wednesday nights. I always tell my husband when he gets home from work, "Lost is on tonight!!"
Good lord... I'm still trying to break in scratches on my Season 4 set!
the you/miles convo that aired in last night's ep bothered me :(
what happened to "show, don't tell!"
Who says "old" Ben doesn't remember that Sayid shot him! Maybe he does...mwhahaha.....
Finales are so bittersweet! Can't wait to see it, but then can't believe we won't be able to watch you and the rest of the gang until next January!?! aarrgghh! Hope you have a great hiatus!
Do you think you would watch LOST if you weren't acting in it??
PS Hurley is by far my favorite character... Do you think you're like him in real life?? Great episode last night :)
Can't wait to see all the special features on the dvds.
It was funny watching you sitting there trying to speculate on the "timey whimey" (shout out to dr who)
stuff. We always do that when we are watching Lost. It was hilarious to see you doing the same thing, but ON THE SHOW. :-)
good job Jorge! You are one of our favorites!
The holes are the fun part though. Its so fun to speculate why things are happening and what they mean. I think a lot of us read too far into it though. :)
Keep up the good work!
Thanks very much for checking out my sketches. So how do your breaks work? Do you even get a break from filming and stuff or are you guys still busy with interviews and premieres and famous people stuff? I in Bend, OR after everything? If he visits here, you should come visit with him. Central Oregon is beautiful in the summer.
I justt read that you and Naveen, come to visit Spain in few days, a tv-show called "El hormiguero", it's that true?
Besitos y abrazos desde la pequeña España.
Love the sideburns/beard thing you have going on.
I also loved the discussion with Miles on future, past, present, when???
Just saw the video podcast of you and Ken. Pretty cool. My favorite scenes last night were with you guys (pretty rare....sorry buddy!). Thanks for dropping the Back to the Future reference. Us nerds on the boards have been debating everything you guys talked about.
Want to let us in on some plot holes? I promise I won't tell?
Another season finished up...that means the end of my favorite show is that much closer. :( I don't mind all the unanswered questions. I think the writers give us just enough of a answer before they open up something else. It keeps me interested! Loved all the Back to the Future references in last night's episode. :)
Wait, isn't this the last season? Is there another season? Please tell me there's another season...*jumps up and down*....
Im not sure I can wait for a whole other season. It hurts when the season ends-it's like, what do I do now :(
Hola.!! por lo menos yo ya quiero que se acabe LOST.!! ya quiero saber el porque de muchas cosas :'( estoy frustrada jajajaj pero LOST es lo mejor.!! y la conversación que tienes con Miles acerca del pasado presente futuro fue excelente.!! jejeje. Saludos y un enorme abrazo :D
It's been the best season since the first one, Jorge. We have thoroughly enjoyed it. Thanks to you, the writers, the cast and the crew for all your hard work - it is very much appreciated
good conversation between you and miles
We enjoyed watching the conversation between Hurley and Miles last night. Way too funny! And you were voicing all of the things that everyone has bee struggling with! I had figured Kate had left Aaron with his grandma. Nice to get something correct!
Hurley was fantastic in last night's episode! I love your character anyway, but that was just awesome! Great job, as always, Jorge!
Great Work friend :)
You've done a great job this season! I really enjoy your work on Lost and hope you have a restful and happy break :)
Will you (as Hurley) have some other talk about the time travel theory with Miles? That was SO funny! ^^
fucking amazing! i cant wait to see ur dvd interview!
I loved the parts where Hurley and Miles were debating the whole time travel deal too. I didn't catch the fact that you kept looking at your hands. This is definitely another one of those episodes that requires multiple viewings to catch everything.
you'll still receive fan mail correct? i'm just putting a little note in the mail today.
NO!!! I don't want it to end! I'm going to need some serious LOST therapy next year :(
Oh bummer, now I have to wait another year to try out for being an extra again.
Great episode this week! I saw the outtake where you two were talking about time travel between takes. That was hilarious!
oOOooooo cant wait!!!!
I am loving this season. One thing I wonder though, when will we find out the deal with Richard?? Why doesn't he ever age??? I have a theory that one day we'll see his feet, and he'll only have three toes, like that statue...!
Wow, the year went by quick! Well I am *really* enjoying this season! You guys are all great!!!!
It's going to be so sad when the final season wraps, do you get upset thinking about it or are you feeling ready to move on to something new? Hope they come out with a show good to follow Lost!
I love Hurley and the pancake mix in the can. What fun!
Soy una fan incondicional de "perdidos",y tu personaje es uno de mis grandes favoritos.Me rio mucho con tus comentarios graciosos, y admiro cuando te pones "serio",eres un actor completo!!
Me encanta cuando tus dialogos nos representan a la gran mayoria de seguidores de Lost:esa sorpresa, ese no saber que está pasando..., igual que nosotros!!,digamos que eres el personaje con el cual mejor nos identificamos y que es mas real.Enhorabuena por tu gran trabajo!!.Estoy deseando cada semana que llegue el miercoles y eso no lo consigue ninguna otra serie.Estoy impaciente por ver la season finale!!.Un abrazo muy fuerte!!, ( y espero que hayas entendido algo...jajaja);),besoss!!
I just wanted to say: You are awesome! We love Lost! My daughter is a huge fan of yours. And when you came to The Arts of Mark's Garage for the ShowCase "Perspectives" and my daughter saw you in the audience, I taught she was going to explode. Sadly, she didn't get to meet you because you left right after the show was over. My daughter is Maria Mariona. She was the 10 yr old girl dressed in blue and white with white sunglasses on her head. Just wanted to tell you we love you!
It's great how the character of Hugo has become voice of the audience and the obvious.
He get's it more then anyone; it seems.
Thanks for the great show!
Hi Bro I'm your fan,good job on Lost!!
Lost is my favority Tv series!!
greetz from brazil!!!
It's killing me! I don't want LOST to end but I am dieing to know all the details!
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