It was a fun night. Gervais stole the show. And I got to run into an old friend.

Did I ever tell you that John Krasinski and I both did our first pilot together? It ended up being called "The Originals" and it was for UPN (back when they existed). We had a nice little moment of "can you believe our lives?!"
No, you never told us you and John Krasinski did your first pilot together. You've been holding out on us. What else haven't you told us? ;-)
Just joking. I bet the Emmy's are a good time. Maybe some day after I become famous (in my *next* lifetime) I'll get to go to the Emmy's. I know I could have been a star. I coulda been a contender... except for that shy thing that got in the way. :-\
I wish I could have seen it, I missed it again. you look great in your suit.
That awesome!!! Now tell us about Vancouver!!! :-)
Dude, Hurley is friends with Jim? It's like fanfic come to life!
Hey yeah I remember The Originals. They couldn't yank it off the air fast enough if I recall correctly.
Well I'm unbelievably jealous.
oh no i didn't knew that's so cool
i didn't see this show too, maybe i'll see one day :)
Yay! A picture of my two favorite TV stars!!
Awesome :-)
awww. you and John look very smart in your suits :D hope you had a good time
I've gotta tell you, John Krasinski could seriously threaten my guy's job security with me...LOL. I kid, I kid....but the character he plays is great and he seems like a wonderful guy. I'm glad you had fun and got the chance to catch up a little.
Nice to know you and John Karsinski are friends...both Hurley and Jim are nice guys!
Everyone looked great in their Emmy get-ups! Even Elizabeth Mitchell who got dissed on all the lists.
My father actually won an Emmy (best writing for the Carol Burnett show in 1972). It proudly sits on a shelf in my home!
Aww, that is cool that you two got to see each other again & catch up!
Oh heavens, just had a major swoon that John Krasinski is gorgeous... and half Polish, heavens :) Hm I wonder what would happen if he had some zubrowka... :)
Not that you dont look dashing in your suit as well, double swoon... :)
When "Leatherheads" was filmed in my area last year, I had a couple of friends to run into John downtown... said he was extremely nice. I wasn't so lucky... but I did encounter a slightly toasted George Clooney a couple of times, who was nice, too.
I am so happy for you both. You both are so talented and awesome people. You deserve it! And I also a photo of you and Lee Pace. Do you know him too? Or just a "hey, we're both cool. let's take a photo." :)
I thought your first pilot was Old School--the one my bosses cast you in!
Same project or something totally different?
Gervais is sooooooooooooo hilarious. I love "Extras". If you and him made a show together... why don't you????
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