A blog by Jorge Garcia.

Saturday, July 19, 2008


You know what I liked about The Bug's Life show at California adventure? Well a lot of things, you got poked, you felt the bugs under your butt... But for the sake of this blog I liked the fact that when you left the theatre there were these big bins to recycle your 3D glasses. Just the other day I went to see Journey To the Center of the Earth in "Real D" and upon leaving the theatre I found no such bin. 

Now what the heck am I supposed to do with these? Do I need to hold onto them until my next "Real D" experience (probably Clone Wars)? I'm guessing "No" because I'm sure they'll be handing them out again then. Is there gong to be a time when they won't hand them out anymore? Or when they will no longer be free? I'm going to say, "I doubt it."

So, now I have ANOTHER item for the junk drawer. Wonderful. The clutter war continues...


Dave said...

I love the Bug's Life 3D movie! Though, I've only seen it in Orlando @ Animal Kingdom. :\ My wife hates the spiders that come down. :)

Anonymous said...

I have never seen the Bug's Life 3D movie! Bugs creep me out though...

Those are awefully fashionable 3D glasses haha Weird that they were not collecting them after the film. Most places I have been to will practically frisk you to make sure you are not stealing those trendy shades. Just what I've always wanted!

Petra said...

You could always save the glasses and go see the Hanna Montana movie! That sounds like it might be worth a post or two! LOL

: ) P

The Real Deal said...

I love how it sounds like you have no choice. "Great. I have these crappy glasses...guess I have to keep them! Dang!"

redelf said...

We went to Disney World for the first time in years two years ago. Took all my kids and my sister and hers...none of them had been to Disney before...they LOVED the Bug's life 3D..Lots of screaming. Thats when you know something is good.

We saw Nightmare Before Christmas 3-D and we still have our glasses too. My youngest son Harrison was hoping that prehaps he would use them like Xray glasses.

Topanga said...

You could go see "The Creature from the Black Lagoon" at some repertory theatre. It was done in 3D. :-)

Capcom said...

I say keep them!!! Do you think that they wash those sweaty glasses before the next round of people wear them? Do they have a dishwasher (manual or automatic?) where they wash the germs, grease, and head lice off of them at the theaters? I don't think so. :-o

At work you're not supposed to wear other peoples' protective apparel. There's no way I'm not taking mine with me and using them for the next movie.

3-D movies are getting popular again, so there will be plenty of chances to re-use them. :-)

Bethany James Leigh Shady said...

now it's going to be in my head all day again....

We're Pollinators, We're pollinators! If you like vegtables, fresh fruit, and flowers...Give thanks to us bugs for our marvelous powers, If it weren't for the fact that we liked the taste, you'd be out there wallowing in shoulder high waste; shoulder high waste.

And if all bugs were wiped off the face of the planet, there'd soon be no humans around here to man it, the best thing about us, you can't live without us, still it's tough to be a buuuuuuuuuuug!

James Hernandez said...
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James Hernandez said...


No return bin at the movie theatre? Geez life is tough for you Hollywood types. What's the next inconvenience they throw at you, no cup holder in your chair I imagine. :)

KaH said...

Dude! Your blog rules.

Kisses from Uruguay!

Doing my best said...
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Doing my best said...

Everyone loves "Hurley"! Doesn't Ebay have a charity auction section? You could make some money for your favorite charity; I'm sure some Lostie would love to have glasses you've worn =).

IslandPearl said...

3-D gives me a migraine anyway.

I really enjoy your travel photos and refreshing take on the world.

Keep them coming.

Stefano said...

Hi Jorge, I just would like to tell you that I've put in a secret envelope my opinion on "who's Jacob", and you can see the photo on my blog in the post called "chi è Jacob" (which means "who's Jacob"... I'm Italian dude!!!)

Stephanie Moulton Sarkis PhD said...

Welcome to the Clutter War Club!
:-) It does add up quickly, doesn't it?

Alithia Kimmel said...

Maybe you could make some sort of art with your clutter? I don't know, perhaps a sculpture or something glued to construction paper like macaroni and glitter? Could be fun.

Miss Scarlett said...

Awww...my Nana had a junk drawer. It was my favorite.
Sounds like your junk drawer has some fun stuff too.

Debby Karalee said...
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Debby Karalee said...

I love your blog and read it regularly. It inspired me to start my own and I've listed yours on my page. You've had me howling with laughter with some of your images and references.
Keep it up!
Hurry up next LOST series!

Merry Karma said...

I love you just for this post and your feelings about the clutter war.

Anonymous said...

Hola, Jorge!
No lo so como tuo nome escribiendo en espanol. Porque yo estudio dos lenguajes de una vez - espanol e italiano, en mi cabeza - grande e horrore mix de castellano e italiano palabras!
Guardando tus series en seconda vez, despues russian version, trying guardar en english, que estudio tambien.
Sorry for my bad spanglish!

Erin said...

at our theater, each person has to pay 2 bucks extra for the glasses and you have to "recycle" them when the movie is over! ridiculous! they're just going to re-bag them and charge me 2 bucks again next time!

Erin said...

at our theater, each person has to pay 2 bucks extra for the glasses and you have to "recycle" them when the movie is over! ridiculous! they're just going to re-bag them and charge me 2 bucks again next time!

Kevin I said...

We also end up having to pay two extra bucks for 3-D. Next time I'm taking my glasses and building a case with the manager that I can save the two bucks.

Or I'll just pay two bucks so my friends aren't embarrassed.

I always keep the Real-D glasses for costume needs, popping the lenses out and keeping the frames for the next time I need to dress up as a mad scientist or librarian or something...