When I was working on the finale I had to shoot in a moving vehicle. And so the woman who was working makeup at the time, gave me a folded paper towel to put in my pocket and dab the sweat between takes. Afterward I looked at the towel and noticed that she had written my name on it.

Wouldn't this make my forehead dirty?
Why was she trying to keep all of our sweats organized?
Can you clone someone from their sweat?
I bet that sweat rag turns up on Ebay this week! :)
Now that is hilarious! Where is the apostrophe though? Did it rub off on your face...or did she forget it?
Haha, Meg, that was my first thought, too, that Jorge's sweat towel would be on Ebay!
Maybe making your face dirty would add to the validity of the scene?
That is really strange. Did she want it back? Maybe she has a secret collection. hee hee
Its not all glamour is it!
Now that's organization, she must be a total TYPE A.
That has to be because the makeup lady is a mom. When you are a mom you label EVERYTHING.
Maybe she rolls around on it in the secrecy of her apartment - or like Meg said - eBay! I do admit, no one has ever written my name on a sweat rag.
If you usd a towel that didnt have yer name on it, thatd be a unauthorizd dabbing now, woudnt it?
Can you clone someone from their sweat?
Yes, I'm almost certain of it.
That's really sketchy, and yes it would come off into your pores! Maybe she wanted to examine how much make-up you sweat off so she could compensate. Watch out for little kids that look like you, just in case.
She was gonna sell that sucker on Ebay!
Clone their sweat ???
This is very interesting !!!
Hey Jorge, will you autograph that and send it my way? I promise I won't put it on ebay.
Just make sure no one sells it to Peta: http://movies.yahoo.com/news/movies.eonline.com/104044-
uh, I'd hold on to that if I were you.
Hmmmm...moving vehicle. Is that a spoiler? Was it a Dharma Van or Jeep?
Ha! I was totally going to say eBay too. Hopefully your name did not end up on your forehead. :)
too funny that she wrote your name on it!
It kinda looks like she used a sharpie & although I don't know for sure, I don't think sharpie ink would come off on your face.
Stuff like that should go up on ebay with the proceeds going to a worthy charity - there's nothing wrong with that.
& even though telling us you were in a moving vehicle in the finale doesn't spoil anything...I like the fact that I now know that little tidbit - thanks :-)
so is this pic taken before or after the shoot? That is the real question. LOL
You have already filmed the finale? I hate it when reality and Lost collide. I never want it to end.
I'm voting eBay...
You will know the answer to the clone question when they tell you there is no need to show up for shooting season 6 and yet you end up in every episode. :)
That's a PAPER towel? That is like the fattest, fluffiest paper towel ever.
Well you know Jorge, with the economy the way it is that paper towel might get saved and you'll be using it all next season too.
Every little bit of cost cutting helps, you know. Plus you're making a greener planet but cutting down less Paper Towel trees...
OK now it is weird to be asking you this but...is your name spelled correctly on the towel, Jorge(s)?! Hmmm maybe the 's' is the sign you are looking for...plural for cloning (lollol)
Have a great week Jorge!
Peace and love
hahahha! I was thinking the Ebay thing too :)
I wish I could edit instead of deleting but here goes again:
The time to really start wondering or worrying is the day you or anyone else sees their name written on a roll of TP!
I definitely think it was a trap Jorge !
I'm not sure I'd want someone else's sweat rag touching me, maybe she was just trying to protect your delicate sensibilities. :D
I guess now we know why you have your name spelled backwards on your forehead.
Ebay, perhaps? But it's probably in her contract to NOT do that. Maybe she just didn't want them to somehow get mixed up? That is strange, though!
Well, now we'll all be looking for that missing apostrophe on your forehad in the upcoming episodes. Only backwards, I guess, right?
OBVIOUSLY she is planning to clone you. The lack of apostrophe makes it a plural instead of posessive. Plural Jorges = cloned Jorges.
I think it's probably to prevent your sweat rag from being mixed up with other people's sweat rags. No one wants mixed-up sweat rags.
Ewwww - I know why. When I was a manager for the boys basketball team in HS we kept everyones rags separate to keep from spreading IMPETIGO.
Bleck! It's that nasty, itchy, pussy, yellow skin infection people sometimes get when they are sweaty a lot (usually athletes). It's super contagious and the next thing you know everyone has it. I suppose working in a hot, sweaty jungle with people who need to be on camera would leave you not wanting to take any chances!
you are coming to spain soon :P WE LIKE IT ;D
Hello Jorge,
I come to discovered your blog and it is really great!
I look forward to being in April 25th to meet all the actors and the actresses of this serie magnificent: Lost.
Will you be present during this beautiful evening?
You can say to me if the other actors the other actresses will
be present this day as Josh Holloway and Evangeline Lilly.
To see you every 3 would make for me extremely
I am a fan of Lost since the beginning
and I miss no episode of this new season which I find exceptional.
Sorry if my English is not very well but I am French
A soon in 25 I hope.
I think someone mentioned the PETA thing, but maybe she just wants to make some Jorge-flavored tofu.
And I definitely LOL'd at the missing apostrophe. ehehehe
you knwo that sweat is pee? so, i dont think you can clone someone from their pee...^^
Do they think your name is spelled like that, or do they not understand apostrophes?
Totally an ebay item! Cloning-hmmm...maybe she was going to sneak that towel off to the Orchid station to do some experiments. If she crosses that towel with one of the numbered bunnies do we get a giant bunny named Jorge? >_<
That is the cushiest, nicest piece of paper towel I have EVER seen! It looks more like a plush hand towel to me! By the way, I haven't laughed so hard in quite a while, reading these posts!
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