Take this section of my parents' backyard.

Looks harmless. Until the dog thought he could walk through here to get back inside the house.
As he'd step on the yellow basin, it would tilt up and thus tighten the space through which the dog was trying to pass.

(Note the stressed look on the dog and the drops of sweat.)
He tried this for a little while before giving up and finding another way around.
I guess you should have been there.
P.S. Dog's can't sweat.
Aw, poor pooch, you should have helped him.
you make good art.
but not good fart.
I have a half jack russell and half chinese crested (yeah the "ugly" dogs) and I guess chinese crested breed sweats (weird)
Aw. Thank goodness the doggy has such nice owners to care for it. We had a deaf dalmation once, that alone was real tough to get a handle on.
You have a great knack for seeing the world through other people's and animal's perspectives. :-)
Poor dog...bad bad Jorge, so laughing with him. :-)
When you illustrate your stories, it makes me happy.
I have this mental image of Jorge as a portrait artist trying to "capture the moment"....."Don't move (insert dog's name here). I'll lose the perspective!" All the while, the poor dog's trying to figure out why the backyard hates him so much....LOL
Hi, Jorge! I will try to write shortly. I'm from Russia. I saw some spoilers from shootings of LOST. And there will be a scene about Russia. (ep№10 may be)I saw a typing error ("Красная пАощадь")on the tablet "Red Square" (Heart of Moscow). It will be correct so: "Красная площадь" But it is all the same that a typing error in "the White hoYse" :( All it will not so plausibly looks for Russian fans of LOST. I ask you for BIG HELP !!! Do something with this typing error, if you can please... May be it's not too late...
In any case, thank you for attention! Respekt man!
Jorge! Also I have a little presents for you:
1. Here is video where YOU speak on russian language )) (I think you don't see it ))):
2. I'm fan of lost, so here is russian song about LOST, written by me (realy):
3. Also I know the man, who sounds/ duplicates Herley on russian language. That's how you sounds (on russian): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzM5uXz_rno
Russia loves you! Yeah!
I think children's books by Jorge Garcia would be a great success.
Maybe about the Adventures Of 'Nunu- the great Hawaiian hero dog" Fierce and Mighty, at 4 inches tall! Watch Out!
HAHA! Great art work! Love the dog's expression.
Great art work
is a sweet
You know whats funnier? A dog that is not blind and deaf but who does the same thing. My dog Barnabas is either stubborn or stupid because he will do similar things.
dogs sweat through their tongues...that´s why they stick it out when it´s hot or after they go for a run...
your drawing was great. very funny.
The world is full of traps...
Did you know that kangaroos can't fart??
I can't say "Poor Doggy" on the grounds that he DID find an alternate route.
But nice drawing!
Dude, I love your blog, it entertains the hell out of me! Picturing your dog with the magical yellow thing (what is that exactly? Cat litter box?) well it's just priceless.
Am I mean to say that Arab4's video made me chuckle?
Great picture, I was able to visualized instantly.
Great sketch, BTW.
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