A blog by Jorge Garcia.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Will the real baby AAron please...spit up

One of these is not like the other.
(Here's a hint he's the stunt double.)


Anonymous said...

Oh I see who he is.... or maybe not, LOL. All these babies play Aaron ??? Quite a cute pic - you and all the babies ;o)

Anonymous said...

I do, I do see him - the one to the right, right ?? My excuse for not spotting him right away must def be that I was up at 5:15 am this morning (its now 9:13 pm here in Denmark).

Chrissy said...

LOL--love the title of this entry!

Chelsea said...

Whenever I see crying babies on TV I think about how hard that must be on their moms, who are standing in the wings watching their baby cry for the camera. That would stress me out to no end.

sassa1971 said...

I think the first from the right to left is not a real Aaron. It must be a stunt Aaron.

Apart from this they are all lovable!

Your LOST fun from Athens Greece - Dimitris

jcnemecek said...

You are clearly both a baby and a chick magnet :)

Avinash said...

Wow, Jorge. You've been busy...

Heather (a.k.a. Bella) said...

Great pic of you. And the babies... *faints*

Can I have one?

Roman said...

Is the one on the far right real? Something does not seem right about that kid.

Lisa-Maladylis said...

hahahaha I've been reading your blog for a while and this one the greatest ! love it, I had to really look to figure out the joke. great photo !

Cheryl said...

I read that 27 babies were used during the 3rd season of LOST and 30 the year before. That's a lot of baby Aarons!

hromaki said...

I would never have noticed the fake baby if you hadn't given us the hint! It's fun to see behind the scenes stuff. Keep posting it to the extent you're allowed.

Tony Killen said...

Quite the ladies (and babies) man, aren't you Jorge?

redelf said...

I always wanted one of my kids to be a stunt baby!!! Course they are all too big now...:pout:

insaknitty said...

you know, when they showed the preview for this week's show, with the scene on the plane, I was like "man, aaron looks weird." then I realized what was wrong. he's wearing clothes. it just doesn't look right!

KMKGB said...


i don't know which one is the stunt but I BET you are the big man in the middle, aren't you :)

Lolò said...

Jorge, hi from Rome, Italy.
I'm so excited just by the fact that u can hear my voice (well, u can't, but i know that my message can arrive to you) and that's amazing to me.
U're that kind of actor i would like to be. And u're that kind of person i really would like to meet; a person to have as friend.
If u would like to simply say "thanks" it wuold be great.
If u want to look at my blog and maybe leave a comment it would be super-eztr-mega-awesome for me.


Have a great life and.. namaste


TheUnity (Siv) said...

I couldn't help but smile at that picture. And the title is just amazing. Atlast we see Jorge at his best..your humour never fails to dissapoint me :)

Shadow Thompson said...

woah!!!! Dude!!! Your sprouts are sprouting plastic babies!!!!!!!!!

Ack said...

Hahahaha I love this.

silvia said...

the first at the right is Barbie-aaron! :-)

Ellen said...

We love you, Jorge! (The Lost Community) Such cute babies too!

SadMoody241 said...

Great pics, Jorge!

Dude, have you got any picture with Emilie? I would like to see you all together!!

Thanks for the pics!

SadMoody241 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
James Hernandez said...


Holy smokes dude thats a lot of diaper changing and burping duty around you.

Thirdmango said...

Oh television, how do you make us suspend our disbelief? Let me count the ways. :D

Pri said...

The babies are lovely. You are lovely too. Kisses from Brazil!

mabochda said...

i remebmer a scene with claire picking up aaron and thinking that's not the same kid they used before LOL! didn't realize so many different ones are used. they're all cute! even the stunt double

surr said...

there has to be a baby aaron reunion like 15 years from now. i can picture 20 7-year-olds running around in "i was a turniphead" t-shirts. lol

Please Type Legibly said...

You know, I think it's possible to die from that much cuteness....let's be careful there, Jorge! And Ann Marie, loved the T shirt idea! They ought to have some made now, too!

Lostadicta said...

Wowwwww. Congratulations for your blog!!! Sorry, i'm don't speak english xD

Look my blogs :)



Thanks. Lostadicta

Núria Garcia said...

Hola Jorge! En España teneis mucho filón con la serie, aunque sea por internet porque los capítulo por la tele van muy atrasados. No entiendo mucho de lo que dices en el blog por el idioma pero las fotos son geniales. La mejor la de la zanahoria!

chefmom said...

What a great picture! ANd the babies to your immediate right and left obviously adore you!

Unknown said...

hi jorge this is jose from chile, is true that you have family here?, i'm a fan of you and the serie as well of the rest of us bye

Anonymous said...

Ooh! I know! I know! Ooh! Pick me! Pick me!

JFC Official said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Topanga said...

Thanks Jorge!! I'm so glad to see all the babies. I had no idea there would be do many. The baby on the far right must be the stunt double... or else he's had too much Botox. ;-)

Colleen Oakes said...

They've all been sent through the Dharma cloning machine!

xmozzazx said...

I can just imagine the National Enquirer headline with this picture. *Snickers*
Nice shot Jorge. I love these behind the scenes fun time shots.

Cri & Bru said...

Ciao from Italy! Really nice photoes and your blog is very cool !

Anonymous said...

eek plastic Aaron is scary!!

Unknown said...

jamás me lo imaginé XD, eres grande Jorge y por eso deberías tomar clases de español para recordar tus raíces, un saludo desde Chile y ojalá algún día vuelvas por estos lados aunque como tu dices eres más americano q latino =(, chao

Pruid said...

That's a lot of babies! What are your plans for the summer Jorge?

Sammie said...

I just came across your blog, and you're hysterical.

This entry especially was awesome. I'm loving the "behind the scenes" shots. :]

Diego said...

no se si leeras bien el español :) soy de argentina y quiero decirte que la relacion entre Hugo y Sawyer es la mejor de la serie, mas que la de desmond y penny, sos un idolo
pd: venite para la argentina!!!

Carolate said...

Jorge, I can't decide which of the five babies (I'm not counting the stunt Aaron, but you) is the cutest.

I'm sure you'll be a great dad.


JFC Official said...

Ohhh...it's like "Where's Wolly?". I found the stunt double for Aaron straight away though...:)

Aww! These babies are totally adorable.

Do you and the rest of the cast ever see Matthew David Viventi (3 years old now - he played Aaron from November 2005), Jade Heimowitz (2 years old) or any of the other babies that have played Aaron since 2004?

Love Jess xxx

Unknown said...

Nice pictures Jorge, its confirmed to me that you are a cool guy, you are one of my favorites LOST actors.
and where´s the Hurley doubles ?? you deserve one !

hugs from Monterrey, Mex.
Hector Ude

Sierra Kat said...

You must have been a busy man! Ok, Ok, I know that jokes been made already.

But on the other hand, you look to be a natural with babies!

Lau said...

Hi, Jorge! My name's Laura. I'm from Argentina.
I love Lost!
Hugo is very sweet.
I'm very happy to have the opportunity to write.
Thanks for this blog!
Sorry, but my English is very basic.
Kisses! :)

Dave Jones said...

Hi Jorge,

I doubt you remember me but I was the "security guard" in the one scene where that photo was taken. You told me to make sure the make-up girl didn't come in then fired me for eventually letting her in the green room!

Hope to work on the set again soon. I had a blast all day.

Take care,
Dave Jones

Plumeria Web Design said...

Cute :)

In 2005 I met a couple of the babies. Their mother was the manager of the boys and girls club my children went to.

I also know one of the extras, she was quite prominent in last night's episode. She's the one with the purple shirt, that gets on the zodiac and is helped onto the freighter by Desmond. Her son and mine played t-ball together. Very nice lady.

Gevalher said...

I completely forgot!

Yeap, when there's a baby on tv (or movies) chances are that he share screen time with a lot of look-alikes.

¡Bonita fotografía Jorge!

Miss Scarlett said...

hilarious title!

that last Aaron is looking a little wax museum-y
he must have a great agent

Peppermint Twist said...

Another idea for a teeshirt for the Baby Aarons, although it is a bit wordy to fit on a tiny tee:

"You must never allow me to be raised by another!"


Or how about:

"I was born on a straaaange island, and all I got was this lousy teeshirt!"

Amaranta said...

so funny!!!!


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Morkill said...

vaya tantos aarones jajaja

Unknown said...

Cirrection: Jade Heimowitz (my daughter)played Baby Aaron SEason 2 (primary baby #1 from October 2005 - February 2006) on LOST. She was the primary baby and played all the scenes, baptizing, etc. - she now is SAG eligible - it was not Brittany's baby but Jade did get compared to him in magazines and was in other magazines including People. She is now 4 years old and models and is seriously a personality for TV! Her 6 year old sister Kaya auditioned for Season 5 Clementine (Sawyer's daughter) and ended up getting Extra work with the submarine and playground scenes - youngest kid - so well behaved. Both girs model with ADRagency.com in Hawaii. We are thankful for LOST, such great people - Courtney Heimowitz (808)216-9366 and courtneyheimowitz@gmail.com

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