This is one of my favorites:

It's a plush battleship. That's right "plush" and "battleship" together at last. It's essentially a DOLL of the U.S.S. Missouri also known as The Mighty Mo.
I love this toy mainly for it's randomness. My hope is for one day my kid will snuggle up to a battleship when he goes to sleep at night. That the battleship will somehow become his "binky" or "wubby" or his "My-Mo" perhaps.
It's cuddly AND masculine...the toy world needs more of that.
i'm sure little orson or little grace will love it
I'm a fan of the plush guns
Show us some Nunu's toys ! ^^
I,too, am a gift shop addict. Sometimes I am more excited about the gift shop than the museum or whatever.
I think its cute! My youngest son Harri would have loved something like that when he was really little, so I am sure your someday kid will love it too. Harri always wanted a stuffed Godzilla..I never thought of Godzilla as particularly plushy either.
I say name the kid Mo.
Just for the off chance he can say "Hey you want to so Mighty MO?".
It is a built in birthright he can use well into his 20's.
At first I thought they were slippers. They would make awesome slippers.
Darn it. I thought you were going to reveal Hurley was getting rid of the beard and just going with a "Mighty Mo", the likes of which even Tom Selick would be jealous of.
All would cower and worship at the Mo and proclaim "Ye, thine Mo is Mighty! Mighty, I say! Thou have hung thine Mo for all to see; let it sit amongst the other Mo's and it has been proclaimed Mightiest of all Mo's!"
When we finally find out what happened to the others, and where that Temple is, we'll find Hurley inside combing is Mo.
I thought it was a slipper too :)
My husband would actually love that!
What I collect wherever I go are magnets! Small (and inexpensive), but still full of memories!
Beware Masculine plushies....just sayin *insert bug eyed freaked out smiley here*
I have 4 kids, and let me tell you the things they bring to bed with them are so ridiculous that I totally believe your children might someday like this.
I am horrible about needing to buy somethng to remember things by. Since I have 4 kids, I usually get each of them something. It is a good thing we have a big house to hide all the crap I buy! (and my mention of crap ties nicely in to your other posts, doesn't it)
Why don't you write a script for a new series called the "Adventures of mighty Mo". A compulsive collector who finds links between the present world and antiquity while working as a mild mannered pawn shop operator.
My favorite gift store find? At the Mark Twain museum in Hartford, CT I found a Tiffany stained glass...for was on 90% clearance. Seriously, it reminds me everyday of the goofy museum.
Orson...Grace...nice names! :)
if you like plush oddities then you'd love these
A couple of years ago my daughter called me up from university to tell me her friend had given her HIV for her birthday.
You are hilarious.
This post makes me laugh and feel all fuzzy (plush, perhaps?) inside.
Ha, that's hilarious.
If you get a chance, you should attend the sunrise service on the Missouri. We did that one year, it was pretty cool.
I completely agree about the museum gift shop thing. I always feel somehow obligated to buy SOMETHING in the shop, I guess I feel like it's the closest I can get to a big donations and a wing named after me.
WOW. That is one of the more disturbing plush things I've ever seen... God knows I've always wanted to snuggle with a battleship, though, so I'm glad to see there is such a thing.
My 2-year-old daughter went to bed last night with a tube of lip gloss. She woke up around midnight and looked all over her crib for it. When she couldn't find it she called, "Mommy, where stomach? Find stomach." (She forgot the word 'lipstick' and figured 'stomach' sounded close enough.)
It doesn't really look like a battleship. It should have plush turrets, antiaircraft guns, and float planes attached. But yeah, it's very strange.
Maybe its message is "we may look terrifying but we mean peace"
I would love to talk to you about buying this. Please email me if you're at all interested!!!!!! My fiance really wants a stuffed battleship and he's wanted one for ten years
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