In Molokai we stayed at the Lodge on Molokai Ranch. We got there Friday and as I poked my head in the bar for a second I heard someone call my name. I turned back expecting a devoted fan on vacation but sure enough it was Matt Fox of all people. He too was staying at the Ranch in their Beach Village. Sure we thought there was some chance that we'd end up staying at the same place if we ever visited Molokai because there aren't a lot of choices there. But we were pretty shocked to be there at the same time. In fact another member of our crew happened to be staying there as well. It was funny because the island was so small we'd run into each other the entire weekend. We'd be going up the hike and they'd be coming down. We'd be going into a parking lot as they were leaving. By the way at the Ranch instead of stop signs they have these:

Last week Thursday I found out from the guy on our crew that the Ranch was closing. By the time I was in hair and make-up Foxy told me the place had actually already closed. (Man! It only took minutes.) As it turns out the closing of the Ranch has something to do with the signs we saw EVERYWHERE that were against developing La-au Point.
It just feels so weird knowing it's closed when we were just there. I mean what's going to happen to cats? We named them Dummy

and Orngie. (He was orange.)

And we would give them food off of our plates. Until some kid totally told on us to his parents. What a narc!
awww man, poor dummy and orngie. no more table scraps for them.
if we knew the joint was closing we could have brought them back with us. they would have eaten like kings here.
Hehe, did the cats ask for any autographs? =P
You probably flew Aloha Air too, eh? Kiss of death right? :)
I love the Whoa sign..needs those here in Illinois because people certainly dont stop for them.
The poor kitties!!! I hope someone moved them or gave them a home. I hate it when people leave their animals when they move. That was how we got one of our dogs, he came with the house when he bought it in Las Vegas. We had him and the house until the dog died. I felt to bad for him, he was so loyal to the place.
Do you guys ever get tired of running into each other?
From what I saw no cat or dog on Molokai ever goes hungry. I suspect Dummy and Orangie just moved on to Plan B and are lounging on someone's patio as we speak. I gotta say Jorge your love of the wee beasties is one of my fave things about this blog. Nunu is a lucky pup.
And b ill makes a good point, Molokai Ranch and Aloha Air? Did you guys work at Enron too?
dude, do they pronounce "whoa" as in "whoa doggies" (old west style) or the more curt "whoa" as in joey lawrence on blossom.
Hi... Esse lugar parece ser bem tranquilo. Tenho certeza que aproveitou bastante... Que Coincidência Matt Fox também ficar hospedado no mesmo lugar... Devem ser bons amigos! E até um gatinho você achou lá! Kisses! =)
I love that you are so concerned about the cats!
Seriously...lucky you got to stay there before the shutdown. I am sad for the employees and those who never got to visit there. I am sure the cats will be cared for.
And tell us...did you fly Aloha Air? If so, you must keep us posted on all your activities so local employees can plan ahead! Yikes!
I visited Oahu for the first time last September and loved it. Now whenever I watch LOST, I actually have a "feeling" for the temperature in your jungle as well as just enjoying the show.
But this island sounds cool, Jorge.
~ Pfttt, kids today! What's the world coming to!? These are the types that will be running the country when we're old! Kid Narcs *sticktongueoutguy*
btw, hubby was curious if you got the pepper seeds?
Geez we have tons of ferile cats around my home in Canada. My mother feeds a couple who are friendly (or old and stupid). Glad to here that you are collegial with your fellow crew!
P.S. Geez I hope when I grow up I don't turn into a Narc! I can't even say Narc without laughing! :)
You totally have to go rescue dummy and orngie! They can be "on-the-set" cats or something! GO NOW! I'm going to cry at night thinking about them. (heh - not really but that sounded good)
I'm a cat FREAK, and you can ship them to me in Las Vegas, and I will take care of them! PROMISE! Email me :)
Nice cats! The second is like Garfield XD
I love your blogs, Jorge. You even inspired me to start my own. I have three cats myself and I have much respect for another animal friend.
Did you get your puppy after you moved to Hawaii? I heard there was a quarantine time for pets coming from out of state. Just checking, in case I ever make the leap to the islands myself one day. Peace!
What a shame - surely someone who worked on the ranch will take care of Dummy and Orngie (great name!).
That ranch closed faster than the speed of gossip! They're efficient over there.
awww... poor kitties! now they can snack on the mongooses! :)
Well Jorge, i must say that i loved your blog, wish i had dicovery before, from now i'll read always that i have a break.
Your brazilian fan Lycia.
It breaks my heart when I know a cat would be in need.
But if they are smart I hope they could find some place were they are taken care.
Damn the people who is negligent with their pets!
well, i was only coment about the blog itself, not about only the post.
I think those stop signs, that say "whoa" should be installed on all the street corners of jersey. it's so jersey, it's scary. love your blog jorge! stop by mine anytime you want. i just joined, so it's not much. can't wait for season 5. you are by far a great asset to the show!
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