Then the next morning saw one of these. It's kinda like an earwig without the pincers. I have no idea what this bug is. But man he makes my finger look HUGE!
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Just returned from a short trip to the mainland. And as we were coming into the house a GIANT moth flew in. 

I was feeling very "Dom" so I photographed it while my girlfriend was screaming for me to kill it.
This last shot was just so you could see how Mothra it was. By "was" doesn't mean I killed it. I actually lured it out of the house with a flashlight.
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Ugh. WHY would you put him on your finger??? Ick. :-) And that is quite some moth. I have an irrational fear of moths and butterflies. I just know they are trying to get tangled up in my hair and having one trapped in the house sends me straight under the covers. My 7 year old has to save his mother. Pathetic, huh?
Ewww! I don't blame your girlfriend from screaming!
That is quite some moth! Great pics Jorge.
I'm actually rather amused that you chose today to post this as the photographs in Dom's new exhibition have just been posted online and I just finished looking at them - particularly the ones of bugs and spiders. I then come to check out your blog and lo and behold - you've taken photographs of bugs too!
Great minds think alike maybe? =D
I would scream too! I was bombarded by flying bugs this evening as I tried to unlock my front door and I was screaming like a little girl haha Nothing worse than bugs trying to fly into your hair (or worse LOL)
OMG! I'm a knitter the worse thing you can show to me is a moth! Argh!
Okay the moth was cool!!! and scary but mostly cool. the other bug...eeeeewwwwww.
I dont usually scream about bugs...but spiders!!! I ahte spiders!!!!!!!!!
Reasons number #5 and 6 why I don't want to live in Hawaii. Nuclear sized bugs.
I have seen even BIGGER mothras here, I think that was an adolescent! The two things here that CREEP me out are centipedes and cane spiders!
Just last week my cat alerted me to a centipede in the hallway. I am deathly afraid of them, so I keep a can of Brakleen under the sink. It's a toxic waste dump in a can (sorry environmentalists, but after years of experimenting, that is the ONLY thing that kills centipedes). One shot and centipedes die INSTANTLY. Raid and Black Flag only piss em off and they don't die... The last thing you want is a pissed off centipede chasing you, and they DO! Try it sometime, just make sure you clean up afterward so Nunu doesn't walk in it.
And by the way, I find nothing redeeming about centipedes. They could go extinct and no one would miss them...
Had a very similar Mothra a couple months ago trying to break into my house on the Gulf of Mexico. Completely sure it was bent on decimating my wool stash, I bribed it into leaving in peace with a beer and a smoke. Seemed to work just fine.
The other bug makes me think of those bug-monster thrillers of the 70's. Where you see billions of the little creeps coming out of everywhere in horde like tidal waves only to crawl up your nose and eat your face off from the inside out while you sleep.
I think the moth is a Black Witch. I'm glad you didn't killed. I always figure bugs that live to be that big deserve to carry on and propagate. That other bug looks like a longhorned beetle of some sort. They usually eat the insides of trees. Maybe the one on your finger likes to eat freshly seeded grass ;-)
The second bug is a little cockroach, man!!! Hope you cleaned your finger.
Do you use a commercial exterminator? I’m personally afraid of the carcinogens and pathogens in those sprays. But try living in Florida! The cockroaches fly, the termites swarm and the ants are incessant. The nice thing, if you call it nice, is that you don't have an ant infestation if you have a cockroach. Conversely you know you don't have a cockroach if you have ants.
Well, now I know I shouldn't ever go to Hawaii, since the let bird-moths roam free.
LMAO that does make your finger look huge. A bat got in my house once. Three women and a bat. I don't know who screamed louder, the bat or us.
Great moth! Thanks for being a Moth Hero & not killing it. We have pretty much a no kill policy at our house. If at all possible - we move little creatures outside. We don't sentence something to death just because it creeps us out.
Wow, awesome macro. What kind of camera and lens do you have?
We have bugs like that in Colorado - I think they are technically called "Earwigs". One of them bit my friends "Special Dangly Bits" (his description, not mine)while he was on the toliet. So beware - they can be everywhere!
Wow, impressive Moth. I love moths :). I don't mind creepy crawly things unless they are in my bed. haha. I guess that could be read in several ways :o. But in it's intended way I think it's mainly the thought that you could eat them or they could crawl up your nose or something if they're where you sleep while you are powerless. Or kill you when they are awake and so have the power over you! I'm glad you didn't kill him/her - would have been so sad for such a beautiful creature.
The moth doesn't freak me out, actually. The pincerless pincerbug kinda does, though.
AHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Thats INSANE. That's not right. None of it.
I've seen the bug numerous times, usually around our sink. I think it's some type of beetle, though it resembles "lightning bugs" I used to catch in a jar as a child on the mainland. I don't get creeped out by bugs much, though I have to say it's pretty terrifying to have a palmetto bug (water bug, tree roach) fly at your head...oh, and crickets give me the heebie-jeebies.
i dated a guy once who had eaten a moth.
... well, saying that makes it sound crazier than it is. he was studying them, and it's pretty common for an ecologist to eat his/her study species... or at least, that's what the ones who do it CLAIM. does this mean i'm going to eat a frog? no.
he said it was pretty gross, by the way, so i'm not recommending it.
p.s. I think this is your little friend:
a red-black, false blister beetle
yes, I am a big nerd
Ugh. That's the one good thing about midwestern winters - no bugs!
Wow, yeah, I commend your courage in snapping those pics. Moths don't usually freak me out, but there's a certain point at which sheer mass wins out and then the panic sets in...
Reminds of me of this thing that I saw outside of our apartment last summer. Gross!
¡Eso es asqueroso, Jorge!
¡Por diossssss!
Don't do that again :S
The bugs in Hawaii can make me want to put a fork in my eye.
Some of the cockroaches there could bitchslap me and wrestle me to the ground.
Granted, that wouldn't be hard to do since I'm a bit on the freakishly weak side, but ya know...I prefer my bugs to be not so "HOLY SH*T!"
(Totally feeling for your girlfriend on that moth thing...)
little did we know that that tiny "unknown" bug would be the beginning of the end!
Hi Jorge... that beetle is a type of soldier beetle. It looks a bit like genus Cantharis, but it's difficult to tell from the picture. The moth is most likely a male Ascalapha odorata, the black witch moth. I don't think they are native to Hawaii, but have been introduced.
I'm a contributor to an online bug guide that is often very useful for identifying spiders and insects. You can see some of my photos here.
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How To Get Rid Of Flying Bugs In House
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