A blog by Jorge Garcia.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Maine coon

Yes I know that mancoon is another spelling or Maine coon. I looked it up before I wrote the blog. All the more reason to be bummed out. A mancoon is so much better if it was one of these:

Hmm... not man enough.

There we go. That what we really want in a mancoon. Hell if you want to call him Maine coon that would be fine too.

Hell yeah I make my own visual aides!


Capcom said...

Very nice drawings! And you're right, it would be fun to watch him wash his food with his tiny little hands. :-D

Enrico said...

Hey, you draw a lot better than I do! (which may not sound like a compliment.. but, yeah, it is)

Anyways, completely agree with you: THAT one is a real mancoon!

Bananaoracle said...

D00dman, that mancoon is teh awesomesauce. Mmkay?

Melissa_Lossa said...

Does anyone else think that Mancoon sounds like a sci-fi channel original movie? Maybe the sequel to Mansquito?

A science experiment gone wrong brings you the terror that is... MANCOON! Half man, half raccoon, he scurries through the night, tipping trash cans on his way to the destruction of a small town. But all he really wants is to find the girl who loved him when he was just Eric, cashier at the Gas 'n' Go.....

Caotica said...

Your drawings are very funny, specially the brawny mancoon. Batman would be jealous of this thorax!!!

Caotica said...

It's a great coment melissa lossa! You invent a complete story only with one word!!!

Honeybell said...

LOL! I love it!!

Yes, the first one does look a little too cute and cuddly . . . the second? I certainly wouldn't want to meet in a dark alley. Or a light alley.

Forget it, I'm having nightmares tonite.

Woodeene said...

Raccoons are vicious. One got into my cat food and when I tried to get him to leave, he looked at me, barred his ENORMOUS teeth and hissed, "What is your problem???" A mancoon would be a terrifying addition to the lexicon of comic hero/villains.

ultra modern cowgirl said...


Oh man

lyly ford said...

wow get drawings jorge !

Heather (a.k.a. Bella) said...

Hmmm... Jorge, I think you may have figured out the monster on LOST. It's a MANCOON!


Unknown said...


nice drawings dude !

the second one looks like a wolf!

well, you draw better than me, so I wont say anything !! haha

Bethany said...

Bahahahahahaha AMAZING!

Irishcoda said...

Cool drawings, that second one is perfect for Halloween! I just saw Heather's comment and started rofl...she's got something there, show the drawings to Cuse and Lindelof :)

D S said...

Oh, Mancoon! The old William Castle drive-in movie from 1965. The one where if you got too frightened you had to follow the yellow line to go sit in "Coward's Corner." Yes, I've seen Mancoon.

Lynn Faruque said...

You have artistic talent too. Cool!

Actually, I never knew the mancoon spelling but I like that better. Whoever came up with Maine coon anyway?

I'm so just not a cat person~~~they just sit on the other side of the room and look at you disdainfully~~cats make me feel less than somehow~~~~while my doxie wiggles all over and pees when I come home. How that for a homecoming!!

Sawyer5665 said...

I wonder if they had mancoons on the island of Dr. Moreau?

Vincenzo Ravina said...

I was thinking about being DakotaFanningBearPig for Halloween, but I think I'll be DakotaFanningManCoon instead. Thanks for the tip!

PS: I really wish Lost would come back to TV right now. It is the best show on TV and Heroes is a very poor replacement.

christa said...

WHAT THE!!!!!!!!!

hahahhahahahhaha loving the visual aids jorge!

stormko said...

Is this what was in the cage next to the polar bears?

heh heh

Миљан Давид Танић said...

Oh Jorge, you crack me up... way to go, dude :)

Cheryl said...

LOL! That was too funny, thanks for the laugh! And I agree, that is what a mancoon should look like! :)

DrDegroot said...

I would like to contribute some marshmallows to the awesome Mancoon!

Th.R@ch said...

Hey, good drawings. I wouldn't do them better :)

Anonymous said...

if only I had your artistic abilities

Iker said...

OMG. I've founded your blog by casuality. I like your interpretation in LOST and the humour of your character in the series.

Bye!! -> A fan.

2costa said...

it would suck for the mancoon to try to go to the bank, they would always think they were being held up

Tammy said...

Nice drawings!!!

he´s lostzilla?? hahahaha XD



anntree said...

These drawings are very strange (as it is your blog)... but they are also nice.

Well, ¡¡saludos desde España!!

Lacrymosa said...

Oh my, i'm still laughing! All the mancoon story is great!! *lol*

oh pook said...

Thanks for sharing your "creepy" artwork *smilefaceguy*

Stushi said...

that's a bitchin looking Mancoon

Grendel said...

You´re wrost drawyer than me,... it´s impossible!
Can you write somwhere in spanish, please?
¡Estoy perdido por perdidos!

ROSA said...

Who is the man beside the mancoon??

D S said...

Jorge, in all seriousness, have you just decided on your halloween costume?

PoNCh said...

Hahahaha! Jorge, you're the best blogger ever! Please never stop!

Lynn Faruque said...

Jorge, I am so dumb. I can't believe I just say dumb things~~~I guess I think you don't have scads of people to talk to about stuff!!

I mean well, though. :-)

Tato said...

No tiene nada que ver con el post, solo queria darte las gracias por hacer de tu blog una fuente de inspiración para los espectadores que te siguen.
Bravo Jorge.

Gabriel Cobo

Unknown said...

Ni idea del lo que dice el post, pero los dibujos están guay. Y sí, los números son chungos.

Anonymous said...

Mmmm... No comments. Hahaha.

Apex Zombie said...

The main thing that concerns me with half man/half animal (manimal?) hybrids is their poop. Would they poop outside, or in a toilet. And what would it look like? Would it be more man-like, or animal-like?

Oh, and what are your thoughts about this whole writers strike?

bondsbustyblonde said...

That mancoon has nothing on Swamp Monkey's..

You Can't Scare Me said...

LMFAO! I had to show those Mancoon pics to everyone in the house. You should totally sell those on E-Bay. They would bring a fortune.

P.S. For the girl who was wondering if clams have faces???? My stepdad farms shellfish, and I am in the process of finding out for you.

You Can't Scare Me said...

Yeah, clams do not have faces.

(Sorry to hijack your awesome Man-coon blog Jorge)

Oh, and apparently there is a REAL Racoon Man.

from Urban Dictionary.com
1. Racoon Man

A person native to the Montgomery County Area outside of DC, but runs all over the place. He's some sort of marathon runner, and runs across county every day. Has this one long, nasty, wide, blonde dreadlock commin off his head about two feet. Is rumored to be mentally challenged and has been arrested for running in the nude. He also does not stop for cars, so watch out.

rodo said...

jorge, mi nombre es Rodolfo campos, de Chile te pido (bueno solo si quieres) si pudieras escribir en mas de un idioma ej:españos, ingles. para personas como yo que no entendemos el ingles
solo eso, a ¿cuantas temporadas de lost son?

Patti said...

Hi Jorge! I'm a Lost fan from day one and just stumbled upon your blog. Read everything, and just wanted to say even though you have a high-profile job, that isn't all you are. So I hope you keep up the blog and just write about what interests you. I loved that you wrote about writing down your goals, or what you want. I do that, too. It's crazy to look back and go "Wow, that really did happen and I forgot all about wanting it!"

Anyway, keep up the good work your day job, and keep writing. It's good for the soul!

Have a great day!

Patti from Louisville, Kentucky

Walter Felitti said...

HOLASSS, soy de argentina mi nombre es Walter y realmente soy un re fanatico tuyo y de la serie. Realmente me gusta mucho y bueno me algra que des esta posibilidad de hablar contigo! te dejo mi mail por si puedes algun dia contestarme cuervo_15_87@hotmail.com. Acuerdate de los argentinos que te bancamos!! (que te queremos jaja)!! Muhca suerte

Walter Felitti said...

HOLASSS, soy de argentina mi nombre es Walter y realmente soy un re fanatico tuyo y de la serie. Realmente me gusta mucho y bueno me algra que des esta posibilidad de hablar contigo! te dejo mi mail por si puedes algun dia contestarme cuervo_15_87@hotmail.com. Acuerdate de los argentinos que te bancamos!! (que te queremos jaja)!! Muhca suerte

Cordy said...

Hello Jorge.
Barely spoke English so google translates, I am sorry if you do not understand something.
My name is Noemi, in Spain and I am a fan of Lost.
Commentate you are Jorge Garcia, it is really so? Are you the great Hugo?
That ilusion.
I am in love with Sahyid, you tell ok? Jeje
It is not good to tell, and just as we understood because of the language ....
Simply, congratulations George.
I love Hugo, I mean, as you interpret.
You can contact me if you have time and want to, or see my blog.


amP* said...

very good pictures, but i still don't understand what's maine coon...I'm sorry...
but, anyway, I just wanted to tell you that I'll be very pleased if you'll invite me to get in your fabolous wolkswagen (i'm not sure about how to write it man) blue van........and you could bring the main coon if you want, of course...

mua mua señorito Jorge :)

Heather (a.k.a. Bella) said...

Gibby... LMAO! Thanks for finding out! You totally made my day.

Sawyer5665 said...

I know that a lot of people have probably already seen this movie, but I just watched "Disturbia". It was VERY GOOD! I have been wanting to see it since it was released in theaters, but I never did. I finally rented it on Directv this morning. I was thoroughly impressed with it. The ending was just awesome! I recommend it to anyone that appreciates a good suspense movie.

Caotica said...

Hi Jorge! I suppose you are busy with the filming of the show, but please send more "dispatches". I miss your comments, stories and drawings... Come on!

P.D. I agree that you blog only when you really want to do it, but I am tireless fan ;)

Unknown said...

Intento saber que es Mancoon o MAINE cOON...no entiendo nada,seguirè intentàndolo,pero si alguien que hable un poco de español me puede ayudar Y TRADUCIRME ÈSTO mejor-
Me siento un poco perdida.

Besos a todos.
y tì tambien Jorge.

¿Habèis visto los "300" by apples using stop-motion ?its so funny


Faith said...

Hi,Jorge!It's really Hugo?"My" Hurley? ^^ I'm spanish and my msn is bailar-en-la-oscuridad@hotmail.com Add me,please!!!

L.Lo said...

Haha! Jorge in Furry Shocker! Only kidding :P

Unknown said...

Maine Coons are a breed distinguished by high intelligence, dexterity, and playfulness. They have a tendency to use their front paws extensively (often curling the paw round to pick objects up) and as a consequence will easily learn to open cabinet doors, turn on water faucets, flush toilets, or pick up small objects. Some Maine Coons will eat, or even drink, from their paws, rather than from the bowl itself.
Ashlee James

Unknown said...

Maine Coons are generally healthy and hardy. They thrive on better brands of cat foods and sometimes adding fish oils to the diet helps keep their coat and skin in top health. However, they are often quite picky. Maine Coon breeders have worked hard over many years to produce hardy, healthy and beautiful kittens. Almost all knowledgeable Maine Coon breeders are able to avoid health problems because of significant new advances in veterinary medical testing in recent years.
Ashlee James

Unknown said...

he name Maine comes form the North eastern American State where the breed is thought to have originated. The Coon bit is a little more difficult. The original cats tended to be brown tabbies, with very dark back and a long flowing tail, rather like a raccoon, and long ago, people thought that they must have evolved from matings between domestic cats and raccoons. Of course we now know that this is genetically impossible, but this may have been where the name came from. In fact there are lots of legends surrounding the Maine Coons origins, including one that they originally came from Marie-Antionette, and were transported to America from France for safety when things started heating up at the time of the French revolution.
Ashlee James

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Unknown said...


It was truly a nice artwork! Good to say Main Coon are among the most unique breed kitten in animal kingdom, they are extremely hairy, youthful behavior, royal like eye, warm coat focused
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