Something I'll definitely miss about New Years in Lanikai is the annual neighborhood parade.
The "Woes Parade."

People get dressed up

(yes that is a dead rat - go figure)


and put together floats

or just ride their boat trailers.

And they vent. A bunch of people had signs about the furlough days we've been having.

(The little girl in the gold t-shirt was holding a sign that read, "Will work for an education.")

And sometimes they just show off the fact that their car has a treasure chest.

There are characters from every part of the world.. it just how you have fun with!! Right.. Happy new year to you and your sweet shady Lady!!
Cool people!
This is what makes Lanikai great. So random. How I miss living in Hawaii.
That's awesome. Love local parades like that.
A dead rat, eh? Do you think maybe someone saw the rat videos you posted?! LOL
: ) P
Happy New Year! I haven't checked your blog lately, so I just discovered that you were in Wisconsin for Christmas. Bummer that I didn't get to meet you. We could have "done lunch" or something. LOL Anyway--I think you are crazy for coming to this "Godforsaken Place" (those are my own words for WI) in the winter. I would do just about anything to get the heck out of here during the winter! However, if I ever move south, I will have to come hear for vacation to see family so. . .I'm out of luck either way. :-)
what are furlough days?
What is a furlough day?
Happy New Year!!! And to think that I stayed in ALL day today because it was 30F!! When I saw those bare chested people in the pics, it made me double think winter in France.... Oh well, c'est la vie!!
That has got to be the most wicked awesome thing ever. I want that for my neighborhood. I do. I really really do. I'm not exactly sure what is meant by "woes"? Are they cleansing their woes for the New Year? Anyway, it's awesome. Thanks for sharing.
For some reason it's only really hit me now how much of a change you're going to have Jorge at the end of Lost. It must be a hard life in many ways, to be involved in a TV show and then when it finishes to have to up sticks as well as secure new employment, and then have to do it all over again possibly next time.
At least you seem to be making the most of it, and that's the important bit :)
Happy New Year to you, Beth and Nunu. May it be more than you could ever hope for.
God bless
...j (",)
Will you miss the strings of firecrackers being lit from the trees? We lived in Kailua for awhile and that was amazing. The sound and the smoke. We thought the world was ending. ha ha
Parade animated!!! People having fun, always nice! A great start to 2010 for you! Kisses =)
Enjoyed the picture of the New Year's parade. They have a Mummers parade every year in Philadelphia which is kind of cool. I've never been, just watched it on TV. So are you moving from Hawaii after this season? That's sad.
great photos...
you'll have to let us know what your going to do after Lost and where you'll be..
Happy New Year to you and family!
Wow, a neat parade, and a very nice car! I guess that you have to have a treasure chest for a trunk if the car has a rumble seat in the back?
Thanks for another year of sharing with us your funny way of looking at life! It's much appreciated.
Aww, so does this mean you're definitely leaving Hawaii? After so much time I was thinking maybe you'd keep it as home base.
Happy New Year, Jorge.
Looks like a fun time was had by everyone. Happy New Year to you and Beth.
What are furlough days?
Dude I didn't know you had a blog!! I am a huge fan of both you and LOST. You're an excellent actor and your outreach to fan efforts such as Jay and Jack is cool.
I'm not sure if you read these, but I had a question. My friend (another LOST fanatic) and I are going to Hawaii on Tuesday to check out all the locations and stuff before the final season starts. Our schedule so far is cool, thanks to lostvirtualtour, but we were wondering if you know about any "must see" places in Oahu (LOST-related or not).
Otherwise, it seems like you've had a great new year.
I look forward to watching the final season of LOST!!
Wow that is the coolest. I would have gone if I had known. I live in Mililani and to me it was the coolest thing to see that people here spend thousands of dollars on fireworks and then light them off for 6 straight show I've ever seen. New Year's Eve Hawaiian style, I was told. Nobody had time to get drunk because they were all to busy lighting more fireworks.
Wow that is LOCAL
Happy New Year Jorge !!!
Here's a completely unnecessary and random comment... but you wrote "lanaikai" and there's a big hotel on the barrier island in Florida where I grew up called "Lanai Kai" - I guess after30-some years of life I have finally realized that it's not an original name.
It looks mental! You should take part next year wearing a cardboard VW bus!
Furlough days are essentially forced days off.
So the schools would be closed some Fridays.
Wowwwww! It's looks soooo Awesome!!! When i so this dead rat, for the first time, I thought that it's Bethany!!!! :)
I never not see so interesting Hapy New Year!!!
Jorge you know that name of Hawaii's Santa is: Kanakaloka!!! Really! :)
happy new year Jorge!!
I got beat to the definition of furlough days...
And I have to note that the Mobile Home Schooling shot made me chuckle.
I hope you threw cans at some of them.
Beats sitting in a snowdrift! I guess.
I am just on the other side of the island and I miss that stuff. Yep also gonna miss having Lost right in our own backyard-Hawaii is just gonna be a little different without you guys:-( Very excited for the beach premiere though and we are definitely planning on dragging the 2 kiddos with us cause we aren't missing it. Any insight on how to obtain VIP status in order to gain a seat in a chair? :-) Happy New Year indeed.
Happy New Year! As we step into this fresh year, it’s a great time to reflect on personal growth and professional development. For those navigating the complexities of NURS FPX 4020 Assessment 2, remember that improving quality of care and patient safety isn’t just a course requirement—it’s a vital part of shaping the future of healthcare. This assessment challenges students to integrate evidence-based practices, and mastering it can pave the way for impactful contributions to the field. Wishing all students success in their coursework and beyond! Let’s make this year one of progress and achievement!
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