A blog by Jorge Garcia.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

The Magic Finger Glove

When we were in Wisconsin I wanted to get a pair of gloves that were more functional than the ones I had packed. While browsing the selection at the Pick 'n Save I found these. I know they're a little hard to see because they're camouflage and all but the index finger had a different smoother material around it.

I figured this is a hunting glove and the index is for your trigger finger. Right? It's for the trigger finger isn't it? I mean even if it isn't tell me it is.


Bianca said...

Well I'm sure visiting Wisconsin you've become familiar with "snotscicles"... an index finger with a patented smooth material would come in very handy indeed...

Sue Wacvet said...

Well, actually, that glove is designed for <>. Sorry for the brutal honesty, but I thought you'd want to know what you were dealing with.

corofin said...

It's for the trigger finger

KJ said...

It's either for hunting or other cold-weather activities that any sane person would do indoors!

(no really, they're for hunting: http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templates/links/link.jsp?id=0027731921322a&type=product&cmCat=SEARCH_all&returnPage=search-results1.jsp&Ntk=Products&QueryText=glove&sort=all&Go.y=0&_D%3AhasJS=+&Nty=1&hasJS=true&No=18&Ntt=glove&N=0&_DARGS=%2Fcabelas%2Fen%2Fcommon%2Fsearch%2Fsearch-box.jsp.form23&Go.x=0&_dyncharset=ISO-8859-1)

Frank Irwin said...

I think that's a proctologist's glove.

Anonymous said...

I'm from a remote part of Canada, and I can honestly say you're 100% correct. Super bad ass gloves dude.


Justin said...

It's for your trigger finger, or for those of us who don't hunt, it's for picking your nose and not getting boogers all over the fleece.

Fred said...

I grew up in Wisconsin in a family of hunters. It is the "trigger" finger.

ChiTown Girl said...

Of course it is, silly! Unless you're thinkin' what I'm thinkin'....? Hmmm, could be intersting....

JohnLeMay said...

Probably, but I'm one of the few Alabamaian males who doesn't hunt. What do us lefties do??

Michael Dines said...

It is indeed a trigger finger glove.

mrs.mao said...

Yes, Jorge, my husband said this is for the trigger finger. Love your blogs. We can't wait for LOST to start!!

joanie2020 said...

The camo makes me think yes to the trigger finger. However, a lot of ski gloves and outdoor gloves have softer material on either the thumb or index finger to use as a nose wipe.

Barbara said...

Yes...it's definitely for your trigger finger! :D

Steve said...

It is a hunting glove.

If that doesn't work out (you still can't pick up small stuff or you want more dexterity) you can try getting some fingerless gloves and putting some thinner driving gloves inside them. Keeps your hands warm but you can still pick up your car keys.

Arcticroses said...

It's for pulling the trigger..... I think. I'm no expert, mind you, but I'd hate to think it was for nose picking or something like that.

Lisa Deon said...

Hey der- You're in Wisconsin, Jorge. It's a drinking glove, don' cha' know...

Unknown said...

First of all..

The Magic Finger Glove?
Sounds kinda kinky...

Truth be told, my first thought was nose picking, but then you might want a rubber surface.

So I'm guessing a hunting glove makes more sense..

Though you might want the index missing entirely. Wouldn't want to fire your load prematurely ...

John W said...

It definitely is.

Anonymous said...

I bet it is... which would be typical

kbrow said...

I would assume so. When I was travelling in Newfoundland, I found mittens with an index finger knitted in, for the trigger.

Anonymous said...

to turn the wheel on an ipod easier. www.billytard.com

KJ said...

Yup - that's a hunting glove :-)

Glad to hear you enjoyed your visit to our great state. Hope you got to enjoy some beer, cheese, snow and a Packer game!

TheHappyHomemaker said...

Where is it? I can't see it. The camo is just too good!


Offy said...

Either that or for touch screen devices such as the iPhone.

Sarah Elizabeth said...

Oh yes, it's the trigger finger.

Allison said...

Pick 'N Save. Wow, that brings back memories. I haven't been to one of those in about 20 years. I thought they were all gone.

yellowdoggranny said...

it's for scratching your butt..

Tammy said...

Trigger Finger, Yes, Yes it is! OR It's to camoflage those boogers that you get when you are outside so long in good old freezing cold air, Its late never blog when tired :)

Unknown said...

I am pretty sure you're right, I've seen hunting gloves like that before. What are you planning on using the 'magic' finger for?

adkjenn said...

its for boogers :)

i have a pair of mittens like this, except the thumb is the funny material.

Meredydd said...

Yes, its for your trigger finger.

Shadow Thompson said...

oh dude, you are so looking for googy responses with that one..... So here is mine. I was married to a man who liked to hunt. He never wore those gloves. This isn't to say that those are not for shooting. I think they have that on there for traction or something. Oh I know. It's for picking... yup.. hope u got big nostrils. Or look at it this way. Your all prepared and very well protected for giveing the worlds worst rectal exam.

andi_sue said...

The gloves pictured do in fact have a grip on the trigger finger. They are very useful when bow hunting. They allow you to grip the string on your drawback. Essentially...your trigger finger. :)

Barbara said...

See? A little different, but basically the same:


"Features Lycra trigger finger"

I never would have thought of that on my own!

Bad_Robot said...

Hey Jorge, you could take that glove back to the set and have a nice practical joke on Naveen the next time you have to do a escape-fight & shoot the bad guys scene. One for the blooper reel.

"Don't get arrested Hurley!"

jada said...

"Calfskin leather trigger finger and palm increase sensitivity where you need it most."

Cabelas hunting glove description that looks like the one you pictured.

Unknown said...

The LOST Underground Art Show


mcm said...

I'm with Allison, just glad that you made your way to a Pick 'n' Save. It's so quintessentially Wisconsin! (Speaking of which, though you haven't mentioned it, I'm assuming you ate lots of cheese and hoping against hope you drank some Leinenkugel's.)

warmislandsun said...

shopping for gloves at pick n save? really? are you turning into my dad? :)

Eugen Caitaz said...

Hihihi!!! It's for the nose!!! :)))

OHN said...

Everyone here is wrong.

It is obvious it is for traction in case you start to fall.

You extend your finger and it keeps you from hitting the floor.


Lynn Faruque said...

Reading some of the responses~~~~eeeewwwwww!!

Goof said...

They still have Pic N Save?? We used to have Pic n saves here but then they all turned to McFrugals and then Big Lots. Always the same kind of store but changed names. Weird.

Paul Higgins said...

Man, you must have been really desperate for gloves to buy them at a grocery store!

Next time, go to Fleet Farm (or Farm 'n Fleet) for stuff to wear in the cold. I grew up near L.A. and going to Fleet Farm when I first moved to Wisconsin blew my mind. That's when I knew that I was in for some serious culture shock.

taylor2d2 said...

Hey Jorge... check this out: http://www.alteregomusic.com/somelikeithoth.jpg

Tiffany Noélli said...

You have the gift of creating subject for any situation! And when you writes here on the Blog is quite humorous. My language is Portuguese, but now always write the English to be easy for you to understand. Sorry some mistakes! Kisses of his fan... Good week! ;)

lost-815 said...

Hey Dude :-) so you are number 8 of the famous Valenzetti's equation 4 8 15 16 23 42 cool.

BusWalker said...

Wow, my first thought was that it was for using an iPhone. I actually do see a lot of winter gloves around here that are called "iPhone gloves" or "SMS gloves". But then, they come in colorful stripey patterns and are clearly not hunting gloves.

The *other* use never even crossed my mind! Ugh ...

Anonymous said...

Just in case you hadn't heard:


A dude named Jorge Garcia used a baby as a stun-gun shield?

James Hernandez said...


Trigger finger and trigger happy!

B.R said...

I would still buy it.
And, yeah, it is a hunting glove, with the trigger, and the finger, and...I'm sorry to disappoint you, but, that's what you wnated to hear, Right?

Ralph- said...

i am pretty sure that finger is one of two fingers designated for the pink, whereas the pinky finger, strangely enough, is designated for the stink.

You dont have to publish this.

cathescomicz said...

yep pic n save is what the glove is for...we have one more week until we get our chu-wow-wow, and I thought of you and beth yesterday cos he was by for a play date with our cats- Our rats SCARE him! (he's 8 weeks old- the boy is only 3/4 rat size himself!)

nollyposh said...

Who cares they're cOOL right?!! X;-)

Paul Spooner said...

It's for playing Tidly Winks and poking cats up the bum!

Alisha Rene' said...

you don't have to post this - I'm just excited to say these two words "Vampire Weekend" did you get it?!?!?! I'm listening now ;)

oh, and, nice trigger finger, lol

Shmeidi said...

Yep, these are on ski gloves as well, specifically for nose wiping.

Nicole Thibault said...

Jorge -
This is unrelated to the glove blog, but do you know that you are currently on the tmz.com's "Who'd You Rather" poll?
It's a toss up between you and Michael Emerson.
Thought you might find that fun,
Good Luck!

Unknown said...

Hey, there's a TMZ poll up now. It's "Ben vs. Hurley: Who'd You Rather?" Jorge is edging out Michael!


The Nicholsons said...

I have no idea but all I can picture is a bunch of deer coming to a quick halt while their deer leader says "shhhhhh everybody quiet...I think I just saw a finger."

kerenl said...

well, being against hunting...
but i am sure there's a good reason for th index finger being all cosy ;-D

Chrissy Conklin said...

Maybe it's a nose-picken glove? Though personally I use my pinkie.

I mean ... NOTHING!

X said...

TMZ has a "who'd you rather?" poll on it's site, you vs. creepy Ben. You're winning. I voted for you too :)

Kate said...

I was born and currently live in Wisconsin and that's the trigger finger for shooting! Why were you in Wisconsin?

Matreyu said...

holy crap! I got that same pair of gloves for Xmas for ice fishing. And it is for wiping your nose.

Anonymous said...

This is why I like you Jorge! You're just a regular kinda guy and you shop at Pic-n-Save! [Awesome find, by the way ;)]

moon said...

Warning: Once you hold up that uncamouflaged finger EVERYONE can see you.