A blog by Jorge Garcia.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Went to Santa Rosa

for my cousin's wedding.
This is the closest thing I found.


Paul Spooner said...

Better than nothing I suppose...

Eugen Caitaz said...

Not mental but dental health service.:)

Jules said...

Santa Rosa?

redelf said...

Is that a reflection on your brother?

Erin {pughs' news} said...

So, you're just like the rest of us LOST fanastics... Always looking for a connection somewhere!!!

OurWanderingAdventures said...

hahahah! We have a mental health facility about an hour from here and I love the signs that say:


Lynn Faruque said...

Compared to the photos you've shared with us from your more exotic adventures, it is not quite the same, no. But congrats to your cousin!! May they be happy forever together.

I learned that the season may begin early this year?

I have a question if you don't mind. Not giving away Lost secrets, but when you have seen what a phenomena the show has become, did you expect that? How does that make you feel and what do you think of that? I would LOVE to hear your take on it. If not here, where would you answer that?

Because Lost is sooooo different, it has not just fans, but rabid, die hard fans.

And as always, besos!!

Ralph- said...

Dave is gone!

~Karen~ said...

I'm sure the Santa Rosa Mental Health Facility still has my room reservation.
They'll be expecting my arrival around late May-early June of 2010.

Raymi Lauren said...


Please Type Legibly said...

HAHAHA...forget Brooke Burke and Bridget Marquardt. You should be the one doing a travel show! ;o)

Tammy said...

I love how the sign is made from pipes and old wood.
Just how long has the metal health service been in service-since Sigmund???

Autumn said...

that's awesome man! I think I found a Santa Rosa mental hospital in Florida somewhere. Say hi to Eko!

zookeeper said...

wait!!! you came to our hometown and didn't visit us?? my husband and I always got a kick out of seeing the Santa Rosa sign on episodes of LOST. Next time you come and visit your family, give us a shout!!!

Carin McKenna said...

Hey, you were in my 'hood!

Sorry I missed you. ;)

JimPel said...

well that's ironic.

yellowdoggranny said...

run....run for your life..

Unknown said...

You just made my day, Jorge!

Ali said...

I always wondered if it was supposed to be set there. I spent my childhood summers near Santa Rosa and when they mentioned that name in Lost, I got so excited. But is it supposed to be the same?

Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

Did you stop by so you could do some research for LOST? ;)

GijsH said...

Haha.. good find.

Love your blog btw so keep up the good work. :)

kelly said...

you know.. you are reallllly funny LMAO

Homer Simpson said...
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B.R said...

Ne'er been there.
Must be a delightful experience.
The question I'll have to ask is:
Was your cousin's wedding at the Mental Service?

pursuit agent said...

Funny, Dharmalars Ben and I just watched Shadow of a Doubt last week, which takes places there. AND when I went to check something on Google there was a Santa Rosa Shambhala Meditation Center. I am creeped out by these coincidences...

James Hernandez said...


I think you may be taking your role on your 'real job' a little too seriously. Though having to read scripts from Damon, Carlton, Eddie and Adam might make me go around the bend! :-) Hee Hee!

Cassandra said...

Now you can claim the trip as a tax write-off--just say you were doing research for your job!

jane dough said...

You were totally in my neighborhood, man! (The Bay Area, not the mental health . . oh whatever - we're all a little wierd out here). I am a big fan since I saw you on Becker and now Lost. And the blog is great.

Clare said...

The rickety sign doesn't exactly fill me with confidence...

Unknown said...

Hi Jorge, I made a boo boo on a comment I left a few weeks ago. As an apology, I'm presenting you with this award. It also explains my boo boo and why it happened.

You're an Honest Scrap!

Kaoru said...

Funny xD

Topanga said...

I saw a pillar of black smoke yesterday. I was so intrigued I had to see where it was coming from. It was an old barn on fire.

$h3@ said...

oh my gosh! I live in Santa Rosa. Wish i coulda run into you. haha. SR's a cool city. :)

Unknown said...

Jorge, what's your family's connection to Santa Rosa? A few years ago, during the summer after the first season of LOST, I visited the theater at the local junior college to purchase tickets for an upcoming show. As I walked away I noticed a guy who looked just like you sitting on the steps and chatting with some people. I even said to my brother as I got back in the car, "Doesn't that guy look like Hurley from LOST?" But we figured nah, what would he being doing in Santa Rosa? Anyway, the night of the show I went to pick up the tickets at will call and lo and behold, the box office had a signed photo of you hanging up. Did you ever perform at the Santa Rosa Junior College theater?

Erin said...

It was worth a try!

whiterabbita said...


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Christina Bauer said...

I wouldn't stick around that sign too long...they might admit you!

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