Well it turns out my protective netting has met it's match. Smaller birds.

It doesn't do me any good when these guys can slip through he holes in the net.

So now I've resorted to a net within the net.

It's not pretty.

But hopefully it will slow them down.
Wow! I think that should just about do it! And to think all I have to worry about is the neighbor's cat. I feel a little better now.
I remember having to use screen netting (like for a sliding screen door) on top of the square netting. That worked best to keep birds out of the cherry trees, and it also helped with the bugs. Good luck and happy harverst!
Dirty scavengers! ;-)
As a fellow gardener, I'll let you in on a little secret: most of your time will be spent solving problems you thought you already had. Make your peace with it now, gardening is a CONTINUOUS learning curve, none of us ever gets to the point where we do everything perfectly. And that's part of the fun.
I've had to resort to covering my berries with this stuff, but it works GREAT! Not the prettiest, but an easy fix. I just drape it over the plants and fold it back when I need to get to them...
Good luck!
I am soooo not a gardener, hon. but you seem to have a lot of fun with it!!
Hope it does the trick!
Here in Jersey. I'm growing tomatoes in a 5 gallon bucket so the rabbits don't get at them. I fear that won't work on the raccoons though. We are supposed to be smarter than them, but they keep on foiling our plans.Curse You Animals!!
We've been having problems with crows eating the fruit off our fig tree and got a tip off the internet that has worked for us. Don't know if you could incorporate it somehow...we've taken unwanted CD's and tied them all around the tree. The reflection from the sun when the CD's move around seem to deter the birds from getting close. So far the tree hasn't suffered any but perhaps if your plants are too delicate, you'd have to be careful about how you place the reflective surfaces to prevent burning. Good luck!
We're plagued by squirrels, so I feel your pain. Who knew squirrels ate tomatoes? Well, they do...a lot of them. And I've taken to building a little fort around each new bean plant that pokes through the soil or the top will get munched off. You should see the contraption I rigged around one of my grow beds.
Persistent fellas! This reminds me of the rabbit problem in the garden in Phenomenon...
I have four tomato plants in the backyard. I tried the 4 square gardening and I simply don't have enough light. Boooo! So, tomatoes are all I'll have.
BTW, we have a forum we created to keep away from shotgun spoilers. Trolls tend to spoil episodes over at IMDb every chance they get. So, we created http://losties.aceboard.com. If you come visit, you'll have to prove it's you (we've had some people try to join who are known spoiling trolls...long story). A suggestion is that you stand in front of the computer, thumbs up, with the forum in the background on screen. Our admin said he'd tattoo the pic across his face if you took it. lol :-) So please, just consider it. I wanna see the tattoo!!! We also took a poll and you have overwhelming fan support to join. Thanks in advance.
Haha, you sound like my grandma! Sorry, though, that sucks....
Beautiful little birds, though!
that is a nice idea
really sorry for the Off Topic
please jorge visit this link about us @ RomaFictionFest:
were we nice?!?
some photos also on
you had to be there in rome with us!!!
Yesterday, I also wrote about the birds too. What? Did you read my blog?
Netting. The world's bodyguard.
Iss there anything they can't do?
Nice birds, by't way. Think I'm gonna name 'em Jorge and Senor Enchilada.
Hey, maybe you can do a little bird banding while you're at it...
So, I went out this morning and there are now spiders on my tomato plants!!! Boooooooo! This makes me sad.
Here's some extra incentive to perhaps join our forum. Maybe you can link a pic to just our admin when you register so it's not public for everyone to see. I know how you feel about having to prove yourself. :-) http://losties.aceboard.com
Links to pics of our conversation:
So, there you go. My husband and I are waiting for this tattoo to become a reality! lol
I'm sad to say that a bird’s will trumps almost every human devised way of defeating them. Of course I said this back in the day while I guarded my mother’s strawberry patch. Then I got smart and used a BB gun! Funny how shooting a few birds had the effect of making their surviving siblings more cautious of those tasty red berries.
Try tulle. Yes, like for wedding dresses. That is what we used to protect our strawberries this year. Cheap (it was only 97 cents a yard) and worked great!
I must admit, I've never had a bird problem... I've always had big dogs around. But if it helps, I've seen the CD thing work. Also I use rebar poles and I buy wire(nice and easly bendable electrical wire) to tie up the tomatoes to the poles. Cheap and easy.
I'm from texas...I'm thinking a cat or a beebee gun...
so my neighbor buy those cheap plastic snakes and ties them to his plants. I don't know if it works, but it looks really weird.He told me that the birds are afraid of the snakes.
Also he plays a CD of tropical bird that are suppose to scare the bird off. I don't know if this would work for you since you are already in a tropical place.....just a thought.
I will tell my neighbor about the CD's.
Wow! What kind of bird is that Jorge? You must get some lovely birds there on the Island.
My family has a garden too and birds and deer (live in Wisconsin) always come to our garden and think it is a free-for-all. So we hang blank CDs up and little stippes of aluminum foil and it keeps the birds and deers away!
Hope that helps your garden, and you!
Looks like lovebirds. Gorgeous, but sorry they're going after your veggies.
You need the netting with the smaller holes. You can pick up a 14 foot roll at Lowes or Home Depot for like $5. I had birds that were eating my tomatoes...very disappointing and this stuff works like a charm. A few of them have gotten stuck and knocked some other plants over because they got scared LOL! Served them right trying to get my MATERS!!!
you need one of those plastic owls with the swiveling head...those are effective at keeping pigeons from crapping on your boat, so i think they will be successful in scaring away your little birdlets.
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Typically, you apply it like you would caulk onto ledges and sills where the birds usually land. Bird repellent spikes bird strips can also be placed on the sills and ledges of homes and buildings. Bird netting is also an excellent choice to keep birds away from trees, foliage and berries Spikes bird have been a blessing for us! Now we can enjoy our seating area at any time.
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