While tilling the soil for my "do over" project I discovered some root veggies.
So I took them inside right away.

I don't know what made my carrots grow like Laurel and Hardy. But the thicker one had better flavor for me.

The jicama was great. Also because I had no idea that any of the seeds actually grew. That section of the garden was sloppily planted and both of these were plants had their tops eaten off by the time I got to them. I ended up finding a second jicama later as well.
Wow...the first commenter on your blog...I feel so privledged.
I one time had a vegetable garden for a school project and I got only 1 carrot and two radishes. Sad day...
Everyone I know is growing a garden. I start to feel a little jealous hearing about their produce, but then I remember just how lazy I am and I sigh with relief.
My little kitchen counter sweet basil plant is keeping me happy for now!
Congrats on the surprise root veggies!
Those carrots are so cute! :D
My question is off topic, but I am very interested in why you have written that you submit your post at 6:11 AM, in my account was written that you sent an hour ago, and is at Hawaii now 9:20PM?
A jicama? What's a jicama? I've never heard of that. We're so underpriveleged here in the UK.
pavlina, dont be sad... Im from Germany and i dont know jicama's, too ;)
so, what is it? Looks a bit like truffle ^^
"But the thicker one had better flavor for me."
That's what she said, Jorge. That's what she said.
CARROTS! Giant carrots! Your garden is under the watchful spirits of Zuul and Vinz Clortho!
Those giant vegetables are trying to find a body to occupate. You are not Jorge Garcia, you are Gozer, the Gozarian!
Geez, I watch too much TV.
Looks like you'll never be hungry again!
I miss jicama SO MUCH.
You can't beat natures bounty! Homesick for garden vegetables - the stuff they sell in stores is not worth feeding to wild animals.
The carrots are beautiful! I'm terribly jealous.
The carrots look like Abbott and Costello carrots. lol
Not sure you are quite self sufficient just yet, but another dozen of those and you might have enough for a Sunday roast!
At the very least they could garnish the top of a carrot cake!
I love jicama! When I lived in Mexico I would buy it from street vendors and it would be sprinkled with salt and lime juice. YUM!
Getting a good jicama in Nebraska is a bit of a struggle. Oh well.
I am working on my first veggie garden but I only planted tomatoes because I was scared I would kill anything else. But I have three tomatoe plants with enough tomatoes to end world hunger on them.
Yum, I love jicama. It's been so long since I've had some.
Ooo...fresh carrots are the best! I've never had jicama though!
Hey Jorgeman,
It looks biggest after were peeled, in the pictures. lol
You have a gorgeous garden! I have my very first garden this year too, between you and my friends I have had some real inspiration! I didn't get any carrots though :( My sprouts went into shock and I didn't have time to start another round before it got too hot.
Keep blogging,yours is one of my favorites!!!!
I love jicama. My wife prepares it with jugo de limón and a chile powder. Soooo yummy. Saludos desde Toluca, Estado de Mexico. We love Lost!
those carrots are so tiny.
i like to say the word jicama..it's just one of those funny words....like oxnard..
so far i have harvested a ton of lettuce, 8 cherry tomatoes, and one regular tomato..which makes for a pretty fecking bland salad
I love your blog. You are so down to earth, no pun intended with your gardening post and all. Since you seem to be into gardening I thought I would give you a link that has awesome organic gardening tips. My sister and her boys plant all the time in the Arizona heat. My brother-in-law even built his own greenhouse.
it might help if I actually gave you the link-duh! http://sauerbugs.blogspot.com/
Jicama is awesome! For those who are unfamiliar, it is in the radish family and tastes sort of like a cross between a potato and an apple. Very light and refreshing.
What does one do with jicama? I cannot plant root vedetables as the soil is too hard and they don't grow. We did grow great pumpkins last year though. My son took them to school in his wagon and passed them out to teachers. They were a huge hit!
I love Nunu. What great ears and expressions.
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