Of course you do. We've been up all night worried sick since. Well I'm happy to report that it has been found. Ta-dah!

It was totally random. I had a random duffle bag sitting on my dresser for a while. I unzipped it and found it full of random items.

Including two unmatched socks and a single ear plug.
It looks like this might have been the result of a rapid cleanup. (You know, where you put a bunch of clutter that you have no idea what to do with in a bag, box, or suitcase.)
Now it's all safely back in the bag. Except for the shoe of course.
Stay tune for my next blog, "Lost: two socks."
Just kidding.
there's my damn ear plug.!
Yikes, return of the missing shoe.
That's a great movie idea, Y'know.
Oh thank goodness
*breathes sigh of relief*
now I can get on with my life :)
Excellent. I hate it when things go missing, which also shows how anal I really am. But I can't find my Rescue Remedy right now, and I'm about to freak.
I'm so glad you found it. It had me up nights too. LOL
Man, I need to check my random duffle bags. Who knows what goodies I will find!
yaaaay, your shoe is finally back :D
btw great blog, i enjoy reading it, and it's funny as hell. so keep up the great work :D
so glad you didn't resort to pitchin' out the odd shoe! is that an unmatched flip flop also? where is its mate? should we stay tuned for its reunion also?
Glad you found that shoe :)
That's too funny!
im happy you found your shoe!
hey--do you actually read all the comments you get?
nevermind...its not like i wouldn't talk even if i knew for sure no one was listening.
congrats on the shoe, man.
They look like Nike Pegasus. Maybe the other one flew away but them came back like a homing pigeon.
As soon as I saw that picture of the shoe, I busted out laughing. I can't think of anyone else who would dedicate an entire blog to a missing shoe...and the a SECOND blog to finding it.
Hooray! I have been waiting for the other shoe to drop! LOL
: ) P
Dammit! Now I've got that song in my head. I HATE that song! :-P
oh, i am so relieved!
i have a few boxes like that around my house too
Glad you found it! Kind of an odd "clean-up" though. Sounds fishy.
Glad to hear the doggie didn't eat it!
What a wonderful day!
Now the Earth is in true alignment.
Man, it feels great to find something after it's been lost for a while. I guess the shoe wasn't at the parents house after all! I'm hoping that a book I've lost turns up in that same way sometime soon.
Off subject, but good to see you around town again. ;)
Haven't you ever heard the story of Noah - two by two dude!
All that hopping around must have been very tiring.
Damn. Now I have to stay up nights worrying about the missing flip-flop.
I understand the "clutter sweep"! (And the joy of finding your stuff later!)
PS - Loving the Delamare! Have you seen the tile wall murals?
I totally want one in my dream home!
hehehehe you are so funny :) i hope meet you one day. My english is really bad but i hope....anyway......
kiss my cutie chubby :p
My Congratulations!
Ha! That's awesome. I love when I find a long, lost item stuffed away somewhere.
It does my heart good that you have your tennis shoes to wear on your next aventure. Please take lots of pictures of you and your traveling shoes. To share with us out here in the Blog-a-sphere.
Hey - did you happen to find any of my missing socks in there? :)
Hey Jorgeman, congratulations!!!
Hahaha! Awesome, the shoe's back!
Cya! =)
only you could get 33 comments on a blog post about a found lost shoe.
Yeah for finding the shoe! I knew Emerson couldn't have taken it.
Thanks for the shoe update. I can finally take down the "have you seen this shoe" posters around town.
Glad to hear this story has a happy ending! Now maybe you can help me find the hairbrush that got swallowed by my luggage on the way home from Boston...
Hasty cleanup. That one gets me almost every time.
YAY for the found shoe. Alas - I was hoping Emerson had been plotting something fun with it when you began filming again ;)
I saw a shoe in the road yesterday and it made me wonder if you had found your missing shoe yet. And YAY! You did!
Its kinda of stalkerish but i totally remember when you lost that shoe. feels good to find a missing item. i love the description of a 'quick clean up' we all have done it before.
hey do you read these?
check out my blog too.
Wow, and to think you narrowed it down from "somewhere in California or Hawaii"! I am hoping I will get lucky and find my lost item too. I lost my Ray-Bans on a tour of a gold mine in Colorado. I went in with them and realized they were gone midway through the tour. Now that I'm back home in L.A., I'm just hoping they turn up somewhere. You give me hope, Jorge!
when things like these happen to me they make me wonder how lucky i was to think of opening this random thing.
but for me it's a random drawer.
makes me think i didnt check mine for a while... wonder what's in there.
Now I can sleep in peace...lol. Glad you finally found your shoe!
Yes, I do remember your "lost shoe" blog. Glad you found the other one. Isn't it irksome, wondering where lost items go?
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