Different store in Sausalito had this. That's right "Crunching Dog."

You plug him into your USB port and he does sit-ups.

Actually I think it's a "she" because the dog is wearing a sports bra (without pants by the way).

By the way check out the abs on this bitch. (I use "bitch" in it's literal, canine sense.)
Her she is in action.
Yup, that's pretty much it.
The curious thing about this sit-ups is that she hits very hard with her back to the floor, isn it?
That's dangerous.
Dude. That's not right.
Is it just me or is that 'bitch' giving birth to a USB port? LOL
Only the Japanese could have come up with this one! ;D
JOrge! you want, that Nunu have press?
I really dont think thats a she... the USB port is just in the wrong area for it to be a she and it plugs into the computer so it must be a he wearing a sports bra...
It is Labrador. Maybe its Vincent.
Look here:http://images.google.ru/imgres?imgurl=http://z.about.com/d/lost/1/0/Z/R/-/-/Hurley_Vincent.jpg&imgrefurl=http://lost.about.com/od/photosbyepisode/ig/Lost-10x3-Photos/Hurley_Vincent.htm&usg=__cUHN77OO35wla4E8vDlgpDwgwCs=&h=500&w=347&sz=141&hl=ru&start=2&um=1&tbnid=o-i7aIGC4Vt5WM:&tbnh=130&tbnw=90&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dvincent%2Blost%26hl%3Dru%26lr%3D%26sa%3DG%26um%3D1%26newwindow%3D1
That is wrong on so many levels.
That's... mesmerizing.
hehe, great!
that's hilarious! so, basically it's a USB port cover? so weird!
Um. Have you seen the HUMPING dog version of this? http://www.thinkgeek.com/geektoys/japanfan/9c89/
I don't think that is a sports bra but one of those half tank tops that were popular with the boys in the 80s. Your dog USB is just from a different decade.
Wow! A dog that does crunches on a thumb drive! Is Nunu jealous?
Oh my gosh! That's almost as good as the pooping pig. Squeeze the pigs belly, and poop comes out. (It's that slimey stuff they make for kids, dyed brown!) Too funny!
That ain't right.
"The Donald duck theory" The period in the evolution of an animated character to act human while still maintaining enough characteristics of an animal to justify the not wearing of the appropriate articles of clothing.
This is some times confused with "the Chimpanzee theory" The period in evolution that a chimpanzee must where a diaper, but they don't need to wear pants or shorts to cover them up.
That is AWESOME!
More toys, Santa.
I learn more stuff when I read Jorge's blog.
I'm going to keep my eye open for that and give them at Christmas.
Um, I don't think those are abs, but rather teats. Teats of steel.
i love crap like this. fun stuff. check out this:
boss launcher. they also have a chicken, pig, ninja launchers too. random.
That is just wrong on so many levels!
It looks like it is humping your computer.
omg I want that.
And I don't even know why.
Lol...Some of the best toys come from overseas. That's really cute. Thanks again for sharing, Jorge.
I have the USB humping dog. It was a Christmas gift from my boyfriend (so romantic). The ab-crunching dog is bizarre, but at least it can be used in a public place.
Might be that she is a he, who is a triathlete ... they wear those "bras", too :)))
Want one! That's better than anything I ever saw on Leno.
besides abs, the crouching dog does another "ability"? like 2GB storage or even, bluetooth conection?
but I must agree it is very random, maybe not the randomest toy, but maybe the randomest USB gadget I have ever seen.
That is hilarious! I wish I could plug myself into my laptop and get abs like that. I'd even let people call me a bitch!
so cute!
That...would be truly annoying...wow.
Freiking hilarious dude! Gotta go though LOST coming on SciFi Channel.
very original idea for a toy...
i liked it.
Yet you can't rub a boy dog's belly...
that's kinda wrong...and pervy.
I love it. Random toys are the best! I love my Marie Antoinette action figure, complete with head that flies off LOL
You paid money for that? LOL I hope not too much. ;)
Too funny. Also, while reading the post I downloaded the little video of the bitch in action. And totally forgot about it. And you know how in OS X (Leopard) the most recent downloaded item has an image next to the Trash? Yeah, I just glanced down and saw it...the miniature of the thumbnail for that video looks a little...racy. So I clicked and laughed all over again. Hopefully I'll keep forgetting about it and repeating this process for a while.
That would make an awesome Yankee Swap gift.
Love it Jorge!
gee, I know I'm an old broad and have seen just about everything there is to see..but thats the first time I ever saw a dog hump a computer...I think I'd rather have both eyes stabbed with a number 2 pencil.
I think I know what I'm getting my buddy for Christmas now (he's a personal trainer and he loves dogs). This is almost as good as the Crazy Cat Lady action figure I got my older sister last year.
You ever buy toys from Stupid.com? If not, I think you'd get a kick out of them.
Wow... Who comes up with this stuff? I think I'm most disturbed by her massive six-pack. But it cracks me up!
Thats hilarious.
I wonder what was going through the inventor's mind at the time he thought it up ..."WOW! What this world really needs is a stupid USB situp dog. I'll bet people will actually BUY it, like they did the Pet Rock".
He was right. That is severely ghey, dude!
Winnie the Pooh wears a half shirt and no pants. All that time scouring the 100 Acre Wood for "Hunny" when he should have been looking for some drawers.
Oooooooh, I WANT ONE!!!!!
I really need two of those for each of my sons!!
Who thinks up this stuff? I wish I had that much time on my hands. I could probably invent all sorts of stuff. Maybe. Well maybe not.
That's... a bit disturbing. I think it's the USB thingie and where it's, um, located that is a big part of the problem.
Disturbing AND random.
I got the humping version as a gag gift from ThinkGeek a few years ago.
It's funny, though... you have to admit that they are entertaining for much longer than you'd anticipate.
I love it - useless absurd toys like that just crack me up. One of my favorites that i have is a librarian action figure with "real shushing action"
that is so weird.
Weird, funny and hilarious! Hahaha
She's never tired? LOL
Although I think "she" is he. =P
Hugs Jorgeman!
I'd never heard of USB toys until this post. The same day I read it, a colleague sent me this link to a talking USB Yoda:
Jorge, you need this to protect your computer!
This is awesome! It appears we share a brain on this subject... My wife usually will humor me when I buy things like this, because I just give them to one of our nieces or nephews when I have played with it enough (or humiliated myself in public with it ;)) However, if you ever get to Chicago let us know! I have quite a collection of some stores that have all kinds of stuff like this, and I would love to show you around, plus we can have a super munch fest because I also know of all the best places to eat. I am trying to get back to O'ahu again this November, but I am sure you will be busy with work. Keep up the great work Jorge! I love reading your blog!!!
Oh my! For a sec I thought she was trying to give her self a... Never mind.
But don't judge her, dogs actually do that!
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Her abs look like a pan of muffins. hmmm, muffins.... excuse me while I go pop open a can of Pillsbury...
Wow. Just...wow. So weird.
Now you're just scaring me! X;-)
First thought: Is it supposed to be incentive to workout? If I had something like that, my will to be at the computer 24/7 would compel me to throw it across the room. lol "No dog's gonna tell me to do crunches!"
It's even funnier when set to music - I had on some Green Day and that lil dog was rocking! :)
LOL. So, how much will a Crunching Dog set you back these days?
Oh my. Happened to stumble across your blog through Cake Wrecks and laughed pretty hard at this post.
A good friend once sent me this strangely similar mini art book for my birthday last year. Labs With Abs
The best part, and you can see it if you scroll down, is that the cover says "so real! so tite!". An important new part of my daily vocabulary.
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