Also from the store in Sausalito.
Zombie finger puppets.

I found this Sumo Wrestler that sits on top of the fridge.

He stays in place because he has magnets in his feet.

Watchers of Sumo on television will recognize this angle.
By the way I like the detail of making his cheeks rosy.
And this bin.

I love your blog! I just watched the Ace of Cakes ep last night where they went to Hawaii for the 100th ep. I thought it was funny how you called and left and message and they kept replaying it back for everyone lol.
Thanks for the crack view of the Sumo wrestler. Yes, the rosy complexion gives an extra touch. So to speak. LOL
Those finger puppets are cool.
Hey Jorge,
Did you notice on the first picture of the Finger Puppets, that the one on the left with the green face looks just like Michael Jackson in Thriller.
Love a toy store with a sense of humour!
I like windup toys, but they have to be "cool" (wind up nunzilla, a knight on a horse). They make me laugh.
Very nice! I was a big fan of sumo wrestlers when I in hs.
Did you see the news report that a Weiner mobile went through a kitchen in WI?
$.59 choking hazards? That's hysterical!
when i was a little girl and lived in hawaii they had a sumo wrestler that was the fan favorite...never forget his name"sakamoto" my daddy bought me a litle japanese doll and i named it sakamoto in his honor..and im crazy about zombies..on they had a ton of crazy zombie sites and advice on how to survive zombies..never go back for your buddy, he's already a zombie..
Choking Hazard, $.59. The view of the rosey butt cheek sumo wrestler, priceless.
you now need to find another wrestler so they can fight each other after you have gone to bed...
Do you ever do puppet shows? If not, you should! I could see you doing a video that is a like a combo between japanese manga and zombies! I for one would buy a ticket!
59 cent choking hazards...I would have to buy them just for that.
Way cool .... I bought two of those finger zombies on vacation.. to amuse the child (and myself) on the plane ride home....they are much fun for $1.50!
Way cool .... I bought two of those finger zombies on vacation.. to amuse the child (and myself) on the plane ride home....they are much fun for $1.50!
Is it just me, or does anyone think the Sumo looks anorexic? Most of the ones I've seen are carrying a lot more weight than that guy.
I'd like to give my nephew some of those choking hazards for his birthday.
I need those zombie finger puppets!
Everytime I'm in Sausalito I always hit up that store, and then go to the candy shop down the street. Or watch that guy stack rocks by the water. Crazy little town.
thanks for, first, the smile I got on Zombie's but more of all, a big hell of a thanks for down right pee in my pants laugh, at the coughing hazzards. You simple the best. Your blog is on my morning coffee, before anything else computer stop. yours truely, Lacie
I hadn't stopped laughing when I posted my comment. I need to proofread before posting. But you get the drift.
"Wienermobile crashes into Wis.home" You should google this, it is sad, tragic and somewhat hillarious.( Look for the article with the picture.)
LMAO! Now that's the way you advertise - choking hazards. If you have a child who is annoying you know what you can get them.
What I love is they were bold enough to label them as "choking hazards" and then sell them anyway.
@The Empty Envelope and Nicole- I saw the story on the wienermobile too. I guess I wasn't the only one who was reminded of Jorge's post. :D
I'd buy a ticket to your puppet shows too.
OMG! My friend Becky LOVES zombies. She's writing a zombie novel! I am going to google these guys and see if I can find them anywhere for her! So cool!
Don't forget to pick up that milk, Jorge! Sweet toys, too.
In my day, choking hazards wents 2 for 10 cents at the Five & Dime...
That sign is awful/hilarious. And the zombie on the left is a dead ringer for Michael Jackson!
That toy store is awesome. Last time I was there I tried to convince myself that the $80 Eva-01 Kubrick was "totally worth it." Alas, I left without my favorite mech/mom.
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