So As I showed you guys a couple of days ago. When I first got Nunu she looked like this:

One ear up and one ear down.
Then about a week later her other ear popped up.

She was a puppy so she was going through a series of shots.
One of the shots she got must have been pretty rough because both of her ears fell.

I thought, "Oh no they broke my dog!"
But they were up again the next day. (Whew!)

And have been up ever since.

Except when they're folded back.

I love when their ears get folded back(:
Nunu is a cute name for a dog, but if I had one i'd name it Fezziwig
I just love Nunu. I am jealous you have such a beautiful "daughter".
Her ears make me think of the Flying Nun.
She's so cute! And why is it that big guys always like small dogs?
That is absolutely adorable. I usually go for dogs with floppy ears, but Nunu has changed my opinion!
ha! Too cute.
The last picture of Nunu is classic! Her eyes seem to be saying 'what the heck is that!'
Awesome ears!
"Oh no, they broke my dog". That was funny. Nunu is a great name. She's a cute little dog, and it makes me laugh to see the photos.
the folded back look is a little scarey. lol
Nunu is velly velly cute.
Thank you for sharing cuteness, because it promotes peeing in pants, and peeing in pants promotes buying new pants! Maybe we can buy Levis!
They should hire you as a spokespearson for Levis jeans...
And Nunu should appear in the commercial too. Big floppy ears make peolple wanna buy more
Your dog is too cute. I would not have been able to resist her in the pet store either!
I am silently waiting for my old cat annie to bite the bullet ..when she goes I'm getting a dog..I'm naming it DUDE.. c'mer Dude, oh no Dude, you pooped in the floor, Duuuude, good doggie..there is just so many ways to say Dude. I love Annie but there is a Dude out there with my name on him
by the way ..that's the cutest ugly dog i've ever seen...Duuuuude..
My kids will love seeing your pictures of Nunu. They have been begging for a dog a lot lately.
I've always wondered if you named her for the chihuahua on the Dog Whisperer. She's a cutie, Jorge.
Oh Jorge, thank you for the giggle. I can always count on you to brighten up my day.
Now just imagine what you'll be like when (if) you have kids. Cute pictures of them all over the blog. =)
I left you a comment on your Load of Crepe post, but then I realized you probably don't check back that far. short, we went to Crepes No Ka Oi last week just because of that post, and it really was good. They are really nice there, too!
my dog gypsy has both up when she's stressed & then flops on down when everythings okay...maybe nunu is the opposite.
Doesn't get much cuter than that....unless it's my Lucy!
aaahhhh the cute. can. not. stand. it.
i need a laydown now!
Scout does that when he wants something. :-)
So, if I'd seen baby Nunu look like that on the day you first saw her, I'd have gotten her, too.
I am loving these pictures.
I'm seriously loving the history of the ears! :) That's just too cute.
1st, jorge, i must tell you, i think you a wonderful actor AND i get 'good vibes' from you as a person. just had to 'throw' that at ya. LOL! 2nd, your puppy is the CUTEST!!! OY! (sorry, i'm a jewish gramma and the 'oys' just come out LOL!) enjoy the little cutie and continue to do what you do.. God bless & love, stasiface (pronounced 'stacy' but mine IS spelled correctly LOL!) a fan in brooklyn new 'yawk' (my husband and i are 'lost' fans! since the beginning! WHOO HOO!
Aww! Thanks for the cute pics! They made me smile. :D
He is so bloody cute!!
As a puppy, my Chihuahua's ears did the same thing. At first they were both floppy. Then one stood up and she was lopsided. LOL. I was a little sad when the other popped up too. Her ears are as big as Nunu's. I'm afraid when the wind picks up, she will fly away!
reminds of know from Rudolph's Shiny New Year
We just watched with glee, as our baby Boston Terrier 'Ace' grew into his ears. I totally love the floppy ear action it was so cute while it lasted.
Nunu is just the bees knees. I so dig her!
I want have the same ears.
Nunu reminds me of Stich from Lilo & Stich - especially in the second photo.
Hey! I like your blog, but I dont know how to follow it :(
Lol! Puppy ear love <3
Wow. I loved this. Such a precious puppy.
Geeez.. those are big ears. Great for heat disbursement.
Cute dog. Almost looks like you got her at a pound.
Sooo cute! How old is your little one?
Jorge - I demand more stories about Nunu!!! She's delightful!!!
What breed is she?
Homigosh! Eeeee! She is so cute! I think ears back is my fave.
Numu = Nibbler
Well, have you ever seen them in the same room together?
I do the same thing with my dog! We call him Princess Leia!
Such a cute little doggy , i want one..
Puppy semafores...if only we knew what it meant. I'm sure it's good, though. Yes.
Nunu with ears up appears with a "baby bat". Hahaha!
But she's cute! =P
Soooooo cute! :)
It seems like a Gremlim, hehehehehehe
I think my head just exploded from the cutenes that is your dog!
Aww, I'm so glad your puppeh isn't broken! She's adorable.
Folded ear on dog = ear-do.
Her ears are as big as her head! She must totally have bionic hearing!
P.S. I know this is completely off topic, but I wanted to give everyone this recipe I found online for Lost fish biscuits!!! I made the dough, colored it, made the template, and carved in the lettering, and they came out tasting great but were always puffier than the ones in the show and the pictures online. Anyway, for best results, go here first: and then here: If everyone's already seen these, then sorry for stating the obvious. Enjoy!
Oh, my goodness. That is too much cuteness for one post!!
My dog is part basset hound, and her ears practically dragged against the ground when she was a little puppy. But her ears grew, and she didn't. I kinda miss the length of those puppy ears...
Are those ears or a means to pick up signals from the Chihuahua Homeworld? ;)
She was telling you "I'm going to turn left, follow me"
Augh! Can't handle the cuteness! Nunu is so precious! I don't even know what to do with myself.... seriously. How do you contain yourself? -e
This happens to all chihuahuas. I think I read once that it's due to a temporary calcium deficiency that occurs while they develop their adult teeth. My own theory is that they need a little extra cuteness during that period, which is when they're most likely to chew up everything in the house, so you don't kill them.
We have a five year old chihuahua and we're in town over in Kaimuki, if you ever wanna have some little dog play time.
how funny that her ears show her true emotions. you can always tell how she is feeling by the way her ears are. ;)
and here i was thinking my boyfriend was the only one folding back ears on our pets! they're cats though. he make them do an 'elvis-lipcurl' sometimes...
Nunu is totally precious. My dog's ears went up and down for the first year and then they stayed with one down and one up for about 8 years. Now he is 10 and all grown up, they both stand up. Here is my little dude:
I don't usually comment on your blog, but oh good lord Jorge you have the cutest little doggie ever!
your dog is like a surprise box you never know how she'll be when you wake up with the ears up or down, anyway your dog is very cute :)
Greetings from brazil
Awwwww! Too cute! Your doggie totally reminds me of Skippyjon Jones (a little kids book about a Siamese Cat who thinks he's a Chihuahua)
"My Name is Skippito Friskito.
I fear not a single bandito.
My manners are mellow,
I'm sweet like the Jell-O,
I get the job done,
yes indeed-o.
Yip, Yippee, yippito!"
so so sooooo cute
OMG, that dog is so freaking cute! The pictures are to die for with the ears up/down/up.
Hi! first time I write. I'm from Argentine. You are so funny, and cute.
Kisses from here.
Have you ever thought of coming to Argentine? =)
Thank you. I have my puppy vivian some color and ear struggle as nunu. I has been worried for days about her ears. I feel much better now.
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