A blog by Jorge Garcia.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Playing on a C-130

It was fun getting to shoot on a C-130. 
The thing was huge!
This guy actually works on the plane. 
And then I snuck up to the cockpit.


Bethany James Leigh Shady said...

sitting behind the controls of a plane. you just got hotter.

Hurleyrules said...

So was the actual worker from the plane the guy in the background that everyone was up in arms about 2 weeks ago? I know there was a huge discussion about him thinking he was someone important.

wuidoks said...

hello jorge!!!good pictures,you are the best!

Fepe said...

Man, that's a really big plane :P.

Doesn't seem that large though

Sweet Caroline said...

That is a large plane - have a license to drive that? lol

Patrícia Pedrosa said...


Actually it doesn´t looks like a big plane... but it´s okay! hehehe

Saudações do Brasil!

Ali said...

i've always wanted to go in one of those! that, and the airbus. i'm excited for that.

Joey B said...

Would you believe those planes have been in production since the mid 1950's?

-jrh said...

You have no idea how much we as fans enjoy these little glimpses "behind the camera". Thanks so much for sharing with us!

redelf said...

WOOOPP!!!! That looks fun!!!!

FinoBlogger said...

Jorge, you're JACOB... sorry, you're God!!

Congratulations from Spain. There are a loooot of lost-addicts here!

I'll see you in another life brother.

Daisysmiles said...

these entries make me super jealous.
it looks like you get to have such a blast on set... always doing some really awesome stuff.

oh & in the entry with the pictures from the orchid, i would have crapped myself had i seen those ahead of time.

chefmom said...

LMAO at Bethany's comment!! We had an airshow at Maguire AFB this weekend and 1 of these was there. They are huge!! You would have loved the biggest ones, that cary the tanks. (I can't think of the correct name/numbers).

Crystalia said...

I love the first pic!! lol You guys have way too much fun on set.. :)

btw, excellent work on this season! :)

Topanga said...

up here in canada we're big on the aurora CP-140. that's what our armed forces flies on search and rescue operations. i'm not sure our coast guard has any big planes, only small dash-8 sized ones and those big search and rescue helicopters and the ones that piggy-back on the backs of ships like frank lapidus' helicopter did. they work together with our armed forces since the aurora CP-140 has a great range of almost 10,000km. most of those planes are located just down the road from me here at cfb greenwood. our coastguard's strength is our fleet of ships and ice-breakers which protect our north-west passage, arctic waters and santa's workshop from would-be interlopers.

Gwen said...

I got to be inside one once. They wouldn't let me fly though ... some technicality about a pilots license.

Anonymous said...

Hi! Jorge, you are the best.

Visit my blog:

chunky_lover68 said...

the first pic is pretty awesome and might actually be from some coast gaurd slasher flick.

Pamperine said...

Hi George! Good Photos!! Me an my boyfriend are crazy for Lost.. waiting for see the ultimate scenes..

Kiss from Italy

We Four Explorers said...

Your personality is like a ray of sunshine! Love reading your blog. Take care, J~

James Hernandez said...


Hmmm given Bethany's post it looks like you might make it into the mile high club very shortly.

Unknown said...

So, while you were at the cockpit, could you touch anything or was it like... don´t touch this, don´t do that?

Kristen said...

LOL I just read through some of your posts and have been laughing enough for my boyfriend to interrupt his ESPN watching to come see what I was looking at. :D Fabulous.

(Except for the post with the spider. *shudder*) ;)

PJ said...

Hello ;)
I post today your photo on my Blog. It's about "Indiana Jones Door" :).
I like your blog man. my blog about LOST: http://lost-show.blogspot.com Come to be friend.

Johnette said...

Aloha no, Jorge!

I just came across your blog here and it's absolutely entertaining!

My grandfather, well vast majority of my family, are huge fans of your show and we're throwing a surprise 80th b-day party for him June. We were kind of wondering if you'd like to join us.

We're holding it in Waimanalo...which I'm sure you know by now, is the next city over. If you're interested in coming please feel free to email me at jkekumu@hotmail.com.

Keep up the awesome work ya'll are doing on the show! Can't wait to see more! =)

gabi said...

Hugo sos genial!!! lo mejor de lost junto a desmond!!!

I ♥ lost

maven said...

You get to do so many cool things, Jorge!

Marbot said...

Hey, dude! Look your argentinian twin! Greetings for Argentina, Jorge ;)

Steve C. said...

Heh... That reminds me... Earlier this year, my girlfriend and I noticed that Daniel Dae Kim was boarding the same flight as us. We were like, "Umm... should we be flying on the same plane as one of the Losties?"

Agui said...

Hi dude, i cant believe im here in your blog, i love uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, i think you are amaizing

kiss from argentina ! whe love u here.

ju k said...

it seems you're having the time of your life!

and this blog sometimes makes my day...thanx

Maximus said...

Tienes un doble en Argentina que viaja en colectivo!!!

google: infobae hurley en colectivo

It's your lost brother!!

Gastón said...

hi Jorge im Gastón from Uruguay, im a really fan of LOST, and of you especially , i have a Radio program and we like to interview you, to talk of your life, and actor experiences, the interview is going to be a telephonic one hhehe, well y left here my mail please contact us we are very happy if we cant talk to you in our program

mail: gastonarmagno@hotmail.com

lots of kisses

Gastón from uruguay (south america)

sorry for my english

Gastón said...

hi Jorge im Gastón from Uruguay, im a really fan of LOST, and of you especially , i have a Radio program and we like to interview you, to talk of your life, and actor experiences, the interview is going to be a telephonic one hhehe, well y left here my mail please contact us we are very happy if we cant talk to you in our program

mail: gastonarmagno@hotmail.com

lots of kisses

Gastón from uruguay (south america)

sorry for my english

Gastón said...

hi Jorge im Gastón from Uruguay, im a really fan of LOST, and of you especially , i have a Radio program and we like to interview you, to talk of your life, and actor experiences, the interview is going to be a telephonic one hhehe, well y left here my mail please contact us we are very happy if we cant talk to you in our program

mail: gastonarmagno@hotmail.com

lots of kisses

Gastón from uruguay (south america)

sorry for my english

Gastón said...

hi Jorge im Gastón from Uruguay, im a really fan of LOST, and of you especially , i have a Radio program and we like to interview you, to talk of your life, and actor experiences, the interview is going to be a telephonic one hhehe, well y left here my mail please contact us we are very happy if we cant talk to you in our program

mail: gastonarmagno@hotmail.com

lots of kisses

Gastón from uruguay (south america)

sorry for my english

Gastón said...

hi Jorge im Gastón from Uruguay, im a really fan of LOST, and of you especially , i have a Radio program and we like to interview you, to talk of your life, and actor experiences, the interview is going to be a telephonic one hhehe, well y left here my mail please contact us we are very happy if we cant talk to you in our program

mail: gastonarmagno@hotmail.com

lots of kisses

Gastón from uruguay (south america)

sorry for my english

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr. Jorge!

Thanks for all you do on LOST. Hurley is one of my Heroes! Go Hurley!
I am so jealous! I love to fly and still hope to get a pilots license someday. If you have a dream don't put it off! Just do it!
See you back on the Fuse soon!


Derek Stevens said...

Just found your blog. Thanks for the pics and the notes, but more importantly, Thanks for the work this, and all of the previous seasons. Your acting brings a caring for this fictional "Hurley" where you end up wanting good things for him.
And as a side note, the dharma van, freaking awesome. uplifting, hopeful, and damn well acted.
Thanks again for the entertainment you and all your co-workers bring to us all.
Bend, Oregon

tanushka said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
tanushka said...

I am from Russia. And you should know, that there are TOO many people like LOST.

Come to Russia! We (I and my fellow Russian fans) will be very glad to welcome and see you and all actors from LOST and of course J.J Abrams! You are always welcome guest in Russia!

You know Matthew Fox was here and I hope he had afterglow.
And I hope ALL actors from LOST will have their official sites too!

Here is russian fun club: http://lost-abc.ru/

Anonymous said...

visit my blog :P


Oleg Che said...

Great photos! Hello from Russia, you work is exciting, can't wait 5th season!

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...



ROSA said...

Good for you! It's not flight815!

Jodi said...

Now THAT is cool!

Jodi said...

Now THAT is cool!

Capcom said...

Thanks for sharing the behind the scenes photos!

If you think C-130s are impressive, check out a C-5A!!

Unknown said...

de verdad que si!
sin palabras!

romina / argentina

Rodrigo Lujan said...

Hello Jorge!!!
Grate Blog!
Im an argentinian illustrator and i would like you to visit y blog. www.rodrigolujan.blogspot.com
I hope you like my illustrations!!!
See you!!!


Unknown said...

hello Jorge!!! i love lost and your are the best!!!
i'm a caricaturist from argentina, please visit me www.parpa.blogspot.com

suave flor judoca said...

you are the best!!
from Argentina

Anne said...

Size does matter!

Beerman said...

If you're still in Hawaii and want to tour a bigger plane, I'll take you on a C-17 at Hickam. A lot of us are Lost fans, and several have been extras. We even have the father of one of the baby Aarons from a couple seasons back.
Just post something back if you want a tour, and I'll figure out how to get you an email or phone contact to set it up. Trying not to post my email address to the world.

soyurbana said...


soyurbana said...

Te amo con toda mi alma... tu personaje es absolutamente maravilloso y es porque vos le das vida...
te dejo mi mail lauritapc@hotmail.com

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