Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Fake Water
Here's a cool little behind the scenes thing. The night scene in the raft was shot in studio instead of on water. And we were all thankful for it. But to make the appearance of moonlit water behind our head they rigged this.
A large frame with plastic wrap around it. And the grips would shake it to make "waves."

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WOW! It is very interesting and clever!
The magic of Hollywood. I'll have to watch that scene again now to see how real it looks.
(I have a new keyboard so my shift key works again.. yeah for me!)
I am from Russia. And you should know, that there are TOO many people like LOST.
Come to Russia! We (I and my fellow Russian fans) will be very glad to welcome and see you and all actors from LOST and of course J.J Abrams! You are always welcome guests in Russia!
You know Matthew Fox was here and I hope he had afterglow.
And I hope ALL actors from LOST will have their official sites or blogs like you!
Here is russian fun club: http://lost-abc.ru/
Here is e-mail:
Cool! I showed this to my daughter...her dream is to be a director but she wants to do any of the behind the scenes stuff...so this is cool info for her.
What ?? No real water ?? So next youre gonna tell that Josh didnt really jump out of the helicopter.... ? How disappointing. Now Im not going to watch Lost anymore... No Im just kidding, I NEED my lost fix and season 5 seem years away...*sigh*
That's pretty interesting, thanks for posting! I wonder how noticeable that is if you know what to look for? I sense a rewatch coming on...
Awww very neat :)
Great to see that, despite all the available technology, some minds can still think apart from that and find some simple solutions for any problems.
As for you guys, sure seems much comfortable this way, than in real water.
Once again, congratulations for your work. You're just great!
Great blog too.
You can't fool us Jorge!
Next you'll be telling us that the crackers were pure CGI!
WOW, thats awesome, thankies for the behind the scenes stuffs :D
That's so cool. Being a theatre person myself, I love the behind the scenes tricks.
Very interesting! Thanks for the behind the scenes insights Jorge =)
Ah, that's pretty cool. I've picked up some tricks from various other shows as well. Like how when you need a cow, you just paint a horse with black and white blotches. And when you need a horse, you just tape a bunch of cats together (anyone know the reference?)
What? YOu mean things in Hollywood are fake? Say it isn't so.
The next 8 months are going to be tough. Please keep this stuff coming!!
I love Lost!
where nothing is what it seems...and everything it´s possible!
where is the polar bear?
Hi Jorge!!
I wrote you a letter and I want to thank you for your answer!! Its really kind of you!!
What's fun about you is you seem as enchanted with Lost as we do! Thanks for all the inside pics and stories...as limited as they can be to eliminate spoilers.
Thanx for the cool behind the scenes info Jorge. It's neat to learn how you guys do things on the show. Especially cool ways like that were the audience would never know otherwise.
No! Do not destroy the magic! It is all real!!!
I love learning all these inside secrets, thank you Jorge!
As always your blog is fun to read and watch!
Please keep posting forever!!!
Wow! I didn't even notice it!
That's why I want to be director! It's just...amazing!
Thanks for all these behind the scenes pictures =D I think I'll have to write you a letter, this blog really cheers me up! Thank you for that =)
Big hugs and kisses from France!
Hehe, I knew it wasn't real. :D
See...the give away was the baby! :)
heh. Neat. That's a lot of Saran Wrap though.
That is so cool you're giving us little tidbits like this about how the show is created!
Cool! Love behind the scenes stuff.
THANK U!!!!!!!!
please keep this up and never forget us...desperate fans. We NEED this blog...
love and filakia (kisses)!
Wow, that's really cool!
This reminds me... there is a movie I like -- it's called I Wanna Hold Your Hand, and it's about Beatles fans trying to see the Beatles in 1964. Anyway, there are these scenes where they are all in a car driving to New York to see the Ed Sullivan show, and you see all these headlights behind them. Well, on the DVD commentary they mentioned that the lights were just these lights on a frame that the grips would move back and forth to make it look like headlights on moving cars. And now that I know this... well... yeah, they don't look like moving cars any more at all, just fake headlights in a studio.
I will have to rewatch the episode to see if the water looks fake now or not.
Thanks for the inside info!
Hi Jorge!!
I am from Spain. My sister and I are fans of Lost. I can't speak English very well.
Yo tengo un perro dachshund y he leido que el tuyo es mezcla de dachshund y chihuahua, ¿es cierto? ¿por que no pones una foto donde se vea mejor?
Ojala leas esto y pongas la foto.
Thanks for sharing!!!
I love this kind of stuff!
By the way, your blog is sooo cool... and you're great!!!
Kisses from Italy
(so sorry I didn't make it to Rome when you came...)
mmm la verdad es que no entendí un carajo de como funciona esto, pero no deja de ser interesante obtener fotos backstage directo de la fuente.
Una pena no saber más de Lost por 33 semanas... :(
Muy buen trabajo!!!
I have to say, the season finale was awesome! Y'all did a great job....and the actress who plays Sun...woah...she had me in tears.
That's awesome!
Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for sharing behind scene images. Got any of your cast/crew playing around on set?
Very interesting! Thanks for sharing that with us. I may have to re-watch - just to look for that!
Next you'll be telling us that the island didn't ACTUALLY disappear? Oh, the fun is gone now.
VERY neat!
How much do you think your special effects people would charge to make my house look like two boys, a dog and a cat didn't live in it? (Hey, go big or go home, right?) ;o) LOL
Cool pic - I would have never known...
Thanks for letting us in on some set secrets!
Thanks to all the cast, crew and producers/writers/director for such a fabulous finale!
Hope we can continue to get a "slice of your life" throughout the hiatus, Jorge! Thanks for sharing!
Wow, thanks for the special FX lessons! :-D
amazing! I wouldt have imagined... :) Besitos!
Very cool! I bet that sure beat having to actually shoot in the water at night :-/
Hm that is really cool...
I did notice when I was watching that scene that it was eerily quiet, but not the kind of quiet you would hear at night on the sea... it was more echo-ey.... ok thats not even a word and I dont know if anyone else noticed that, but now I get it why :)
Yeah, sorry, but I could see that. It looked really fake. Did not understand why go to all the trouble of all the other sea shots, and then do this one. Was it because you needed a reshot?
awesome effect!!! thanks for sharing that with us!
Long time reader, first time poster. Big fan of LOST and this blog. Thanks for updating so regularly. Love your sense of humor, and the pictures are great. Good job, Mr. Green Thumb. Have you ever checked out 'Previously On Lost?' SO clever.
That's pretty cool. Watching it in the show you wouldn't think that it was filmed in a studio. Fantastic effects! And Best.Finale.Ever! ;) How long do we have to wait for Season 5?! :O
I own my own little Lost blog and would love it if you'd take a peak: www.lost-isle.com (I usually post links in my name but it won't let me - so I'm sorry about the shameful plug! :) ).
This is so cool. Thanks for sharing!
Oh wow thats so cool, I am always amazed by the things that go on behind the scenes, thanks for sharing.
Have you seen this?
My bf made a picture of you in the island (:
(You need to paste it altogether)
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