I almost didn't get this shot off in time. As you can see the owner of this beer was just about to snatch it up again.
I just wanted to point this out.
Do you notice anything different about this can of Miller?
If you said "It's freaking orange!" you'd be correct.
Is this some kind of special "holiday" brew held over since Halloween?
No. It's beer for hunters.
This beer is more visible in "the woods" so hunters who are drinking while "on the hunt" won't accidentally shoot each other.
I think.
On the other hand it might just be to protect the beer.
Oh my gosh! That is almost as good as a beer here in oz called Toohey's New which has a stag on it, which turns blue when it is cold enough to drink! yeehaa!
Uh yeah, it's both. When they're out there hunting and knocking back a few, they need every advantage they can get - on both counts.
"Whatever you do, do NOT shoot my beer. For realzies. K thnx bai."
i think those cans actually glow in the dark...
Is it just me...or should you not be in the woods with guns and drinking beer at the sametime? Dont you people remember our Vice-President might be out there??
Here is a link explaining the hunter orange can: http://beeradvocate.com/news/1086203
Notice Miller says it is for POST hunting consumption LOL
I was wondering if they only sold that beer at stores that sell bait and ammo *questionmarkguy*
Beer-Bait-Ammo, my favorite combination Haha
Hey, the orange can also help the drunk hunter see the can better when using it for target practice after the beer is gone!
That's a good idea. Let's throw back some brewskies whilst shooting guns. The spins help me shoot better! In Wyoming they have drive through liquor stores and spill proof cans, you know, so you don't spill while you're driving! I bet they have those orange hunting beers too. Ha!
beer and hunting - definitely Wisconsin.
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