A blog by Jorge Garcia.

Monday, December 7, 2009

You Still Think It's a Mouse?

Hmm. Let's compare.


ArtforLife42 said...

Have you seen The Men Who Stare At Goats? just wondering if it's theatre-worthy.

Diane said...

I was sitting at my desk eating a bag of trail mix when I came upon the rat saga!! LMFAO!! Have you two thought about doing a reality TV show? Beth's screaming had me firing pieces of nuts and chews across my keyboard! Babe! Babe! Babe! I know it is serious and she has my simpathy, but I am laughing with you, not at you, really I am.

Bethany James Leigh Shady said...

i just puked!

Unknown said...

If it looks like a rat, smells like a rat, and walks like a rat. It's a rat.

Anonymous said...

Beth is adorable.

That rat - is not.

Acacia said...

Way to represent the Parent Company!

Movie Star Wife said...

I'm getting the creeps just thinking about it. I feel so bad for Bethany. Would you just get an exterminator or something? You could look at the bright side: my friend had a whole family of snarling racoons in his attic.

Unknown said...

so i just discovered your blog, and it is awesome. Thanks for sharing your everyday life, i'm loving the rat story at the moment, it's great!

Hyla said...

Dont do a reality show, it is bad for relationships and been proven tons of times.

However, some people keep rats as pets, they are very intelligent and can even learn their name.

Though I dont think Beth would be to keen on that idea!

Ginny said...

it is a rat for sure! Ewwww

corofin said...

Dude - KILL it already! It's a f**king rat! Vermin! Set a trap and snap it's backbone then post the pictures

Sara said...

Is that rat poison? If so, be very careful to ensure Nunu doesn't eat any of it! Especially because she loves chewing on stuff (as evidenced by the advent calendar). And this may sound gross, but it's equally dangerous if Nunu were to eat a rat that ingested/died from rat poison!

I hope the rats are gone now! But the videos are hilarious! (and a wonderful distraction from my final exams!). Love the blog!

Unknown said...

So, I'm at work, in my office, sitting at my desk, talking on the phone to a customer, your mouse story is pulled up on my computer, and right then a mouse runs into my office and under my filing cabinet. I wish I were kidding. I've never seen a mouse here before. What are the odds of that? Weird.

Unknown said...

Aw, the little fella's kind of cute!

Mommycosm said...

Oh, yeah. No doubt. It's a RAT! Yuck.

Dirk said...

Hey, just an fyi, I don't know what you feed your dog, but if it's dry kibble, make sure the rats aren't getting into that. The dog food contains vitamin K, which is basically an antidote for that sort of rat poison, so, if they are eating the dog kibble then the rat poison will just be a snack for them.


Enjoyed the rat saga. Beth's screams reminds me of when my girlfriend finds a spider in the house :)

KW said...

What's gross about a rat? How is it any different than a cat?

Galkafisher said...

Dont kill the rat Jorge! Its so cute! Your dog and the rat can play together :)

Sue Wacvet said...

Okay. It's a rat.

ChiTown Girl said...

OMG!! What is that you put up there? Some kind of poison? Poor Beth!

Curt Rogers said...

Sir, I'm definitely going to have to side with the folks who think you should spare this poor critter. Life is precious in all forms. Patch the screen and try to keep them away from you abode. Then my hat will truly stay off to you!

Chrissy Conklin said...

lol. Your personality is insanely awesome. How you don't have your own show right now is beyond me. After Lost, I say you do Late Night... in Hawai'i.

Anonymous said...

YUCK! We had a little, umm, issue in our garage. We started with sticky traps ... then went on to poison. Found SEVEN dead in the end. Who knows how many poisoned themselves and ventured too far to be found. So, so gross. I'm puking a little just thinking about it.

So, yes, totally a rat.

Irishcoda said...

That didn't look like a mouse to me. Looks like a rat. Rat, mouse, whatever, you still need some cats.

Joaquin Joatcher 1 said...

Yeah, as someone who had rats as pets for most of my childhood, I'm pretty disappointed you guys decided to kill the rats - and some with poison no less. Have you ever read about how painful it is to die from poisoning? Yeah, well they may be 'just rats' but they still feel, and that must have been an awful way to die. You know they have Hav-A-Heart traps that let you catch the rat without killing it. Try those next time - animals are innocent and none deserve to die. Just saying...

Barry Traylor said...

I think he (or she) is rather cute.
Just me but I would have used what is called a safe trap that does not kill the lil' critter.

Why said...

It looks like a Degu to me...

jennY said...

you are hilarious Jorge!

Eugen Caitaz said...

You should just be glad, that your house is visited Ratatouille!!!

www.kate06.skyblog.com said...

OK, OK. It looks more like Ratatouille ;) But it's so cute, though!

Anonymous said...

I used ot have pet rats (don't tell Beth that!!) and that is definitely a cute little rat. They get way bigger so it must be young. :)

yellowdoggranny said...

man i hope that was rat poison.

Anonymous said...

That thing is so adorable. I hope you find a humane way to get rid of it :(