Beth's book, Matilda Turnip's Endless Belly Button is now available for pre-order at

Congratulations Beth!

It follows the story of a little girl

(with an odd medical condition)
and her dalmatian mouse.

I just wished she'd gone with the original title I suggested:

I love that in the book there is a mouse that is her friend... after watching all those videos of her freaking out at the rat in your house!
I've already preordered this little goodie. I am excited to read it to my little
Cute! Congrats on a book Beth! Will your next one be about cute little mice running through the house?
Great illustrations! The littel girl reminds me of Lilo & Stich for some reason - especially that last pic.
Nice of her to include your new house rat in her book. Although I didn't see spots on your rat. Hmm... maybe the one in her book has the plague?
A dalmatian mouse? Are you sure it's not a rat?!!
So THAT is where the island disappeared to! LOL
The book looks awesome! Beth, I see from the link that it is not your first children's book. I am heading to Amazon to check out what else you've got!
: ) P
Very very cool! Congratulations, Beth!!
Very cool! Congrats, Beth! I'll be looking out for it, so I can share it with my kindergartners. :)
It looks great. I've got it on my Amazon WishList for now, not yet pre-ordered. Just adding what I can to my WishList in the hopes of winning the $25,000 shopping spree (which ends in two days, so I will pre-order after that!).
Kudos all around! Love the artwork and the 'dalmatian' mouse!
Congratulations Beth!
I'll get Nancy the West, Texas librarian to order it for our library..we have a great childrens section..and I'm sure it will be a big hit.
That's fantastic! Super job, Beth!
Wow!!!! Congratulations to Beth!!!
Congratulations to Beth! This looks like a great book for my little girl's library.
This looks awesome! My kids will love it....pre-ordering now!
My cogratulations for Beth!!! Now, Beth have expirience with mouse! Hahah! :)
Congrats Beth!! It looks totally cute!
Congratulations Beth. This looks like a winner!
Congratulations to Beth on her book. May she have a very successful writing career.
Thank you, everyone! :)
I have a niece or six who would love this.. one is obsessed with stuff in her toes. I mean she PUTS stuff in her toes..and then tells us why. Great kid. Should be a Fox broadcaster when she grows up.
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