We went to the Volcano National Park after our boat ride.
Part of the road was closed off due to poor air quality.
But we checked out the big steam hole.

A huge crater with smoke coming out.

And a giant lava tube tunnel. We didn't stay in here too long because it was really drippy (note the drops on my shoulder) and we had just gotten dry from the boat trip.

Haha!!! Jorge this smoke is looks like Jinn from Alladin!!! I saw in Beth's blog so photo, she have very Awesome shot too!
wuau, it is very amazing, Hugo.
It could be used as SET for Lost.
I wish to come and see Hawaii one day.
And if you drop an atomic bomb into the hole, you can reset everything, so that the plane crash never happened, right?
Haven't you heard smoking is bad fro your health?
Jorge, I travelled from the UK to the exact same place in October. It is awsome in Volcano National Park. A pity you can't get closer to the massive crater at the moment though. For a good lava tube that's totally untouched you should follow the road to Hana. There is one there that is pitch black that you need to use torches to navigate. Apparantly it's miles long.
volano's make me nervous.
haha, great idea with the smoke photo ;-)
That is awesome. It looks like you guys had an adventure. We went to the Lava Tubes by Mt St Helen's this summer. They are called Ape Caves, they have a really hard trail and an easy trail (which is still a mile long). We took the easy one, I'm scared of closed tiny spaces. Here's the link to the pictures, its on facebook. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=38811273&l=0631d22865&id=17814812
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