Yes. We saw some lava.
It was awesome.

The boat ride a a bit rough
and we got soaked. I was hoping the heat of the lava would dry us. Didn't happen. In fact I'm sorry to whoever might have sat in my seat after me at the breakfast place we went to. It may have been a little damp.
Very cool! Your blog is one of my guilty pleasures. It ranks up there with The Onion and Colbert. :) Have you thought of what you are going to call it when you are finished with LOST?
WOW! That's super cool! It's so awesome to see natural events like that... Great that you guys caught it!
But you obviously had fun, and that's what counts!
That is, indeed, awesome. I'd love to see that in person. But not sure on that boatride... it's an awful lot of water and not much for boat, it seems lol
Truly awesome!
I don't think I would have been laughing like Beth with the water that choppy...I'd have been turning green!
You two look like a blast to hang with. I'm glad you seem like you're always having a good time and good laughs. Thanks for sharing the good times!
Oh my gosh. That looks amazing. I've never really wanted to go to Hawaii before - I thought it would be too touristy. This post and the last one have piqued my interest, though.
Hope wherever I stay doesn't have rats.
(word verification: "styrist". I will refrain from making obvious jokes.)
Dude/ Awesome. Happy words are never over used. I loved the laughing on the boatride film. Looks like a blast.
That is amazing!! I've been to O'ahu, but I'm hoping for lava on my next trip to Hawai'i.
In the video of the lava, is that just standard wave action against the shore, or does the hot lava/cold water mixture create it's own turbulence?
The photos are great! Thanks for sharing.
Awesome photos Jorge! Now I know I'll definitely have to plan another trip in a few years and check out the volcanoes!
Ah Jorge, what a great day! (boat ride aside) My husband and I went to the Big Island on our honeymoon. We also stayed in Kona and day-tripped to Hilo. It was a bit hectic, but so worth it. If you go back, I recommend the helicopter ride over the volcano, as well as the winery on the mountain that grows grapes and other crops in volcanic ash. :)
Totally awesome! Why did you have to go so early in the morning? Do they only do those tours at dawn? I'd like to see it someday, but I am nothing like a morning person.
That's pretty dangerous getting that close. That stuff that looks like steam, isn't. It can kill you pretty quick. It's a mixture of sulfuric acid, ammonia, and a host of other deadly things.
Has your girlfriend seen your blog in a while? I was wondering what she had thought of you posting the rat videos. :)
Ooh, ok that is awesome. I want to see that someday too.
Thanks for sharing~~~
man, the image on the video before you press play makes it look like i'm gonna ralph all over the place!
That is so cool! I wish I'd gotten to go see lava when I was in Hawaii, but I guess I'll just have to go back again!
so? did anyone barf?
Wow that is too cool for words. I went to Death Valley, Grand Canyon, and Hoover Dam over Thanksgiving break and all were amazing, but that tops them all.
P.S. Your website has an issue with Internet explorer and MCafee internet security - such that the word verification doesn't work. No such problem with Apple's Safari internet browser.
Ha ha ha! :) this as a volcanic waterfall, very beautiful place! Beth is so funny, i THINK what she laughs because she likes it. I think that you should draw on paper, all that you saw on that day (this will be very interesting)!!!
Just wanted to say thanks for the pics of the lava. My husband and I were on a cruise ship in October which sailed between Hilo and Kona. All we saw from the deck of the ship was a faint orange glow in the distance. All our friends just laugh when they see our photos of blackness with a little red dot in the middle but at least we know what it is. Thanks again.
I'm glad you were sitting next to at least one life preserver. As a non swimmer I would have wanted to be wearing a life jacket.
loving da lava!
That is so awesome! Thanks for sharing the pictures and video.
AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for sharing
dude! the lava is amazing!
beth and her hat so cute!
thanks for sharing!
Loving all your vids, Jorge! The lava is awesome, I agree! The boat ride there was cool and funny, too!
Wow! I feel very ignorant, but I had NO idea until just now that there was lava just pouring out constantly. That is amazing - now I have to go!! Thank you for sharing. The boat ride looked like a bit much for me, though! :)
By the way, my 2 kids love your blog too and they are waiting for an update on that toothpaste dispenser. Whenever we see some gadget on tv, my daughter (age 8) says, "What does that guy from LOST say about it?" :)
..... I envy you..... :/
Greetings Jorge, I really enjoy your blog. Have you and Beth stayed on Maui and seen the sunrise at Haleakala crater? It's another get-up-at-2am to get there trips but it is sooo worth it. It is spectacular, unlike anything I've ever seen, before or since. And it's cold! So very cold! Our hotel gave us hot cocoa and blankets and we thought it was overkill. Anyway, I highly recommend it if you have the chance. Will you keep up the blog once LOST is over? I hope so.
Wow! Incredible! Thanks for sharing!
all the LOSTies (myself included) are loving that this is 23 seconds!
thanks for that!
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