So the Band From TV invited me to join them on their trip to play Atlantis in the Bahamas.
We took a charter jet at night to get there.

This is the view from the room.

But first it's time for a nap. Didn't really sleep on the plane. Woke up at 3pm and went exploring.
Very swanky dude...
Who are the Band from TV? (Am I begin stupid...)
That's a long way from SoCal.
I hope you tried the cracked conch salad. It's absolutely delicious! The people are so nice, too.
How fun! Enjoy! Drink a daiquiri for me!
beautiful ! wish I was on the beach swimming. what a way to spend the summer.
Try the Gunniess there if you like beer, they have a brewery there. If you dive, take a shuttle or taxi to Stuart Cove's on the SW side of Nassau, that's where they do movie filming and a lot of shark week stuff (and their dive sites are great).
That's ok: I Googled it, so now I know!
Nice vocals on Mustang Sally...BTW
Nice vacay! When are they putting you back to work?
It looks awesome! Anyway it's always nice to see you in a plane lol
Wow, that's much better than the view of the freeway from my office.
I <3 Band from TV. Hug Greg Grundburg!
Really great job with Sally...
Another Link (I think this one has better audio)..
It could be that my youtube audio is just jacked up the video appears to be the same...
This the view from the room I had seen earlier at bethany james leigh shady. You have a beautiful voice is the same as this view.
By the way, you look cool at one shot at bethany james leigh shady, like Indiana Jones!
Couldn't resist the plane shot, could you? lol Drink a daquiri for me too. :) Definitely a beautiful view...I keep promising myself one day, I'm going to go...
Band from TV?...Think I'll check them out too.
Your blog is the gift that keeps on giving.
now that's a nice way to spend some down can always come to west, texas for westfest..plenty of food, fun and everyone should visit a town that is right out of the 50's...
Ooooh! Beautiful view!!! =)
Jealous, so jealous!! (I've been reading your blog FOREVER and finally decided to start commenting... so hello to the COOLEST guy in the world!!!)
I highly recommend swimming with the dolphins. It's really just sitting in the water while they do the tricks.
And do some snorkeling in God's fish tank (ie: the Ocean)
God Bless and enjoy Nassau. Was the steel band playing when you arrived?
As to the last post Jorge, if otopus is chewy it has been OVERCOOKED. Same thing with Calamari. Thought you'd like to know.
Going back to previous post Jorge, if octopus is chewy it has been OVERCOOKED. Same thing with Calamari. Thought you'd like to know...
Sorry, I double posted. Exploring in the Bahamas? Ooo, can't wait to see the pics!!!
I loved Atlantis! Swam with the dolphins, ran into Kid Rock on the Mayan Temple speed slide. Absolutely gorgeous! Hope you have/had a blast!
Nice view!!
sooo jealous!
Dude, sweet.
Fun! Oh and I just happened to catch your "friends of the library" commercial this morning and wanted to say thank you for supporting our community resources! It's great when our local celebs show their support like you and Amos did, Thanks!
Who is the band from tv?
Never mind Jorge. I googled "the Band from TV. Now I know who they are. Cool.
Que envidiaaaaa!!! fotos! fotos! fotos!
I <3 Band from TV.
Awesome view from the room! Glad you had a safe flight.
That view is just wowzers!
Yeah, that's one heck of a view. Color me a little jealous.
Thanks again for taking a picture with us at Nobu. It was so cool meeting you!
oh, so, this doesn't really have to do with this post, but I just went and saw G-Force...did you know that they named the extra-large guinea pig Hurley? coincidence?
i've just talked with you in axn's chat. it was awesome. thank you for your time!
Sorry.. every time I see Atlantis I think of Rob and Amber and I throw up a little in my mouth. Maybe if you show me more of what you saw when you went exploring I'll be able to associate Atlantis with happy thoughts that don't make me ill instead.
Hubs and I are going to Bermuda for 4 days on September 2. I'll post pictures of my exploration on my blog when I get back.
So, I saw this:
and you are awesome!
That is all.
I've always wanted to go there!
Sweet view from your room!
Just got back from Atlantis. Several people at the pool said they saw you. In addition to Jorge the contestants from Miss Universe were there too.
Was totally awesome
You've just inspired our next family vacation! Wow! Manta Rays!!!!
Lucky Guy !!
Express Jet!! How was your charter?
My husband is a former (well, furloughed) Express Jet Pilot
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I didn't know you were in the Band from TV!!! That's so cool! I love them!
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Nice trip!!!
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