From the Bahamas we flew to Costa Rica. AXN the network that runs LOST in Latin America had a special Lost event at the Tabacon resort and spa. The place was sweet and we were totally styled there.
The resort is set at the foot of the Arenal volcano.

Of course our view of the volcano was more like this.

Oh wait I'm pretty sure I have my own picture.

The clouds and fog never cleared. We never got to see the real thing.
But boy could we hear it. Every now and again there would be what sounded like a plane landing at the airport. That was actually a small eruption of hot stones from the volcano. Apparently rather than spout out molten lava the volcano here spouted hot lava rocks.
That looks very fun! Pele is gonna get ya!
This is a very interesting picture. Especially the second. There, its seems like it the begining eruption.
If you want a little laugh, enter here:
Looks well good! :-)
wow... i think i've been there!! it was in high school so i'm not sure about the name, but i doubt there are many spas near active volcanos in costa rica.
it's a shame you couldn't visit at night. you can see the lava shoot in the sky and run down the mountain. ^_^
In that second shot...Are those cotton balls? :) lol I probably shouldn't have to ask, but I'm not completely awake yet.
The volcano it's beautiful, but at the same time, it's scary (even more so than I imagined, with the way you describe the sound that it makes, in addition to the fact that there's rocks coming from it).
That is some of the best photoshop work I think I've ever seen!
Beautiful pictures!
very cool! I've always wanted to visit Costa Rica, I hear it's beautiful.
Undersea adventures
Lost Atlanteans
Are you trying to tell us something here.?
More like Dispatches from the World! :)
Thanks for sharing, it is cool to follow along on your adventures.
Oh my goodness! That happens to be one of my favorite places! My husband works for SkyWest Airlines, so we fly for free on Delta and United. Our first real trip on our flight benee's was to Costa Rica. Well, in fact, what we did was fly to SLC, looked at the departure board, and found open seats to Costa Rica. And the first brochure we happened to pick up when we arrived was to Tabacon. WHAT A FIND! We loved the warm pools, and the great food. We had our 3 year old with us, and was able to see some red on the volcano. He thought that was so cool. Do they still have those little water slides? My son had a blast on those, too. Ahh, warm happy times.
Wow, that must've been neat! And a little scary... *wondering if that volcano on the Island is going to erupt in season six*
You are one lucky dude. All this fun travel for your job? I'm so jealous.
I would LOOOOOOVE to go to Costa Rica. It's in the top 5 of my wish list.
"Is that volcano spewing lava!?"
"No, no, Silly, only hot lava rocks. Go back to sleep."
Metallica tocará en costa rica en Enero. Podrías ir a darte una vuelta, seguro harán rugir el lugar más que el mismo Volcán :D.
Saludos Jorge!
I live in Mexico near a volcano. Don't see it very often either! It's a magical day when I do. :)
I can't decide which would be worse: having hot lava poured on you or hot lava rocks raining on you. They both seem equally and incredibly painful...
Looks like a nice place though! Glad you had fun Jorge!
wow..isn't that not sure i'd want to hand out where there is an active volcano..but then i lived on hawaii for 3 what do i know..
what have you got lined up after lost?...i think you should have your own reality show...
Dude, your veggie garden back home has got to be in bad shape by now!
I went to Costa Rica on my honeymoon. Arenal was a high point. I'm terribly sorry about your clouds.
Hot lava rocks? Sounds like the name of a band!
Photo editing skillz. You've got them, my friend. You've got them!
Oh, I love costa rica! One of the places I stayed was just down the street from the Tabacon resort -- the Arenal Paraiso. I was asleep, but some of the people I was with saw lava spurt out of the volcano early one morning (like 4am). Very cool! I can't wait to go back.
Nice Landmark! Tonight, broadcasting of Season premiere of LOST on the french TV (TF1) ! We're currently watching the third episode when Penny gives bird to her baby. Fifth season best ever!
i have definitely been there...we didn't see the volcano either. all i have is a picture of me holding a sign that reads "DANGER: Area of High Volcanic Activity" in front of a giant cloud. and i was so stoked about the lava, too...
Very cool! I like your picture the best (don't tell).
Just saw your fish tank costume. Are you a genius, or did you see this someplace? I am so copying that.
Check out Chris Smither. He reminds of your new favorite song. He plays his guitar like four different instruments.
haha, I love that second picture. Glad you were so determined to show us what it was like for you :)
Tabacon Resort was awesome. If you can, try ziplining through the rainforest. It's a thrilling experience!
Tabacon Resort was awesome. If you can, try ziplining through the rainforest. It's a thrilling experience!
we just got back from Costa Rica ourselves... we stayed at the Arenal Observatory Lodge and Arenal Lodge. The best part of our adventure was a visit to Corcovado National Park. So cool!
I went to Garmish, Germany, for a weekend. It was foggy the whole time. You'd never have known you were surrounded by Alps.
Ah, I went to Tabacon when I was in Costa Rica for a school trip. Amazing place.
I wonder if I went to high school with Hoshikaze.... you from New Hampshire? :)
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