A blog by Jorge Garcia.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Crush Cracks a Joke

We did Turtle Talk with Crush from Finding Nemo.
This is totally worth checking out if you're there.


Eugen Caitaz said...

Aloha Jorge!!! Its very AWESOME !!! i WRITE ABOUT Finding Nemo TOO!!!


Eugen Caitaz said...

How this turtle speak with you?
Did you asked Turtle - "how old are you" ?

Eugen Caitaz said...


Unknown said...

I doubt they get Lost... Nobody gets Lost...
They just experience it.

Anonymous said...

I LOVED Turtle Talk! Crush is so funny. Looks like you had a ball at Disney!!

Unknown said...

I love Turtle Talk!

You and Crush needed to have a dude-off.

Vladlen said...


=) My work for you.

Tales of Whimsy said...

That was totally awesome. I had never seen that before.

Emma said...

Haha, awesome :D

Malea said...

Ha Ha, to "dude off", that was cute.

~Karen~ said...

I love sitting through Crush chatting with the audience. The whole concept is brilliant.

AlYaGotADo said...

Hilarious! I thought he was gonna say he recognized you Jorge! thanks for posting very cute! I check you blog every day!

James Hernandez said...


Totally awesome! He's like so tubular after 100 years!

jasmine said...

I think last time we were there it was Stitch chatting with you and it was HILARIOUS! Love the pics.. good time in Disneyland... i'm off to hawaii soon, hope to see you around... :)

Ali said...

super awesome

Bonni said...

Turtle Talk with Crush is an adorable concept. My husband used to work at the attraction in Florida (at Epcot, in the Living Seas) and he'd come home every night with new jokes and funny stories from Crush and the kids.

The behind-the-scenes for that attraction is really quite fantastic!

yellowdoggranny said...

is he a leatherneck turtle? they are becoming extinct...sad..

Rachel said...

did u ever get that toilet-themed nz made(probably) gift from tv3?

Unknown said...

It's so great that he kinda stays in character and kinda doesn't.

And the best of it all has to be that the guy doing it doesn't have to be in a costume all day. That's what Pixar can do for you - better the work environment :-)

Can't wait for a real Holodeck :-)

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Unknown said...

I was thinking of looking up some of them newspaper websites, but am glad I came here instead. Although glad is not quite the right word… let me just say I needed this after the incessant chatter in the media, and am grateful to you for articulating something many of us are feeling - even from distant shores. Please come visit my site yellow page when you got time.

redelf said...

:snarf: That is so funny.

Unknown said...

Dude-off! *LOL*

Adam Miller said...

My favorite comments on here have to be the spam robot ones that say you share valuable information through an excellent website design and then ask you to visit their website, the state of Illinois and the state of Florida websites. That's ridiculous.

Joan Crawford said...

Does anyone else see the potential for this to be completely nightmarish? What if he turned nasty all of the sudden and knew creepy information about you?

Somebody needs to keep an eye on it.

Goof said...

Yeah I was totally expecting a "Dude-off" lol. But what was there was hilarious just the same.

And I didn't see or hear of that attraction when I went to Disneyland last May. Now I feel cheated. :p

john (not lennon) said...

LOL! Deadly buzz!

Christina Bauer said...

That's sooo awesome! Thanks for sharing with us, Jorge!

Unknown said...

We went this past summer and my 3.5 year old son happened to be in the HOT SEAT. Crush asked what he wanted to be when he grew up and my husband had to answer... then Crush asked my son if his lawyer answered ALL questions.

Anya said...

Jorge, thank you so much for sharing this video. It is hilarious and such a fun clip!!

Love Lost and Love Disney. And you rock.

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