So as reported in previous posts you don't even have to leave your hotel in Costa Rica to see exotic wildlife. Well just taking a short drive around the vicinity you can come across any number of wild animal that you would only see in a zoo.
A good tip off is if you see people pulled over taking pictures of something, chances are they spotted something cool. Remember look both ways if you're crossing the street.
The first thing we saw on our drive was a three-toed sloth.

Can you see it? Probably not. But if you look in the middle of the picture. That blob where the branch meets the tree? Three toed sloth.
Here's a picture that I lightened up a bit on my computer.

Now I'm going to zoom and crop to get a close as I can.

Okay. I admit it's not much of a picture. My little point and shoot camera makes a better record that I was there than a picture of what I saw. But still it was a pretty cool thing to see.
Basically what you're looking at is this.

This picture comes from my fold out guide to costa rican wildlife I picked up at my hotel.

I'll be using this thing a lot because my pictures are all pretty much like this.
By the way here is the official pic of the coati.

Three Toed Sloths are vicious. Slowly, slowly, vicious. My friend's mom was bitten by one in Costa Rica. Apparently, someone had a pet one in a restaurant or something. I dunno, the details are hazy but the message is clear: Death At 1MPH.
if your not busy this labor day weekend, you should come to west, texas population 3,000..czech town with a westfest evry labor day for over 35'll get to see the native wild life..drunk czech's, eat the cusine, kolaches, sausages, and skunk eggs...come on can google and czech us out..we'll even let you ride in the parade and attend the polka mass...chicken dance is optional..
You"re on a real life safari!
Sweet pics! I am easily amused by your easy amusement.
I have enormous empathy with any sort of sloth.
I love that you have that field guide! That's exactly the kind of thing that I would have with me too. Thanks for letting us live vicariously through you. I really enjoy your blog. Looking forward to this season!
Whoa a sloth! That's awesome!
If you get a chance (and are into sea turtles at all) you should check out Tortuguero. It's a HUGE Green Turtle Mecca. Although it might be a little late in nesting season, hmm. We're still getting Green's coming up to nest in Florida though.
Did You see the bear from the Ice age!!! Awesome
i've often referred to myself as a sloth. a ten-toed sloth, to be specific. how cool that you've seen one in person--thanks for sharing all these pictures.
You have to admit that the three toed sloth gives you time to cross the road and take a picture. Hint: Any animal with the name sloth in it might be a candidate for extinction if given enough predators.
Hey Jorge, good luck with the start of filming tomorrow!
That is really cool.
Did you name him Sid?
Dude, I must be getting old. Can you make the print a bit bigger in the posts please? Thanks. (pretty please)
sloths are cute. :) we have one in the zoo here (minnesota) that just hangs out in a tree in the atrium all day. here's a pic i took of him -
Your post is TOTALLY like an episode of 'Go Diego Go'
Oscar (my son) would LOVE Costa Rica!
I would go just for the coffee...
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