This guy was huge (as long a my middle finger) and he sat on the wall for the entire trip.

I would try to push him with a stick but he wouldn't budge. Just threaten me with those pincher teeth. He was not afraid of me whatsoever.
There also was this gigantic grasshopper (Correction katydid).

This is my foot to give you a size reference.

I also saw lightning bugs for the first time. They were crawling on the window one night. Pretty cool but too hard to photograph.
I amazed that I really didn't get bit by mosquitos until I returned home to Hawaii. But in Costa Rica we did take extra precautions because before we travelled we saw that "Monsters Inside of Me" special on Animal Planet which scared the crap out of us.
Hi jorge I am first!!!!
These insects are very scary!
I also wrote about one of them!
Enter here:
The big scary-looking bugger is a female Eastern dobsonfly. Watch out for the irritating, foul-smelling anal spray. She can bite, too.
I would not be able to sleep in that room!
I've changed my mind...even their delicious coffee can't compensate for this hideousness!
I agree with N. Sleeping with insects... ug
Hello! I found your blog yesterday. I will post often, so excuse me for my possible mistakes because I'm from Spain and my english... wel... is poor
I know they have their purpose on earth, but in a more limited sense in my daily life, my motto is: The only good bug, is a dead bug! SQUISH!!!!!!!
Wow those moths are absolutely beautiful
OMG. As much as I really want to go zip-lining in Costa Rica, I don't think I could stand having to walk through the door of the hotel with all the BIG insects. They look like they have an ulterior motive of wanting to keep people out!
You can always get get a bunch of jars and bring them back to Doc Arzt for him to identify. lol
Bugs and all, I know you had a wonderful adventure.
I'm not so sure I could sleep in that mess of bugs-yuck ! That big one is scary looking. Does look like a beautiful trip though.
You are slowly convincing me to avoid Costa Rica.
It's gotta be something about living near the water. We live in Cocoa Beach, FL and just moving here from 50 miles inland in Orlando, the bugs are like mutants! Absolutely huge! We must have 10 containers of Deep Woods Off in the house. ;)
That big nasty one with the pinchers is a female Dobson fly. You should check out the what the males look like.
I caught one one time and it was really aggressive and they don't eat as adults - so you can't starve them out...not that, you know, someone would try to do that.
Recuerdos desde barcelona jorge! ten cuidado con esos bichos!
si nunca vienes a barcelona estas invitado a unas cervezas ;)
tu blog esta muy interesante!
If you ever want to see lightning-bugs properly, come to Alabama in May or June. They are beautiful.
Had you really never seen a lightning bug before? I didn't realize they weren't on the West Coast. Well anyway, your trip sounds pretty cool overall, but I think my bug-phobia would get the best of me if I saw that on my hotel door!
the two most recent posts here are about our recent trip to Costa Rica. We got back 2 weeks ago. www.lorenzenfamily.org
Hi Jorge,
The big grasshopper looks more like a Katydid--similar in color and style yet katydid bodies resemble leaves. Love the insect pics and the story on the cicadas. :) My cat used to climb up the trees and come down with one buzzing like crazy in her mouth while she was mewing and bringing it to me.
I live here and used to live in Miami.
Miami is more buggy than most of Costa Rica.
Pura Vida
Oasis of the Toucans. Lake Arenal
I think you found the smartest group of insects in the world. They are hanging out in a 5 star spa no one to really bug them or eat them as in the wild and they just might all bee paparazzi for the insect world and they are just staking out your room. Bugs or no bug I am going to Costa Rica, there is a place on pacific coast call CasaLabambu.com private homes and beach. coast of Oro nature preserve very remote this is not a tourist spot.
Ps. I own a Greenwing Macaw that I got from a rescue group. He was born in Captive so he can not fly. His name is Zach and in my picture with me. On the penisula Macaws fly wild in flocks. I have dreamed of seeing this. They like to sit in almond trees.
Anal Spray?!! Now you tell me.
I can't believe you stuck your toe so close to that thing.
The first time you saw lightening bugs?? Weren't you born in Omaha? They are everywhere in the summertime here.
I see you're back, but FYI - don't kill the daddy long leg if you have scorpions around. The scorpion tries to kill it, but misses the skinny legs and stings itself. one less scorpion, one less scorpion sting on you.
Our youth group went to Costa Rica last month. One came back with lice. She shaved her head to get rid of them. Costa Rica lost some of its charms for me about then. :)
"Anal Spray?!! Now you tell me."
You're funny. lol
OMG - at first I thought that was a picture of the wall INSIDE your hotel room, and I thought YUCK! But then I looked again and realize it is outside, so that is better. lol
You've pretty much convinced me to never visit Costa Rica. I don't do bugs very well. They creep me out. ICK.
Hi Jorge!
I just spent three days getting all caught up on your blog posts... I found the link from the CakeWrecks blog, which I quickly abandoned for yours. :) Plus the more I look at cake and cupcakes (no matter how ugly), the more I want them! :P
Anyways, looking forward to more posts! Enjoy!
Ohhh that's horrible! I would run away screaming!
this is the first time you saw lightning bugs?...oh sweety..that's awful...did you catch em and put them in a jar?
Hmmm.... I thought Tallahassee was the bug capital of the planet. But after looking at your photo's I might be wrong.
P.S. Ann Arbor Michigan is nearly bug free!
Dom would have loved that.
That was the first time you saw fireflys? Wow....I grew up catching them in my front yard in Missouri.
Ilove you Jorge! I really do, and I love your blog! I hope so much that you will continue this after Lost is over! Can u post some pics of Mr. Emerson again? Please!
Shannon said...
"You've pretty much convinced me to never visit Costa Rica. I don't do bugs very well. They creep me out. ICK."
DITTO!!! rofl
Oops did someone leave the light on? The monsters inside of me doc sounds extremely terrifying, im starting to itch just thinking about it.
You have never seen lightning bugs before?!? Every summer my sister and I (still a favorite even though we are 20) always go outside with jars and see who can collect the most that night. If you want to join in the contest...come to Wisconsin
It's crazy to me that you'd never seen a lightning bug until now. It's even crazier maybe that you had to go so far. I grew up in Tennessee and there were fireflies everywhere. They'd start out in the grass around sunset, not flying much at all. As the night wore on, they'd take flight, getting higher and higher by the minute. This is why you could only catch them until 10 o'clock or so. After that, you couldn't reach them. And, by midnight, the trees looked like they were covered with Christmas lights. You don't see that much anymore. Apparently all the artificial light we make at night upsets their ability to reproduce, so they're sort of dying out.
While I'm here I'd like to say that I'm glad you don't twitter. The blog works much better for you.
We don't have fire flies here...we just have regular flies *sad*
Hola Jorge, saludos desde Madrid
Esos insectos realmente son enormes! jejeje pasate cuando kieras por mi blog jeje saludos!
I think I'll pass on Costa Rican insects, but I'll sign up for some costa rican coffee. Yikes.. what was the sound like?
Holy crap. I can now never go to Costa Rica. That one giant bug with the pincers!! How did you sleep at night?
Botflies creep me out... but they look awesome being extracted out of other people.
uuh... i hate insects >.<
maybe that strange bug is the monster
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