Not only is the newer cart shorter in length, but it also doesn't have that raised lip at the end to hold luggage in, like the old one did.

Now it's almost IMPOSSIBLE to balance even two bags on it.
So more people will be forced to get a second cart.
Yes I understand you.
Seems to me they to eat at them (Good carts) but they prevent them to you.
But you what already not sleaping ?
It is still early at you.
Are you SERIOUS? What's next?? Smaller airplane seats with no arm rests?? This sucks. I'm bummed.
they don't call 'em smartecartes for nothin' you know! like every other business at the airport they know how to bleed you for all you're worth!
Why does everything in the US have to have a "clever" brandname. Over here it would be "trolley"
anagram of SmarteCarte = Ma Streetcar
Just another way to get the green out of your pocket. I see luggage with 4 wheels that can go in circles a better option. But that would be to easy.
Jorge, I hope you get this, but .... *sniffle* that's my Smart Carte picture you done did stole there.
Where's my credit?
But I thought the airlines only allowed one bag anyway? Or did that change? How can you tell I do not fly....
Put a motor on it and its the next big thing in racing.
Good Grief!
Does this cart mean you are leaving our fair isles for awhile?
Please return to us.
You're such a cynic! (I believe you though...)
Wow. That's so...
NO WAY?!?! Wow, they really are getting crazy now! I need to start carrying around my own giant trolley for luggage....hmmm..time to dump the kids out of hte double stroller and pack the bags on there!
What a pain in the rear - those leeches won't stop until they get every possible cent!
We took a family vacation in September with a 4-year-old and a 4-month-old, and on one SmartCarte, we managed to fit 2 suitcases, a big bag, a backpack, a full-size booster seat (with back), an infant carseat base and a diaper bag. No way we could fit even close to that on the new design. Way to go, guys.
I guess since all you're allowed to check anymore is one bag anyway, this should be fine. Right? Riiiiiiight. I'm with Jana-get the 4-wheeled luggage. We have one of those suitcases, and it's awesome.
oh so cynical :)
Too funny - I used to get irritated at the little lip up thingy!!
Yikes. I don't like the new cart either. Did you ride around the airport on it like a kid? I could see you doing something like that.
And here are airlines hurting so bad, yet it seems every other month they add/take away some reason to make us throw up our hands and say,"Screw it,I'll ride a BICYCLE before I use your stupid planes again!"
You ever flown to Italy? They come with a plumber to help you load your kart up!
You evr flown to France? They got Descartes -- whos pretty smart, I gathr.
visita mi blog
I wonder if the government was involved in that brainchild.
That's just wrong. I travel with small kids and we don't need to have aNOTHER thing to push, thanks.
Oooh have you seen the suitcases that have 4 independent turning wheels? They're all the rage here in Japan. I have one and it's great- you can push it around with just one finger. They're great, no need for "smart carts" :-P
Boo this is really shitty. As if we needed anything else to make travel more of a hassle. Remember when flying and being in the airport was actually fun?
please visit DocArtz website and read the story about the Lost cast and their inability to comply with their comittment to a cancer charity. this is saddening. please send a message to abc' lost website in the ask lost section if you are bothered by this in any way.
Cancer? Someone on the island's got crabs?
Seriously? Nothing like ripping people off enough sometimes with the whole airlines and airport stuff but even the luggage carts now? I call shenanigans!
Lay the bags down flat, then you can stack 2 or so.
Has the airport decided you were "questionable" and needed to be subjected to a special search yet? I got that in Las Vegas. they wouldn't let me on my connecting flight to California then I got last in the airport and had to go back through security again and they decided I looked suspicious (YES, I WAS CRYING YOU BASTARDS. YOU MADE ME MISS MY FLIGHT.)
I hate flying.
Oh and Awesome you have Chinese sex peddlers and someone trying to make people angry at you on your blog.
Let me take that back. I hate people.
I recently had the pleasure of using the new Smarte Carte (what is up with adding the "e" to two words that DO NOT have an "e"? It's not even clever. Like spelling cat with a "k" to make it match kitty - which isn't clever either, but at least I understand the reasoning).
I could not balance my bag and my daughter's bag on it. My daughter's bag is very small. It was ridiculous.
I always have to say Smarte Carte like the Swedish chef would. "Smahr-te cahr-te!"
I think my kids are big enough now that I can make them haul their own bags rather than get any Smarte Cartes.
hola jorgue!
soy de chile tu pais natal!
saludos, buen blog y eres muy buen actor.
Hi Jorge, my name is Ilaria I'm writing from Italy and I need to know how to contact you or your agency for an important event about bloggers in Italy. www.blogfest.it
I wonder if you've seen this. It's called Lost Babies:
It blew my mind a little. You're Fozzie Bear!
Oops! I meant Rowlf, not Fozzie! It's been a while since I've watched Saturday morning cartoons.
"He's worked out the quarters" Guess the film and win...well nothing, but guess anyway!
Aloha Jorge :)
Long time reader, first time commenter.
Any chance of a signed pic? Comment back if so, that would be awesome.
Keep up the great work :D
and so sad, we pay for them here and they are free in europe...
Why is it that some industries, such as air travel, put the screws to the very people they depend on? They just keep making it harder and harder for us to fly. Too bad we can't just boycott for better service. Next thing, we will have to bring our own toilet paper. (Oh, but it will have to go through a scanner! I would tell them they can scan it all they want AFTER I use it!)
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