But look at this picture from my earlier blog.

Notice my "control" group. Those are the pots lined up against the wall. You can barely make out the plants poking up over the edges.
But look at them now.
Some are almost as tall as the ceiling.
And they're even blooming.
Now look at the Topsy Turvy plants today.
They've definitely grown.
But I have to admit...
These are some of the sorriest tomato plants I've ever seen.
So why am I even bothering with Topsy Turvy?
Well I'm not anymore.
And neither should you.
I love these blogs you write about testing those crazy advertised deals. The foot pads were funnier though, these plants are just sad...
Regardless, I'm still quite impressed that you have some kind of garden this time of year. Sorry, however, that "Topsy Turvy" went bust.
Plant Killer!!!!!!!!!!!!
6 down. 140 to go.
Hey Jorge!
I was wondering if any other LOST actors had blogs. I love keeping up with yours. If there is anyone else, could you do a post that has links to their blogs?
Hope all is well!
well, that sure is interesting. You saved me some expense of trying them and a waste of my time. Thanks Jorge, looks like you will have enough other plants to tide you over.
Can't remember if my sister was planning on getting this for our balcony or not, but I'll warn her, just to be on the safe side.
Thanks for posting your Consumer Test Results, Jorge. :)
The topsy turvy is not as advertised. Sorry you had a bad experience.
The potted ones...my God they grew so quick!
Thanks for sharing the info!
Yeah, it obviously sucks!
Thanks for the info, I was toying with the idea of trying these next year. Much appreciated!
I would like to see the results with corn plants, instead of legumes and such.
You should have people submit suggestions of "As Seen on TV" products for you to test. It could be a side career! *LOL*
Definitely not buying that. What are you going to test for us next :-)?
Every time I come here you make me laugh with your postings. you are not only a great actor but also a great writer. you know to entertain your public. Go on with it!!!
Aww, Jorge, I'm sorry your tomatoes didn't do well. Mine were fine until the damn possum pulled it all down, but they were bushin' out and I was gettin' tomatoes abot the size of baseballs. My roma's were good too. But yea, they do grow kinda weird.
Thanks for sharing your experience. It is always good to hear from someone who has gotten to try out something like this to see if the product is any good or not!
hey man nice try on the topsy plants and the potted plants look good. i have growen tomatoes out of five gallon buckets for years on the roof of my apartment. yo dude you need some more light,miricale grow for tomatoes and maybe more or less water on those topsy plants. move them out into the open away from the house. the potted plants look good but could use a little more mirical grow. stake those bad boys up. for good poted plants they need at least 3/4 day sunlight. pluse more mirical grow because all the nutreances wash out. put them in 5 gallon buckets with stones on the bottom with a mix of peatmoss and potting soil on top of the stones. drill a bunch of holes in the bottom of the buckets to before the stones and crap. a little manure mixed in will help to but not to much. heres a trick i do on my plants to make them bushy. when they are small or you can try it now on one or two. where you see the branches come out from the stem,there is a little leaf starting to grow if you snip them the plant will grow taller and faster. on top if you snip the plant at the very top where the new growth is will make it divide. and it will grow two stems. snip off the dyeing leaves on the bottom to. they suck up water and stuff that could be used on the top of the plants. if ya need any more tips. email me at inomad88@gmail.com. nice green tumb :)
Next you're gonna tell me the Ginsu knife set doesn't really cut through a soda can.....this is depressing.... ;o)
I'm really curious about the PediPaws. Since you have a dog, could you check that out for us pet owners?!
How about a chia-pet hurley,hehe. ;)
My experience has been that the Topsy Turvy tomato planters need WAAAAAAAY more water than you would expect. Part of the problem is that, when you water, you think you've soaked it because water is running out the bottom. Design flaw. We were reduced to punching holes in the bottom of a 2 liter and letting it gradually water the plants. Better results then, until our dog ate all the green tomatoes off of the Roma plants.
Jorge, I found your blog after my kid went nuts over the Topsy Turvy infomercial. Thank you for the awesome pics - now he's asking how they can get away with lying on tv...
Like I'm hooked on your blogging now, dude. After the whole fart and more farts post... eh, who am I kidding. I'm in love with NuNu.
I found your blog while looking for reviews on this product. Thanks for not letting me waste money. I did come across this hanging pot on Amazon that looks interesting
I might try that one.
I just bought 3 of these as I thought maybe they would work since I kill everything else in a pot that I try to grow. I just planted them 2 weeks ago and have noticed no growth in my plants. I was wondering how often and how much you water yours? I was just taking the hose on low to them everyday for a few seconds. But my husband said that was to often. Then, I am noticing this orangish growth along the seems at the bottom. Did you get that? Please fill me in on your tricks, I am clueless when it comes to gardening.
dude your plants are sad, even the ones in the pots, obvious u dont know how to grow tomatoes. my topsy turvy looks awesome, has blooms and baby toms galore, and so much foliage u cant see the stems which are thicker than my thumbs.all i did was follow the directions and fertilize as directed. to others that think they are watering too much....water coming out the bottom is deceptive, a soaker or drip hose is best, gives the set up time to absorb water. you can not over water these plants
My topsy turvy tomatos are doing great. The guy who did the test probably had bad soil. I used a high quality potting mix from Home Depot and both tomatos and bell peppers are doing extremely well.
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