A blog by Jorge Garcia.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Nunu's favorite spot

Here you can see my dog's favorite spot in the living room. 
The spot may move but it's always the same. 


Heather (a.k.a. Bella) said...

Aw, he's like my cats. Congrats on moving into the new place. Hopefully there are less bugs this time. ;)

Dolphin Boy said...

Where's your favorite spot? LOL!!!

Rachel Snyder said...

Awww, nothing can melt my heart like cute pet pictures! Hope no cockroaches attack you while you sleep in the new place :-P

Hoku said...

But where is the Beatles throw? The new place looks awesome! Nunu looks very happy too! Hopefully no more centipedes here either!

mamba said...

♥♥ cuuuuute ♥♥

Nikki said...

Great room! I love the space and nothing says home like a cute little doggy sunbathing. (ok maybe a kitty, too, lol and they love to kill the buggies...) My sons dachsunds like to follow the sun as it moves over the skylights. It's funny watching them try and edge each other out as the spot shrinks, lol.
Congrats on the new place!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your new home - thanks for letting us in ;o) Your living room looks quite nice...

Jodi said...

That is so cute! She does the same thing my cat does. He'll lay there for about 2 to 3 weeks, then pick a new favorite spot.

I hope she adjusted well to the new digs. Animals probably adapt better than us.

VIVEROS said...

Hi Jorge,congratulations on your new home,hope everything turned to be allright,i have a cat(Nikita) and a dog(Kika) but why did you named your dog Nunu?
Take care see ya.

www.kate06.skyblog.com said...

Lol my cat as the same spot as your dog, on the carpet at noon ^^

Bye, Eva

Gabriella said...

Very nice!!!
He looks like my dachshund Daisy!

Kiss Gabry

nanner said...

The new place lookspretty !

Honeybell said...

Very cute! My dog is a sun seeker too.

Anonymous said...

That is my cat's fave spot as well!

Your living room looks very nice :-)

Please Type Legibly said...

Nunu's loving the spotlight! Actually, my dog camps in front of the air conditioner in the living room. Cute pic!

Unknown said...


Don't mess with a dogs spot!

iceman said...

it's that your house?
it's really cool!

Melissa Markham said...

Ahhh...basking in the sun:) Dogs are the smart ones!

Red said...

I love that your dog's name is Nunu. In my family nunu means vagina.

Topanga said...

My dog does that too. She likes to lie in the sunny place. I like to lie in the sunny place too sometimes. Especially on a cold Canadian winter day.

groovymom said...

Hi Nunu!!! I can tell you're a little sun puppy - like my 12 year old poodle. Glad you're all settling in to the new place. Nothing beats your very own patch of sunshine!

Tell your papa we said thanks for the picture!

Bethany James Leigh Shady said...

i thought her fave spot was that one spot on the rug in the lounge area where she keeps PEEING!

Alice said...

WELL! That ywould be my favorite spot too!! Sunny windows! Too bad I am at the office right now, I am envying your doggy.

Unknown said...

aww you should submit Nunu's picture to cuteoverload.com!

redelf said...

My dog Barnabas has one of those moving spots. He also has one that comes out of all the heaters too.

Poche' said...

Very cuuute :D x

kfcworker said...

place looks great jorge.. does the little guy get to come with you to the set??

Tasha Who? said...

Definitely reminds me of my cat when she would sleep atop my computer monitor... she was none too pleased when I got a flat panel.

Ralph- said...

dude, your house looks fancy.

Anonymous said...

U really Big Man who loves a so little creature, thank U for your kindness, Jorge.

Becky said...

Cute. My sun spot moves up and down my staircase...so that's where the dogs can be found!