A blog by Jorge Garcia.

Sunday, February 3, 2008


Upon returning from Milwaukee I discovered I had gained eight pounds there.

My first day back I downed a lot of greens. Because when I began to think about it, I realized that the only green vegetables I ate on my trip were the pickles that were placed on the sides of my plates. It's not that I avoided them. I just don't remember seeing anyone with a salad.

I don't want to sound gross (Who am I kidding?) but by the next morning I had "dropped" four pounds.


ZealousCease said...

Not gross at all ... Hahaha. Okay, a little gross, but at least your belt fit more loosely, haha.

Bethany said...

This post is wonderful ahahahaha.

redelf said...

My son says that all the time...about dropping pounds...nearly every single time.

Tiffany Noélli said...

Querido Jorge... Muito engraçado seu post! É uma pessoa com um ótimo bom humor! Admiro quem é assim... Aqui no Brazil nem imagina como Lost é popular, tem uma rede de relacionamento chamada "Orkut", que tem várias comunidades em sua homenagem! Todos tem uma enorme admiração por você! Se puder uma hora entre lá e veja, é esse o link: www.orkut.com Tem que fazer um rapido cadastro... Beijos e parabéns por sucesso! =)

Rasmenia said...

That's not too bad considering that you were in Wisconsin...with all of that cheese.

I'm off to lose a few pounds, now.


que-ondas said...

Wakala!!!!! yes that's gross....
But I understand u. I just found ur blog in the Latina magazine. It's great you have this. So I am imagining you are latino and speak spanish right???

SeannyD said...

First of all, you were absolutely phenomenal in your episode last Thursday. Your range from elation to sheer devastation was nothing short of brilliant, so thank you for that wonderful entertainment.

Secondly, good idea to work on those green leafies. Not that it bothers me that you're a bigger guy, I just want to see more from you long after Lost is over. And rumor has it health can get in the way of that. And I didn't find your post gross at all.

Keep up the awesome work, and hope to see more of it sooner rather than later.

(Please end, evil strike.)

Unknown said...

A little gross, but its ok !

Yu are very funny, dude hahaha.

xoxo from Brazil (:

Please Type Legibly said...

Wow, feeling like I know you a whole lot better over here, Jorge! LOL Just kidding (sort of). Life happens.

the girl with pointy sticks said...

It was the butter wasn't it?

Capmaster said...

So you're a little "fluffy" .....so what?

Loca xq sí said...

don't worry... that kind of things happens... I always come back with 2 kg (don't know how many pounds are and don't want to look for a conversion table right now) every time I have vacations...

Anonymous said...

Dude. I've lived in Milwaukee for almost 15 years. Just think about THOSE pounds adding up.

Glad you enjoyed your visit to some of our hallowed institutions: Kopp's, Solly's, the Apple Holler, Mars Cheese. Sorry you missed the Sprecher tour, though. Next time! We'll be on the lookout for you!

kookie said...

So, after doing the math, you only gained 4 pounds! In Wisconsin! That's a 'win' on your score sheet. :D

Miss T said...

Holy rabbit food! Um, but after reading the butter burger revelations, no wonder. Jorge, how do YOU spell relief? L-E-T-T-U-C-E! (me too).

Love your blog. Keeps me in stiches constantly.


Miss Scarlett said...

"I don't want to sound gross"

Of course not!

D S said...


I am doing "husband's weight watchers" which is that I follow weight watchers except when my wife isn't around. I am a "foodie" and often stop myself from asking you about Hawaiian food because, over all, I don't think it's fair to talk to you and think "food." In fact I think it's stereotypical.

However I'm going to toss this out there: I stopped eating all meat except seafood and focus on high-fiber vegetables primarily. Imagine the bounty of Hawaii without the spam? The weight watchers concept of "points" and "Zero point foods" is really killer and someone of your size probably qualifies for 30+ points a day so no loss of big old burgers, just one big old burger for lunch and for dinner a massive stir fry. I'm just sayin... ya got Ethan Suplee in the Butterfly Effect at 300+ and Ethan Suplee in My Name is Earl at about 260. He's still the same person inside and still can do the same roles. I went from 220 to 200 and I'm still neither small, nor a different person.

Radioactive Tori said...

One of the triathlons I do is right near the cheese castle. We always stop there on the way home and get tons of yummy stuff to undermine the healthy thing we did by doing the triathlon. I always seem to end up gaining weight on tirathlon weekends.

Orel said...

Hi, Jorge!

Excuse my english level.

I'm a Spanish guy who likes a lot your character (Hugo, Hurley) at LOST.

I see that you tasted root beer... Do you know the videogame "The Secret of Monkey Island"?
I love it, and the root beer is very important on that game.

It's very "freak" to see you with the root beer (in Spain we don't know that drink).

Don't worry about dropping pounds... 8 pounds is not too much. Only a few weeks of normal regime and it will be fixed.

( Do you speak spanish? )

Congratulations for your blog!!!

Deneph said...


Anonymous said...

My mom and I are obsessed with LOST and you have always been one of our favorites. Then she found your blog and freaked out. We both grew up in Milwaukee but the family moved to Baton Rouge in 2002-2004. So reading your blog made us both teary-eyed. Neither of us have been back for a visit since we left! The only thing you missed was a trip to Miller Park. And ComedySportz (great comedy club I worked at in high school). Thank you for the EXCELLENT BLOG!! You've made my day!

Anonymous said...

Gee...only 8 pounds? couldn't be the hamburger smothered in butter and suasages made to look like beer bottles?...no,surely not.

Seriously though...8 pounds just means that much more for us fans to love!

Jose Mexico said...
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Jose Mexico said...

At least it wasn't a deuce.

Get it...Deuce...what the deuce?

RyanMaureen said...

the last time i was in milwaukee the outfits i brought for the end of the trip no longer fit me. and i was there for 4 days. :) but you can't beat beer and cheese. or rootbeer and ice cream... man i love milwaukee.

Anonymous said...

I can go days without veggies...such a shame SOMETIMES they are good :)

Rocky (Racquel) said...

LOL gross, but funny :-)

Chase Squires said...

So I just had a thought, next red carpet-type event you head to, you need to pull up in a blue and while VW van ...

I know, I have these great thoughts all the time, weird, isn't it! :-)

gdahimself said...

The amazing relationship we have food. We tend to eat what like more than what should with a propensity for indulgence.

My and too many people's health would benefit by being about fifty pounds less.

I, one of the guilty, should be eating a greater variety of foods for a more balanced array of minerials & nutriments, and in more modest amounts.

But not all the time that would boring.

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