The dough that so many of you said looked like the rats got into it, was actually a fennel raisin almond dough.

It was my most labor intensive ( I had to candy and juice the fennel) but I really loved the flavor.
Hands down my greatest toast. And check out the green color it has from the fennel juice.

Considering your girlfriends reaction to the rats. Was making "Rat Dropping" bread the wisest thing to do??
I can just see the CNN or TMZ headline already.
"Lost Actor Hurt Today" after his girlfriend knocked him unconscious with a loaf of bread!! :D
one for your book on bakery
Title suggestions??
In a word: Yum!!!!!!!!
that's one serious bread :)
You've almost got me wanting to start baking my own bread again.
And I thought that my 'earth mother' days were long gone!!
oh man..i bet that does make good it would make good french toast too..
Were you watching the 'Stand' and get inspired by Mother-Abigale or something. I only mention it because I was, but I haven't attempted baking my own bread yet.
Jorge, que pinta mas rica tiene ese pan. Eres un fenómeno debe de estar riquísimo. Un saludo.
The first picture scares me. I would totally believe that a rat pooped on that! The second picture, though, looks pretty appetizing. Now I'm hungry :(
Oh, wow, I tried the very same recipe (It's from the Jim Lahey book, isn't it?). The juicer REALLY protested at the fennel, but maybe you have a more powerful one. the bread was excellent, but later I tried the carrot bread, which was WAY nicer - addictive almost! For my second loaf, I changed the seeds on top to caraway seeds. Just wonderful!
That looks delicious! I'll take rat dropping bread anytime!
Looks like a healthy combination of bread and love!
RECIPE, PLEASE!! How could post a photo of that toast and not post the recipe?! I can't wait to try it.
Looks incredible, leave me some
I never thought that I would say this about anything with the words "Rat Dropping" in the title, but that looks really good!
I made that for St Patty's day one year. Not the labor intensive version, there's an easier one. I bet yours tasted yummier :)
You might want to rethink the name of this bread Jorge. Other than the name it looks tasty. :-)
I'll trade you two sheep and a lumber card for a piece of that!
You will soon have the time to write a cookbook, right?
That looks really complicated to make and really delicious!
That looks pretty tasty for excrement of rat!
I don't really see the green your talking about. Maybe I do, I don't know. It's subtle.
I would like to nom.
Here in Delaware we had the "Three Little Bakers" who were 3 brothers that were acrobats/bakers/dinner theatre owners. They baked beautiful breads into shapes of animals, teddy bears, etc. Can you bake us a bread in the shape of an animal and we will try and guess the animal?
That looks awesome! How long did it take you to prepare?
I bow to your bread making abilities. You are the master.
That looks yummy.
Looks a bit like the middle of a Hot-X-Bun!
looks delish. fyi Voltron is being featured at -sorry if u have gotten this already
Now THAT looks good!
I may have to go back to see what brand of bread maker you got and which recipe book that came from.
I have been trying to do away with the crap in the store with a gazillion ingredients on the label, and stick to the more natural stuff. This would help do that.
That looks amazing!
Must have been a five star hotel.
I thought those were olives...but fennel, raisins, almonds sounds outrageous.
Looks good when sliced!
Aloha Jorge, It's your cake for Easter???! Happy easter!!! =)
There, in Hawaii, you celebrate this great holiday?
I make something for Nunu!(in my last post)
I probably had rat droppings in my bread, and hoped it was fennel. Love anything that tastes like anisette- love it love it love it. (rat poop not included). ot- we got in seven new rats this week and we're shooting a TV show for Showtime this week. ;)
Will you be baking "presents " for the cast and crew of L O S T, when you have party?
That is some beautiful bread.
That is one awesome looking loaf of bread. And that slice of toast just made me drool! Hmmmmm I'm thinking of homemade marmalade preserves and Fennel raisin bread!! Yum!
Oh, NICE Jorge. Was that title really necessary?! LOL
the bread looks fantastic! I'm not a huge raisin fan, but I would try that for sure!
I'm planning to make some traditional Easter bread in the next few days. We try to spread out our celebrating for 50 days (the liturgical season) so I don't feel too guilty that I didn't get it done for Easter Sunday. :)
Here's one recipe!
it trully looks delicious! fennel huh? i'd have never thought of that!
i do like bread with olives inside but i guess it's pretty simple compared to that!
Forget the LOST podcast, how about a podcast and blog based on your cooking exploits?
looks fabulous!
after LOST i am thinking you and Beth should open up some sort of "bakery" here in san francisco!
(wink wink)
Hey Jorge have you seen TY's latest LOST posters, they are brilliant just like his last ones:
WoW!!! X:-)
Ooh I love your bread that you've been making. I just make simple yeast rolls at work and they are such fun to make. Quick question, kinda doubting that you'll answer, but how do you feel about all the commercials during LOST this season?! It seems like it's far more than any other season. It's driving me crazy.
Amazing job!
My dad used to make stinging nettle bread so I had green sammiches every day in middle school. Not as cool as when you're an adult, let me tell you...
So that looks totally delicious!! You should call that bread "Geode bread"...because it's like a geode...rugged looking outside, but inside full of treasures! :-)
P.S. I think you're the bomb-diggity!
Ummmm...well yes...I don`t know how to say it in English...but I mean that dan ganas de darle un buen bite :P
Looks delish, rat droppings and all. Just my kinda bread : D
Okay, jealous now...
That looks ridiculously amazing!
But where's the recipe? When you get back to LA Trader Joe's has this great Fruit an Nut bread (think it's made by La Brea Bakery) it's usually by the French baguettes.
Uhhmmmm... pan de pasas, riiiiico
Hi there my name is Alexandra Domingues I'm from Portugal in Europe but I'm currently living in Utah. Just thought of droping a word to express my appreciation for your character in Lost but also and above all for your true character that is so simply expressed in your blog...congratulations on being the type of person you are...
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