A blog by Jorge Garcia.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Boy do I feel dumb

When we were in Maui we stopped in on this "Doggy Boutique" type of store and I found this this t-shirt:
I thought "Wow! That was fast!" Later I learned it's a different Jacob.


Unknown said...

I like your meaning much better

A said...

I haven't laughed so hard in a while! Isn't it strange how we always laugh at the expense of someone else?

JohnLeMay said...

That's funny.

blaqbird said...

Awesome. They should make a Team Flocke or Team Lockeness Monster....

Anonymous said...

hahahaha that's really funny

Jennifer said...

Haha, that is funny. But you can pretend.

Ninja said...

Hugo has a blog! Yey! I love you Hugo!

Janelle said...

Sure, it's a different Jacob, but I've been throwing around "Team Jacob" while referring to Lost most of this season. Too bad everyone would get confused if I started wearing a shirt.

James Hernandez said...


Hold out for 'Team MIB.'

Anonymous said...

If this were Facebook, I'd press "Like." :)

Eduardo Guize said...

Lost Jacob can kick his ass any time.

Anonymous said...

That particular shirt may have been Twilight, but there have been Team Jacob items over in the Lost section of CafePress since at least like January. Just an fyi. ;-)

Karen said...

LOL, that's priceless!

Zindy S. D. Nielsen said...

That's cute!:D Definitely a different Jacob ;)

Unknown said...

haha i'm glad you thought it was the right Jacob! boo Twilight!

The Scotts said...

It's ok, DH and I watched the new Twilight the other day and after words he said he felt sorry for Jacob. I thought for a second and asked "why, because he's dead?" then he said no the Jacob in the movie we JUST watched.

korawrsully. said...

Hahaha thats awesome!!!!!!!

GuinGuin said...

Wishful thinking! ha ha

Rebecca said...

When I hear "Team Jacob" I always think of LOST. But I'm not a twihard. ;)

Anonymous said...

The Smoke Monster's name better not be Edward.

TheHappyHomemaker said...

hmmmmmm. I had to look it up myself. The other dude is "Jacob BLACK"! Verhrly Interesting.

yellowdoggranny said...


Kelly said...

That's hilarious! I would have thought the same thing.

Tara said...

Hahahahaha! You're the last person not aware of the Twilight craze. I guess that is a good thing. =) I going to go buy a Team Jacob shirt and tell everyone it's a Lost shirt and act offended when they say otherwise. Tehe.

Unknown said...

lol, thats cute!

kaci jo said...

hilarious! I think I have mistakingly fallen for that too.

Erin said...

LOL! Good ol' Twilight... Though there are several "Team Jacob" goodies in the CafePress LOST portal. I don't care if the LOST fans stole it from the Twilight fans; our Jacob is better!

UrbanExpressions said...

LOL that's great.

Siv B. said...

I like your team Jacob better

Unknown said...

LOL... I'm surprised people haven't started doing that for Lost yet!

Linda Jividen said...

The teenage Twilighters have absconded the sacred name, & with the screams of starstruck girls, vanished into the jungle. Curse them! :)

AtomBlonde said...

Don't worry, man. There's only one Jacob in my world, too. (and he doesn't shed.)

Rich said...

I can just picture your little dog running around the house with his "Team Jacob" tee.

tiffibug said...

Don't feel dumb. I didn't think you'd be a Twihard fan.

mrs.mao said...

Who is the Jacob it refers to?

Erin Murray said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Özer said...

Is there any other Jacob??

Angela Rynan said...

Well, did you buy one? I would have. If you aren't done on set yet, that'd be a cool gift to give to your castmates, wouldn't it? :)

Sara said...

Hysterical! Yea, not the same Jacob, but still cool.

Kevin said...

They should totally make "Team Jacob" & "Team Smokie" shirts for LOST. Those would rule.

Roman said...

I'd like to believe it's the "Lost" Jacob and the other one never existed.

Sarah said...

love it!!!!

no man in black t's, huh?

crunchyveganwifelife said...

Well, you are in Hawaii!!!! LOL that is too funny! I support Jacob though, on LOST, but twillight, I am an Edward fan! Giggle

Jennifer said...

I like your interpretation more than whatever that shirt really means. I love that Nunu is on Team Jacob.

Alysia said...

I'm in a Facebook group/fan page thing called Team Jacob (from Lost). He's definitely better than a werewolf. :)

Anonymous said...

Hahhahaahahhahhaah! Aww!
Stupid Twilight.. I was in target and saw a "team Jacob" shirt and was like YESS! then I saw the " team Edward " shirt.. UGHH.

a. said...

LOL... took me a second to realize what you meant

At least be glad you didn't wear it outside and get weird looks from people

We need Team Jacob/Team MIB shirts

Rodrigo said...

Same thing happened to me when I was watching the Emmys last year - NPH's opening song said something about "Team Jacob", but unfortunately it was THE OTHER Jacob. :(

Anonymous said...

Come on! Don't feel dumb! Its DOG clothes for tween/twihards, right? It is weird, though, but not as weird as those goats...

Tonia Azevedo said...

It could still work for LOST if we found out that the Man in Black's name is Edward...

www.kate06.skyblog.com said...

ahaha don't tell me you haven't watch Twilight ;)

jump said...

LOL That would have been awesome!

Julie said...

It's okay. I try to forget that Twilight exists just about every day.. So I would have thought the same thing!

gs said...

i love it!

Alisha Rene' said...

aw Jorge - not a Twilight fan? LOL

it's ok, one of my friends had a 'Team Jacob' shirt made for herself with a nifty quote from 'the incident' her other friends thought it WAS Twilight related. Just can't win sometimes :P

Free Range Chick said...

That's too funny. I'm rooting for your Team Jacob.

Unknown said...

lol that's awesome. I have unfortunately made the same mistake, my friend.

Angela Rynan Durrell said...

Bet it's the Twilight series' Jacob. Still works, though. All y'all need are a few vampires on that show to really screw with our heads before you go off air...;)

JoanieLSpeak said...

I would buy a Team Black Smoke shirt any day. In fact, I think I will now get some screen printed because, man, that is awesome.

However, maybe it should be Team Fake Locke or Team Flocke.

Anonymous said...

Ha! The same thing happened to me in a store yesterday. Once I realized my error I was tempted to buy the shirt anyway, but managed to restrain myself.

Alexandra Robles said...

So this means Jacob is the good guy in the end, and there are no twists... cause you´re like proud to be in his team... right?

rachel garber said...

There actually are "Team Jacob" shirts out there with the foot of the statue and other Lost pictures on them. I'm totally buying one to show the twihard fans there is room for more than one Jacob in the world!

Lara said...

I'm not a big fan of the Twilight series, but my friends and I have appropriated "Team Jacob" for our LOST geekery. We're thinking we might even silkscreen some shirts for the finale. :)

Mare said...


I'm right there with you brother, in my world there is only ONE Jacob

and I missed this funny post on my birthday too!

Mariely said...

Team Jacob.

Haha! I got my boyfriend a LOST birthday themed cake!! We're both big fans!


Tammy said...

That is funny! Im sure Nunu would like it just the same. Who says it can't be good Jacob, not evil (I forget his name-because I don't like him).

Chris Lemanz said...

"Team Jacob".... Nice!!! i like it!!!!

Anonymous said...

The only true Vampire is Blacula!
Go team Blacula!

minivan soapbox said...

Unfortunately, about a year ago, I didn't catch my mistake until after buying the t-shirt. My friend said "Oh, I didn't realize you were a Twilight fan"...and I was all "huh?" - This is about Lost you dummy!

Movie Star Wife said...


Lynn Faruque said...

Cafe Press has one!! Reyes #8/Team Jacob.

I bought one, Bub.


Lynn Faruque said...


Check it out~~

cathescomicz said...

uhm--- lol I want team hurley! we have friends here from the UK- with a 14 year old who spent her entire vegas visit hunting twilight stuff, horrified that I hadn't ever seen them

Unknown said...

ha! same exact thing happened to me two weeks ago. My sister(LOST fan like me) told me that for her birthday she got team jacob t-shirt from her husband(LOST hater) So I thought thats considerate and I was dying to see it because I was expecting Mark Pelegrino's mug on it or something like that, and then I saw it and felt really really stupid.

nollyposh said...


Athira said...

ROFL!!! That is sooo funny! I'm still LOL-ing out here!

Zeenat said...

I had to wait for the comments to be published to realize who "Jacob" is! Just go ahead and buy the shirt for Nunu. People will assume its Lost Jacob by association. :-)

Tammy said...

HideLost : Dude, Hurley’s got a plan - find out what it is tonight at 9|8c on ABC in a new episode titled “Everybody loves Hugo”. While you’re patiently waiting, we’re curious, why do you love Hurley?
10 minutes ago · Comment ·LikeUnlike
{ABC's LOST FB Page!-I can't wait, finally, I hope you have some answers.} Via Tammy's FB Page-

James said...

Dumb right there with ya, Jorge!

Marlene said...

HAHA. so funny! i love you! :P

Max said...

Put a smile on, your character Centric episode premieres tonight!

Anonymous said...

Jorge! Did I just see Nunu on Lost???? That's awesome!

The Dutchess of Kickball said...

Did I just see Nunu on LOST?

Michelle McCrary said...

Just saw your doggy in the new episode! How cute!

tiffibug said...

Dude, Did I just see Nunu in a pic on LOST?

The Ferber Family said...

Awww! Nunu just made an appearance on lost! How cool!! :)

Debbie LJ said...

There's only one Jacob that matters.

Unknown said...

AMAZING job tonight!!!! Definitely in my top 3 of the season!!

Unknown said...

Was Nunu in the opening scene of Lost tonight?

Emily said...

I watched tonight's episode with some friends, and when the picture with you and a chihuahua came up I shouted "Oh my god that's his real dog!!" They think I'm strange, but really I'm just a huge fan. Nice cameo :)

Chelsea said...

OMG, your dog was in tonight's episode!

AtomBlonde said...

NUNU!!! On TV!!! Sorry, but I got so excited! :)

Chrissy Conklin said...

Hey, was that Nunu in the pic in the opening slideshow thingy in tonight's ep?

Also... AWESOME! I sat in the exact same spot at Mr. Clucks that Hurley was sitting in today! And by Mrs. Clucks, I mean Popeyes!

Sara said...

Great Episode tonight....I <3 Hugo!

Don't want to spoil it for everyone, but I want to say that I loved the end of Hugo's "alternate world" story line and thought you were great in the episode!

Matt said...

Maybe Demon Locke's real name is Edward?

Poisoned Angel said...

It was great seeing NUNU's guest appearance on LOST this week.... such a little cutie!


Scubidu said...

was that really your dog on lost tonight? coooool! i think my Lola would love your Nunu.

take care, great episode!

All about the forensics said...

Was that Nunu with you in the picture from the episode tonight?

Dr Mum said...

Nunu should have rocked up in it for her cameo in "everyone loves hurley"!

nollyposh said...

Hey Jorge, i sEE Nunu is the newest ~Lost~ member Tee! Hee! i guess everyone deserves their 15mins of fame (as Andy Warhol said) only 14.58 seconds to go Nunu! X:-)

Looby_Loo said...

Haha I'd have made the same mistake!! I definitely prefer the Lost meaning. Also, did I spy Nunu at the beginning of Lost this week??? Lucky dog.

jmruef said...

Lost's Jacob is the first thing I thought of too. I want to see Twilight just to see what Cedric Diggory looks like as a vampire, but...I agree w/ the poster who said they'd make really cool cast gifts. :)

BTW, did I see Nunu on last night's episode?

heather said...

speaking of dogs we know and love...


in that one pic? yawning?

i pointed at the tv and yelled, aaand now my husband thinks i'm a crazy lady.


Crow said...

At least there's no Edward on Lost... I think? Because then that would be very confusing!

Maria said...

Was that Nunu I saw in Hurley's award show photo montage last night?

Nellie said...

Jacob, those were the most adorable kid photo's , I pledge not to send a shower cap but terrific idea none the less,Subliminal message from Jacob nes pas? or maybe not just T shirt.

Unknown said...

I absolutely LOVED your episode last night. It was moving and you were brilliant as always. I'll be sad when you no longer play Hugo, but I am really excited to see what you do next. This new assertive side to Hurley shows how versatile you are and shows how he as a character has changed throughout the series.

Anonymous said...

Nunu was on last night's episode!! She's a star! :)

Galkafisher said...

i feel so sad about Ilanna :/

beloved30 said...

I loved Nunu's cameo on last nights LOST! I cracked up!

Director said...

Did I see Nunu on Lost last night? There was a slideshow of photos of Hurley in the opening sequence, and in one he was holding a dog that looked a great deal like Jorge Garcia's...

kathyeffingjacobs said...

Was that Nunu in last night's episode, or was I just seeing things?

And when are you going to explain about the braids? Nosey minds need to know.

Lbeck said...

speaking of dogs... was that a Nunu cameo in last night's episode during the slide show at the award dinner that Hugo attended?

Pam said...

Too funny!!!

Cordelia Naismith Dumakae said...

I've just wach last episode and saw Nunu! She's a start! Great cameo, and great episode. I hope we'll see more about this "alternative" Hugo.
Even if the T-shirt is no for the Jacob of Lost I would buy one, nobody can prove who Jacob is, isn't it?

Baldur said...

Love how you brought your dog into LOST. Luvya, brutha.

Unknown said...

LMAO!! It took me a minute... but too funny!

joy said...

I have never seen Twilight, but I have NEVER missed an episode of LOST!

There is only one Jacob in my book :o)

Unknown said...

Hi,LOST is nominated at the film festival at Monte-Carlo
do you know if actors and actress of lost will come to this festival?

My musings said...

BIG fan of the podcast. Thanks to you guys, I am now considered a lunatic on the tram because I'm the only one laughing like a maniac while listening to you guys on the IPod!

Also, the kiddie Jacob is nothing compared to the Island Jacob!

ra8chie said...

oh geez...haha :) great stuff...keep it coming, hugo.

Christine said...

I am so wrapped up in Lost that Twilight didn't even cross my mind until I read the comments. I just immediately assumed it was about Lost. Silly Twilight people.

The Lady of the House said...
