Last weekend we escaped to Maui for a couple of days.

One of the places we visited was the Surfing Goat Dairy.

As you would expect they had goats.

And lots of them .

If you take the tour you can even feed them. We didn't take the tour.

But we did see a lot of kids.

No children just kids. (As in baby goats.)

This guy kept pushing his head into my hand. I think he missed his mommy's milk.

Then I thought he wanted to lick my leg.

But as it turned out he was only interested in my pants.

Jorge! you're wearing the left coast toe shoes that I have heard about forever but have never seen (in pictures or in real life). How about an expose on them for a east coast suburbaner?
Nice shoes! I have those too :)
Jorge, what are your favorite places in Kauai I am going there this summer, got any tips?
O thats cool i like the kids, ive never seen any goats in real life , but i guess thats cause its not any goats in Va
Tell me about how you like your crazy shoes! I have been thinking about getting some. Are they comfy?
hhahaha i love goats
Those are some interesting shoes you're wearing there. What are they?
awwww what adorable baby kids!
I see you have those "FiveFingers" sneakers - are they really as comfortable as they claim to be?
So sweet pictures Jorge!
Love the little goat:)
you've got those cool shoes!!! been thinking of getting pair myself for running - how do you like them????
aw, kid goats ♥
Dude, those shoes rock! One question, how do they get the goats to stay up on the surfboards?
Are you wearing FiveFingers? I *love* them!
They are too adorable!
You're the only person other than me who has that color Vibram's! Awesome!
Hi! I like your shoes, where i can buy ones?
wow so cute!
these goats are so funny and nice!
you look very happy with them.
cute pics and you ;)
You should have bought a goat! They make wonderful pets. No kidding.
Jorge how do you like your Vibram Five Finger shoes? I am debating getting some. Thanks
Your sandals. What are they called?
Oh mylanta. Those kids are way too cute! Thanks for making me smile!
: ) P
Hola Jorge,
Que lugar mas bonito el Surfing Goat Dairy. A ese cabritillo seguro que el color verde de tu pantalón le ha recordado al verde de la hierba y por eso te lo estaba mordiendo. Unas fotos realmente entrañables. Un saludo.
Were these the kind that faint? They sure looked cute. By the way, did they show them surfing?
Very cool. Do they make/sell goat milk soap there? Have you ever tried goat milk soap?
(Hehe, yes, I do make and sell my own goat milk soap and would love to send you some, Jorge!)
I notice you have some sweet 'shoes' on, we've been thinking of getting some, where did you get yours (kailua? online?) and what do you think of them?
That baby goat is so adorable!
Jorge, your shoes look uncomfortable. I couldn't stand that between my toes.
awwww cute little baby goats!
I like the name of the dairy too
Was the little guy for sale? Maybe Nunu would like a new friend : )
P.S. Cool footwear.
Ahhhhhh!!!! Cuteness overload!!! :D
How cute! He thought you were his mommy. :-)
The post says "As you would expect they had goats."; but, actually, I was expecting the goats to be surfing. I think you kinda got ripped off, man. ;-)
How did you not take that little baby goat home with you? So cute! Thanks for sharing.
What are your shoes? They look kind of like Vibram Five Fingers (which I adore), but not quite the same...
How precious! My friend Mia is heading to Hawaii - she will love this place I think. I would just like some goat cheese.
How will you ever live anywhere else?
Cuteness overload!
Awesome. What's up with their heads though. I don't know goats but are they getting cut off?
I very much enjoy your travel entries-hope you've got some great vacation plans cooking up!
Looked like the kid was droolin over the FiveFingers. Are they comfy or hot n sweaty?
Great pictures Jorge! I was in Maui this time last year and I miss it a LOT.
Also, are those Vibram Five Finger shoes you've got on?
AWWW. Those babies are super adorable.
what? you got out of there without beth adopting a kid?...
so cute. I want a goat . mmm goat cheese and a natural lawn mower.. haha
That good place to go... I loved goatlings babies!!! You are very affectionate with animals... Quality I admire very. Many kisses =)
Jorge, how do you like the barefoot shoes?
Love the goats.
Goats... Hmmmmmm... Didn't STARE at any of them, did you? :)
Those kids are adorable! However, I don't know enough about kids/goats to know if the horns have not yet grown in or if they were cut off. The tops of their heads are freaking me out a little bit.
SQUEE! Those "kids" are mighty cute! Even attempting to eat your pants :P
Nice shoes. What are they?
Do you have Vibram shoes?
Forget the pants, tell us about those shoes......
Hey, now I'm curious about your VFFs. Since you've given some awesome product reviews in the past - what do you think of them? How do you like them? Recommend?
And aren't baby goats the CUTEST things?! (Well, next to certain lil' black chihuahuas, at least?)
Oh my, this reminds me of how much my Mom wanted a "fainting" goat. Your pix are way too cute.
Dear Jorge,
I used to enjoy your blog, but as someone who was attacked by goats at a petting zoo as a child I'm not not so sure anymore. I was not attacked by one or two, but the entire herd of goats at the zoo!!! They bit me and stampeded me to the point that I had hoof prints and teeth marks from head to toe. I finally broke free with tears streaming down my face. Running to my mothers arms only to find her laughing hysterically like it was the funniest thing in the world. So to that I say Thank you. Yes this actually happened, and I will continue to read your blog.
Absolutely adorable. And what a clever name -- Surfing Goat! What images it brings up! Thanks for the photos.
Daawww Goats and their creepy creepy eyes.
That's crazy Double Dad. when I was little a goat ate my ticket. It was one of those all access tickets that you wore. I had mine around a belt loop and I watched the goat eat the entire thing off.
I am a little disappointed. I think your headline was a teaser. I want to see a surfing goat dude!
Yay for five fingers!
Woah... your sandals are awesome!
well... those are some interesting looking shoes~~
OMG!!! I LOVE goats! They have such cool personalities!!
I have 5 pair of VFF myself. You are now even cooler in my book.
Love Surfing Goat Dairy - it's one of my favorite places to hit when we go to Maui.
big ups five fingers!
I luv the shoes too - I got mine a couple of months ago and wear them all the time - played golf, racquetball, shopped til I dropped(with these, I'll never drop - my feet never tire!) Haven't tried playing tennis - going to try next time and see; stay tuned.
There's a zoo here where a whole section is just a goat petting zoo. Endless fun.
I don't know, I'm thinking he was more interested in your toe shoes!!
Vibram Fivefinger are actually from the east coast.
Jorge, love the VFF's. I have the blue cammo pattern, I love them.
i buy it!
hey jorge!
you are awesome and you rock! i'm such a Lost fan!
i think you would be great on The Office too!
ah, the beloved five go-to shoe since last august when i got a couple of pairs. i hate wearing shoes, and these just feel fantastic on my flat feet! this is the first i've seen of anyone else wearing them! i have them in black (gorilla) and brown (sasquatch)
love ya,
matthew sweet (singer,
It looks like there is a lot of demand here for you to review your FiveFingers. I came here to ask how you liked them since I'm thinking about getting a pair, but now I see this is in no way an original comment...
Don't know if anyone commented on the Vibram FF shoes, but I have some and they are fantastic for running, kickbox, step, etc.! I wear them for everything! Has Mr. Garcia chimed in yet? Haven't been able to get through all of the posts!
So cool you guys were visiting Maui, wish I could of bumped into you during your visit..I bet you were staying in the B&B in Kula, right down the street from me...thanks for posting the surfing goat pics, cool to see my home from a different perspective...Aloha!
Thanks for posting all the pics!
I hadn't heard about this place yet... after browsing their site, and reading up on them on TripAdvisor (granted, some of the reviews aren't exactly glowing... but there are also a lot of people who really liked it!), I think we'll try to include it on our next trip to Maui!
I have a couple of toddlers who will enjoy seeing the goats, and I will enjoy tasting their cheeses! YUM! :)
P.S. I just have to say that I'm a huge fan of Lost! :) I'll be sad to see the series end this year!
I notice you have some sweet 'shoes' on, we've been thinking of getting some, where did you get yours (kailua? online?) and what do you think of them? tours on wailea
Great info! I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don’t know what to say except that I have. limousine maui
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