This picture was taken just as I was starting a race. (She was my starting block.)
P.S. A lot of you have been asking where Beth got that dress. She got it at Disneyland in the Pirates of the Caribbean gift shop. If she could, she would buy all of her clothes there.
Look's like you have a fly in your foot man!!!
Love your tattoo, I'm not a tattooey kind of person but I wouldn't mind a small one (and I like spiders).
luv the peg leg!
Beth looks like Debra Winger ("Urban Cowboy"/"Terms of Endearment" era.
Hi ya all
You two are the best, give me a giggle every day you post. These days we need all the humor we can get, SI?
So nice to be the first comment, that is if you approve of me.
Sad news that there will be no LOST episode next week. How can the network do this to use loyal fans? booo hooooooooooo
Love you three,
Tell Beth her dress is cool!
Love the dress!
Too cute! And it does match her dress!
You rebels, you.
Did Java(awesome name) get her face painted . . . butterfly perhaps.
Java is my most favourtist coffee.
Dying to hear about your lastish WET scene.!!!!
dude, you rock. i had no idea you have a blog and i'm totally down with the baking thing.
nice spidey tattoo. you should think about getting it done permenant ;)
Your tatoo is the best! Will be Awesome if you could to use this lie with spider in Lost!!! Yohooo! :)
you put that bug right up her arse! that's not right! ;P
You make me laugh so much.Do stand up after Lost.
did you get the fly tattoed on your foot?
I had a 8 ball tattoed on my left boobie..then as i got older and things started going south my 8 ball started to look like a pool stick...so removed it.
Hi -- I stopped by after following a link on a vegan cookbook site. My husband is a huge Lost fan but my question pertains to the glasses frames in this picture -- would you mind sharing the maker/name of the frames, if you recall them?
Thank you for your show, by the way. My husband is a huge fan! ~Cee~
Be honest! You actually stepped in a dog dirt and wanted to wipe it off. However, I have been told that discretion is the better part of valour! Arghhh she'll make you walk the plank :P
P.S. Love how Beth's dress
Beth....I know you've heard this before and I'm sure you hate it, but you are just so dang cute!! And I'm a totally straight female! No funny business intended! I'm sure it was love at first sight when Jorge met you - this adorable woman with a great sense of humor. He was a goner!
Hilarious as always Jorge! Can you please ask Beth where she got her awesome dress? I love it!! And I'm a tomboy usually who hates dresses..so that's saying something! ;)
Awesome! Thanks for letting us know! Beth has great taste, I would love to buy all my clothes there too!! Hahaha.. =D
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