A blog by Jorge Garcia.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Throwing My Hat in the Ring

Folks. There's a new Lost Podcast in town.
Check it out here:


Ralph- said...

Welcome to the party pal!
Haven't listened to it yet, but i will on the ride home!

edina said...

Loved it and look forward to your future podcasts - thanks!

Diane said...

I listened to it about an hour ago. You two are great! I like the insight you bring. Hope you didn't "stain" yourselves.

Angie D said...

This is great! I look forward to more each week.

Sarah said...

What an amazing name for a podcast!

Anonymous said...

Dude, we're listening right now! It's neat to hear your take on it. :o) Thanks for making our Tuesday nights great!

Unknown said...

I gotta go listen to it! Just wanted to give you a congrats on an amazing premiere and I can't wait to see the rest of the season!!! :)

Kerry said...

Fantastic to listen to! Thanks! :-)

James Hernandez said...


I'll give that a listen.

Cassie Hill said...

LOVE the podcast. It's all the rave. I've told my Lost Community Group :) Can't wait for more! Thanks Jorge and Beth!

Lee Bretschneider said...

Hey dude! I made this valentine's day card today.


Thanks for helping create such a lovable character!

Jacki said...

How fun! You definitely do have a unique perspective on things. Great idea, can't wait to listen to the future episodes!

ArtforLife42 said...

thanks to this, i found Beth's other blog From Hal...I love her sense of humor and writing, you guys are so perfect together, and I don't think you'll ever stop having fun. :)

Malea said...

Hal-ay-freakin'-lu-yah! I was thinkin' this was another lame JJ ending finale build up(Alias)...Duh, the plane/LA time and the island time doesn't have to be AT the same time. I can roll with that. You guys are cool. Keep the sidekick, she knows her stuff.

Unknown said...

Jorge! This is awesome - Can't wait to hear it!!


jennY said...

wha-what!! That is so awesome!! I love hearing your perspectives and i am only 10 minutes in! Seriously cant wait to here more!! :)

Unknown said...

Who lost the last 5 minutes of the last lost podcast? Who knows? They probably fell through the hatch.

On another note. I liked when Locke said, "They didn't lose your father they lost a body."

Tresjolie9 said...

Trying to listen to it, but it only works in one speaker on my computer :-(

Paul Spooner said...


I'm really going to have to buy a TV and watch Lost one of these days... you can get it on DVD right?

Anonymous said...

Mahalo! That was AWESOME!! Can't wait to hear more!

Karen said...

The dynamic duo...loved the podcast Jorge and Beth!!

kaci jo said...

Check out my cake I made for the Lost premier party...It is nothing like the Ace of Cakes one though


Capmaster said...

I think you did a good job on the podcast once you got over the "mike fright" ("ummm ...ummmm") :D Seriously, you did a better job than I could have, Jorge!

Just how exciting is it for you seeing each new script, being among the "unwashed" (Matthew being the only actor who knows the whole play-out of season 6), not knowing if your character is going to be lunch for the Locke Monster?

Kelley said...

I think Lost cupcakes are better than a Lost podcast. Here you have 10 kinds of Lost cupcakes:


Hope you're well!

Deb said...

Fun podcast! I didn't think I was confused, but now I am! LOL

Deb in Maine

Amber said...

Totally unrelated, but a friend sent this to me today. Thought you'd like to see it if you haven't already.


Great episode by the way - freaking out about this season!

Jules said...

Found it on twitter. Thanks for the great information and entertainment!

V'ger said...

Great stuff guys!
Referring to Desmond you (Beth) say, "why was he on the plane?" "why is he wearing a suit?"
Then, under your breath, you (Jorge) say "I don't know","apparently he has an office job now".
and that's just the beginning.
Thanks for the laughs guys.
Looking forward to your next.
-"who brings a book into a cave, anyway"?

LindseyWatts said...

haha. that cover is great. also, tues. episode was insane!

Unknown said...

I want that image on a shirt or something...it's hilarious!

James Hernandez said...


I liked it! Jorge and Beths podcast may be better then Damon and Carlton's podcast.

Faul said...

Gonna listen to it!!


Dr Mum said...

Jorge I wonder if you have finished your contract with L O S T now?
How does it feel?

jadickens said...

OMG, Jorge and Beth. Please for the love of all that is holy, continue this podcast!!! I LOVE the banter and Beth represents all of us who have questions. CARRY ON!

reAnimated said...

Can't wait to hear more. Way to keep it real.

Elizabeth said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! Keep up the podcasts! They are as addicting as the show!

Anita ♥ said...

i love yo harley , you are the best !

Staci said...

I loved listening to you two. The stuff about Jack's stinky beard made me laugh out loud. Since it was on my zune, the kids had no idea what I was laughing about and thought, "Mama's lost it." Keep up the good work. Can't wait for the next episode.

Bad_Robot said...

Loved the podcast Jorge. Can't wait to hear more of you two.


Mary Etta and Renee said...

Love your blog, love "Lost", sad it is the last season....Hurley and Sawyer Rule! The two best characters/actors on the whole show!

Carla said...

I didn't know you had a blog! This is great. I loved the season premiere btw.

Cassie Hill said...

Jorge and Beth,

Why did the smoke monster cross the road?

To get to the Others' side.


jennY said...

Jorge i think you waved at me on the beach today during your photo shoot! Thanks sooo much! :)

Rocket Science Mom said...

Jorge, you are so awesome, I'd subscribe to an podcast you did on just about anything. Just subscribed.

Hurley wearing a red shirt in LA X parts one and two is making me crazy! :)

Miss Scarlett said...

'givin' a shout out to the redshiiiirts'
made me snort coffee!

I would've been singing the Doors End myself...my only friend, the end...the Apocalypse Now version is more in keeping with the LOST theme. :-p

Looking forward to your next podcast...in how few hours now??
Loving Tuesdays all of a sudden!

katie said...

Loved the podcast, great perspectives! I also enjoy the weekly video blogs from- oddly enough- sports commentator Al Trautwig. He has a pretty unique perspective on the show too, so it's always a good listen! Check it out!

Chris said...

Great podcast. How long do you plan to do it? I could listen to you tell stories every week!