A blog by Jorge Garcia.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Yes. We headed to higher ground.

We took the dog and headed to Ken and Nancy's up the hill. Now we're just waiting for the water to rise in a couple of hours.


Lisa-Maladylis said...

good, I was starting to worry about you and Beth. I know you don't know me from a hole in the wall but we all do worry ! Hope your all fine when this is over and you don't loose anything and no one gets hurt.

S.K. said...

Hope you all are fine. Be safe!!!

Jyar said...

Glad you are on high ground. Good luck and much aloha from NYC.

Colleen said...

We're glad that you guys are safe!

Batnu said...

Stay safe

Unknown said...

Yes Jorge I just read. Please I hope you and Beth and Nunu stay safe. Prayers are with you all. Here's also hoping this doesn't absolutely annihilate any of the production sets that the crew has taken so much time and effort to build.

Unknown said...

That sucks. Hope that everybody there in Hawaii is fine.

Unknown said...

Stay safe guys

mr-hobo said...

Good Luck!

NotSoBadLit said...

Be safe, all of you. My thoughts are with you all. Best of luck.


Archie said...

I hope you all, including the LOST crew, will be safe!

NS said...

Thank God.

melissa said...

Thinking of everyone in Hawaii; I hope this turns out to be nothing after all. I hope you and your loved ones stay safe and dry up there!

Martina G said...

Oh my god! When I heard this before today I could not belive it! Just hoping everthing will be fine for you all. Keep us updated and take care! Puss och kram Martina/ sweden

2Losties said...

I thought of all of you out there when I heard the news. Please please please take care and keep us posted on things.

Melleah said...

Stay safe!

Jason said...

Stay safe, Jorge!

Annette Lesak said...

Be safe--we're thinking about Hawaii here on the mainland.

mMm said...

You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Unknown said...

Glad you posted. I hope everyone will be okay over there and that there was plenty of warning.

Stay dry!

Anonymous said...

Is Nunu scared? Be safe, Jorge!

Unknown said...

I've been checking your blog for the past few hours hoping for a post. Stay safe!

Meghann said...

Stay safe, and I hope there's not much, if any, damage!

Paul Spooner said...

I hope you are all ok...

(on a side note- the verification code for this comment is 'Pusee' I kid you not!)

Deb said...

Stay safe. Take pictures. Stay safe. Can you swim?

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear you're on higher ground--please post when you can to let us know how things are going! You're all in my thoughts and prayers!

Michelangelo said...

Be safe!

James Hernandez said...


Geez if the stock market were open I would suggest buying shares of a surf board company. Surfs up Dude! :P

Sheila said...

Prayers go out to you and cast and crew of LOST and also to the residents of Hawaii!! Be safe!

annebeth said...

My thoughts are with you, I hope nothing bad will happen to you and your loved ones!

Chad VanCollins said...

Be careful sir, be safe

Unknown said...

I'm happy to hear that! Hope you and everyone else will be okay!

Unknown said...

Glad to hear it. I hope everyone will be ok!

Annabella said...

Glad to hear it! I was thinking about all of you..... Take care!

Toni Wilson said...

Be safe and dry! namaste!

Alphaman said...

O.o Flooded? Hope you two (and Nunu) are ok!

drallabg said...

Good luck to you guys! I remember once a wave of inches when it was predicted to be much higher. Better safe than sorry.....aloha...Gary

Anonymous said...

Hopefully, you'll be unaffected, but it's worth being safe. Let us know once you're back and safe.

Chrissy Conklin said...

just be safe, dude.

Unknown said...

Stay safe guys!

Mommycosm said...

Stay safe, Jorge! You'll be in my thoughts. Very scary.

tanside said...

We're all hoping it's nothing too serious, crazy!

patcat59 said...

Stay safe and dry.

goalie*mom said...

So glad to hear it. Be safe.

elevatordance said...

Be safe guys!

Unknown said...

That is so good to hear. Please keep everyone updated on the status of Hawaii. Stay safe!

Farmer Diddley said...

Good luck!!! I hope everything turns out ok.

Anonymous said...

so glad you guys are safe! :)

idgamez-2-U said...

as i mentioned on twitter, your in our thoughts, and hope the damage is not as bad as expected. i am watching the live streams both on the internet and cnn here in the UK. thinkl it is going to hit within the next few mins. hope you are getting some pics of all this for your blogs. good luck to everyone on the islands

BostonDan said...

Glad you're all safe and sound.

Unknown said...

Stay safe! Keep us up to date on your safety and the safety of others in Hawaii

Malea said...

I'm watching right now, I hope everything turns out just fine for everyone!

Clare said...

Stay safe!

Anonymous said...

Godspeed, sir. Hope your garden makes it through!

Marni said...

thinking about you guys... stay safe

Emma said...

I got really worried when I heard about this. Hawaii has a very special place in my heart and I hope and pray this will all pass without causing any problems.

Good to hear you, Beth and Nunu have headed to higher ground!

J. said...

Stay safe, Jorge. I'm praying for you, the other Lost actors and all people in Hawaii.

Miss Heather said...

Be safe, Jorge. Thoughts and good karma coming your way!

andy aviña said...

eitt!! un saludo y a cuidarse con eso del tsunami

Anonymous said...

Be safe Jorge!

Lady Hermione said...

Stay safe!!!!

Boyhowdy said...

I live up on the hill by Momilani Elementary School in Pearl City, and a bunch of folks from the lowlands have congregated in the parking lot. Looks like we dodged a bullet...the worst seems to be over. Don't need this island to submerge, right?

JoanLovesLost said...

Take care Jorge! I have family in Maui, waiting to hear how they are doing.

B3 said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with you and the people of Hawaii and Chile... Hope everyone makes it out of it okay.

Marina said...

Jorge I hope all is well and in a few hours past the danger there in Hawaii. I am Marina from Argentina, the quake was also felt in my country but in Chile has been tough.
A big hug and a kiss for Beth and for you.

Emerald said...

Stay safe and away from the shore!

Hopefully you will not get "rat visitors" that are going to higher ground, too. Just joking...but you never know. Have the video camera ready...lol!

Unknown said...

Best wishes from Italy, Jorge! Hope you all will be fine.
Keep us updated!

Michael Dines said...

Stay dry, good sir and madam.

Erin said...

Wishing you all the best!!

PoNCh said...

Hope everything turns out ok. Keep us posted, Jorge. Mucha suerte.

Mandi said...

Glad to hear all are well. :)

Brendan said...

best of luck you guys. hope your home and garden stays safe and dry.

snuffly said...

be safe you guys!

mabochda said...

I was wondering if you guys were OK. I have a friend that lives in Hawaii also. The news said you dodged the bullet. I hope so. I'd stay on higher ground just in case an after shock sends another round.

Tom said...

Hope it doesn't rise too much. Don't want it so wash the set away as well as you guys!

InFluEnza said...

Hope that you and your family are alright, and that minimal property damage was sustained.

Unknown said...

Expert: `We dodged a bullet'
An official at the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said Hawaii "dodged a bullet".

I guess you can take that red shirt off now. : )

Prayers going up in Jesus name.

Just Jocelyn said...

Well, I for one, am glad. And now wondering how many hours ago that was (if it posted @ Hawaii time), and how you're doing now?!? All I'm hearing on the East Coast is a near 200-person death toll in Chile... :(

Jen said...

Be Safe. Sending my wishes and prayers to Hawaii and to Chile.

Anonymous said...

I hear that things are a-okay over there so far. Glad to hear my favorite cast isn't going to get in even more island trouble.

Unknown said...

I really hope to hear you back very soon, Jorge.. at the opposite side of the world, where I am, the tv announced something about an alarm in Hawaii.. I don't know anything more, but I'll be thinking of you and all the ones who are with you..

Jules said...

I hope you're safe. The tsunami can't be a good thing. I'm also hoping that your gardening is safe... what else can we look forward to if not for your tomatoes!!??

Unknown said...

DUDE! Be safe riding out the waves. Hope everything and one is ok.

Unknown said...

Well, those of us here in the middle of the mainland (Colorado) are hearing that the waves were not as bad as those predicted. Thrilled to know you all were spared catastrophe... Still very sad about Chile.
Take care, and be safe. :)

yellowdoggranny said...

I've been watching the news wondering if it would effect you guys or the shooting of the show..
when I lived there 100 years ago..we had a flood and remember riding my bike around and the water was up past my knees..thought it was so cool.

Jyar said...

glad you are ok!
looks like the island kinda got rickrolled with the panic. oh well better safe than sorry

feelisgood said...

Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Me too I am still here. I was out taking photographs in Waikiki when the siren went off. I ended up staying in the Trump Hotel for two hours. They were very nice and I had a pretty view of the ocean. I am still here! lol

I hope everyone one else is safe too.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that the water rose only a bit for you guys. For those who are upset on a wasted day, better safe than sorry. Plus, it makes an incredible story for the grand kids one day! :)

jadickens said...

Stay dry Jorge and Beth!

Matt Allen Photography said...

hope things are uneventful for you... stay dry!

GGR said...

Hey Jorge, do you have family in Chile?

Shannon said...

I thought of you today when I heard the warning, it's cool you let people know all was safe

comfies said...

good. keep us posted!

Anonymous said...

Glad it passed without a tsunami hitting...happy to hear you are safe!

Jennifer said...

hope nothing bad happens. Good luck!

Rachel Brown said...

Hope you and your loved ones are all staying safe.

toysruskid said...

Wow. Glad you guys are ok. That's the most important thing. But I also hope your house makes it through ok.

Jessie Rayot said...

Glad you are safe...
...did you know your pic was on SNL tonight?

kerenl said...

keep safe

JohnLeMay said...

Hey, maybe it'll drown the rats! No more worries for beth.

Marina said...

It's early in Argentina, I saw on the news that there is no tsunami warning in Hawaii. Hopefully that all goes well. Now I can go to sleep in peace -
Bye Jorge lots of hugs, take care of Beth and Nunu.

Barracuda said...

I hope you, Beth, your friend, and your family are well.
I pray for all so that everything is fine

Dharma Scientist said...

Hope you are safe, as well as all the staff and cast of Lost.

Unknown said...

My thoughts from Italy is for you all. I'm glad to hear you're fine.
Are you still high ground? Keep us updated.

Sue said...

Wow - glad to hear you moved to higher ground, but even gladder that the water did not get as high as it could have! It was so weird sitting in front of the TV watching and waiting!

My sweet nightmare said...

Write soon in the blog and say us that everything it's OK!!!!!
Lots of kisses for you guys from Spain! and a lick for little Nunu!!


Dr Mum said...

Hope the Black Rock doesnt get washed into your veg garden!

Leslie Meza said...

hello hugo

I'm from Chile! it has been terrible. I hope you are well.- greetings from here -

gubbubble, said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Hola Jorge, espero que esteis todos bien. Cuidate mucho, y muchos buenos deseos para todos desde España.

Anonymous said...

Stay safe Jorge, Beth and Nunu! *hugs*

Unknown said...

I'm from chile, from the north. Hope you be ok and keep reccording =D

i've hear ur dad lives here on concepcion, r u gonna come here sometime?

Saludos desde chile jorge.

lyly ford said...

I'm glad you, Beth and Nunu are safe and also all your others friends. I thought a lot of people in hawaii those hours
take care of you Jorge !

Anonymous said...

Hope you'll be OK!!!! Be save, Love you both :)

Chompers said...

Double whammy. I hope all your Chilean peeps are OK. We heard from all of our people in Santiago--everyone was good.

Tammy said...

Glad that you are ok :)
This world of ours is starting to scare me!

Unknown said...

Hey Jorge!!!
Sorry to hear that our earthquake affected Hawaii!
Thanks God I'm alive and you too! Hope the rest of the crew are safed too! And thank you all people who prayed for my country Chile!
We are very devasted. We have been waiting for this earthquake 25 years! I have 2 earthquakes in my body and the last one... was the longest horrible 2 minutes from all my life! Take care and FUERZA CHILE!!!!!

cathescomicz said...

Hoping the fishing is better in the bay now... Friends were on the Pearl Harbor Memorial- stationed- and had to stay their ground in case there was to be any recovery efforts made there. Dara said she has a surf board as part of her rescue equipment but was bummed she couldn't even get a single curl- I was just glad everyone was okay!

Alex Páez Syll said...

Hi Jorge.

Have you seen this?


Saludos desde Chile.
